I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Liz is full of apologies but……….

“eh, eeehhh………..”

As the carriage I was in turned the corner and entered the Academy dorms, I witnessed Liz waiting at the gates, completely prostrating before me.

The hell is going on now?

“Li-Liz? What’s going on!?!”

Reaching the gate, I jumped out of the carriage and hurriedly picked her back up but, she refused to raise her head back up………

“………Lord Rudy, you had intentionally chosen not to create your own faction, to the point where you even refused the offer of support from the Andersen family as well.”

“uh, yeah………?”

“And yet, in my bout of selfishness, I forced you into doing the same anyway. I am fully aware that this is not something that can be forgiven with just a mere apology but still, I’m truly, very, very sorry….!”

Ah………Liz, she was really that worried about it all huh.

Feeling a bit perplexed, I turned my gaze towards Maya who was standing behind her in waiting.

“……….Since you headed out to see Queen Alicia all by yourself, Lady Lizbeth is fully convinced that you must be terribly angry with her actions and has been depressed ever since.”

Melodramatically acting, Maya wiped fake tears off the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief.

Seriously, nobody asked for such theatrics.

“Ahaha, I’m not really angry at all. And besides, the reason why I went to meet Queen Alicia alone didn’t have any deeper reasoning behind it either.”


“In fact, let alone be angry, I was extremely happy to see Liz’s kindness in trying to help Lady Christel like that. The need to make a faction was nothing but a necessary result of that and nothing more.”


Finally Liz raised her head back up, and taking this chance, I quickly picked her back up to her feet.

“C’mon now, such a look doesn’t suit you at all. You should always be smiling, and making me happy.”

“Lo-lord Rudyyy…….!!”

Ahh seriously, seeing Liz trying to form a smile while also at the verge of breaking out in tears, made her look just so unbearable cute.

If Sheila was here, she’d definitely become like a squirrel chomping down on a full baguette.

“There’s a bunch I need to report to you as well Liz. Maya, sorry but can you prepare a room for us.”

“Understood. It’ll be done asap.”

Maya gave a deep bow, and quickly entered the dorms to get to work.

“Come, we should go inside as well. I’d definitely like to hear what all happened while you were waiting here for me as well.”

“au………..uh, yes…………”

Taking Liz’s hand who still had a worried look on her face, we entered the dorms.



“………And so, now I am definitely going to be supporting Brother Fredrik from here onwards.”

I explained what all happened during both my meeting with Queen Alicia and my chat with Fredrik to Liz.

I need to explain all this to Marquis Fahlcrantz later on as well, and I would have to talk with Count Andersen and ask for her support and backing as well.

Though it’d be a bit awkward to ask all that, after refusing her once already.

“I see, so all that happened huh………”

Holding the teacup in her hands, Liz cast down her eyes.

“I understand that Prince Rudolf has decided to fully commit to being part of Prince Fredrik’s faction but, if that’s the case, Prince Oscar’s camp will not take this quietly either. Until now, we haven’t done anything too conspicuous so Prince Oscar had also not done anything more than an little aggressive soliciting but……”

“Now is indeed the time to act Maya. Besides, after the incident at the student council, me and Brother Oscar already have a divide between us.”

“That’s true but still…….”

And the fact that even Fredrik was cautious of the darkness within Oscar.

I don’t know how deep rooted his hatred is but, we need to be cautious regardless.

Above all……..I have to avoid anything that may bring danger to Liz no matter what.

“That’s how it is so, we need to be at maximum vigilance against both Prince Oscar as well as Wilhelm from here onwards. Maya………I’m counting on you.”

“Please leave it all to me. We’ll catch every morsel of info at the earliest and have it delivered to you instantly my prince.”

Maya knelt on one knee, and bowed her head.

“Lord Rudy……….I am the cause behind all this, this time. So please, and I say this knowing I don’t have the qualification to ask such a thing now but, well……….are you really okay with all this…….?”

Liz’s aquamarine eyes peeked at my face.

If right now I said [I don’t want to make my faction after all!], I’m sure that Liz will take back her offer to Christel even if she had to fully prostrate to apologize for it.

That’s just how honest, straightforward, and responsible this girl always was.

“Of course. Also……..now that things have turned this way, we pretty much need my own faction to keep myself, you Liz, and also Maya safe in the future.”

Now that Oscar has deemed me a clear cut enemy, I’ll need to gather my own strength as well.

For that purpose, not only do I need my own personal faction, I’ll also have to start coordinating and cooperating with Queen Alicia and Fredrik as well.

Without strength, I cannot protect the woman I love.

And I, the scorned, despised bastard fourth prince knew that better that anyone else. Painfully so.

“And that’s how it is so, if anything I should be thanking you Liz for giving me an excuse and an opportunity to do this.”

“Ah……..seriously, you always find a way to pamper me like that……..”

“Of course I do. It is my special privilege to do so, as your one and only beloved fiancé after all.”

Seeing Liz trying her best to hold back her tears, I flashed a wide smile as I answered.

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