I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Christel, Officially Recruited (And Sheila too)

“Ehehe, now I’m also officially part of Prince Rudolf’s faction so, I will get to observe Lady Lizbeth from the best box seat right?”

The person saying such nonsense was of course, Sheila.

Just so you know, we were currently seated at the terrace of the Academy so I don’t think you should be drooling like that with such a slovenly face, you know?

“W-which means, we are all technically officially part of Prince Fredrik’s faction right?”

“Pretty much. But, just to be clear we only have a cooperative relationship and nothing more. So, when Fredrik gains the right to the throne, our rewards will also reflect that as well I think.”

Seeing Christel seemingly trying to get gauge my words, I spoke the answer she’d be most interested in hearing.

After all, to the Svensson family who have fallen quite behind on things, getting even a little bit of guarantee in regards to their status and position for the future was basically a matter of life and death.

“From the bottom of my heart………please allow me to offer my deepest apologies for all the discourtesy I threw at you that time……..”

Christel gave a deep and respectful bow towards me.

Seriously, how many times has she done this already…….

“Neither me nor Liz care about it anymore. If anything, Liz is actually very happy that you actually broke away from Wilhelm. Isn’t that right?”

“auau………Lord Rudy, you don’t need to put it in such a straightforward manner, do you…….?”

My Liz was looking all embarrassed. How cute.

“Haaaaaah………not even two baguettes will be enough today…..!!”

……..Let’s just ignore Sheila though.

“Speaking of, and I know that this is far too late to be asking this but, why exactly did you take Wilhelm’s side back then, that too so ostentatiously?”


She seemed to struggle to say it out loud for a moment, before Lady Christel slowly began to explain.

Apparently, on the day of the entrance ceremony, Wilhelm had apparently offered his family’s backing to the Svensson family.

The Svensson family may be a earl household but they weren’t exactly very affluent, and with Robin joining Oscar’s side, they realized that their position may become very shaky in the future so the Svensson family decided to accept Wilhelm’s……..or rather, Svalier family’s support as a result.

Since then, acting upon the requests of Wilhelm, she would sometimes intentionally incite other noble girls, and had basically become responsible with the task to make sure that Wilhelm’s status in the close rose as high as possible.

“…….but with the news that Wilhelm had joined hands with Prince Oscar, and with Prince Robin imprisoned indefinitely, I was feeling completely lost, fearing what awaited us in the future when suddenly I recalled Lady Lizbeth’s warning, and began to doubt if it really was okay to continue on like this.”


“But, even after all the rudeness and abuse I had hurled on to you both, Lady Lizbeth still reached out her hand with kindness. Seriously…….truly, it made me extremely happy……!”

A single tear flowed down Christel’s cheek, and splashed on the table.

“Miss Christel……….”

Liz gazed at Christel with worry in her eyes.

But………I understood why Wilhelm was able to gain so much popularity so soon after entering the academy.

But it was all fake. All he did was buy out the young ladies with mere lip service and false promises.

I have a feeling it wasn’t just Christel but there were probably other young ladies of similarly troubled noble households as well that he brought to his side like that.

Whether it be the case with Liz, and now this. Seriously, how did this guy become a Hero?

I wanted to find and wrangle the idiot that wrote the [War Records of Wilhelm].

“Lord Rudy, that man’s deeds, they cannot be forgiven. If it’s like these, we need to properly teach him a lesson.”

“Yeah, we do.”

“haaaaah……….to take such offence over something that happened to someone else, Lady Lizbeth really is the best…….!”

“Lady Sheila can you shut up for one minute, please?”

Unable to tolerate her nonsense any further, I rebuked Sheila.

Even though I had sworn to myself that I would continue to ignore it all because I know pointing it out will only make things more annoying for me. Goddamnit.

“*sniff*………Prince Rudolf, Lady Lizbeth, if it’s for your sake, I am ready to do anything! So please, do not hesitate to use me as you may wish!”

Putting her hand to her chest, Christel made an entreaty.

While I was thankful for her feelings, she was a tad too enthusiastic …..or rather, heavy.

“I-in that case, Lady Christel alongside Lady Sheila, can you two investigate what’s the current attitude of the other girls in our class? I’m sure there are at least a couple others who may be getting deceived like this by Wilhelm, so if you find them, please inform me.”

“Understood! Leave it to me!!”

Christel leaned over with enthusiasm, and showed her renewed vigour.

I-it should be fine……..right?

“A-as for you Lady Sheila, um, just make sure that Lady Christel doesn’t go too overboard okay?”

“ehehe, of course………..wait, ohhhhhhh!!”

When I whispered so to herm suddenly Lady Sheila eyes began to sparkle from excitement over something.

W-wait, it couldn’t be!?


As expected, my dear Liz was getting jealous seeing me get close to some other girl and was pouting in displeasure. Simply adorable.

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