I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 281 Dance Like A Fool, Kill Like A Maniac (2)

Chapter 281 Dance Like A Fool, Kill Like A Maniac (2)

The black sky roared over the continent of Nirvana. It wasn't anything new, the undead preferred living in a cold and humid environment. Thus they created artificial rainstorms to keep themselves in the best conditions.

However, even as the skies roared overhead, they couldn't stop a lady's footsteps from echoing in the empty halls of the ruined castle. Her jet black hair was drenched from rushing all around the city in the rain. Even as the hairs stuck to her ashen face, they couldn't stop the anger from overflowing.

Her people had failed her, and now she had to report it all to someone whom she had only heard tales of. Someone whom she thought only existed in myths. But to her and all of Nirvana's surprise... the man was more than just a myth.

"My lord I bring news-"

"Calm your tits. I already know what you're about to tell me."

A giant of a man walked out of the shadows, turning his gaze away from the lady and out of the window. The room was completely shrouded in darkness and whatever bit of light broke through the darkness came from the window.

Aella tried not to stare at the man but couldn't help herself. After all, the one in front of her was a living legend. The more she looked at him, the more she realised he was nothing like the stories described him.

He wasn't a crazed giant who killed anything in front of him, but a sensible man. He did have some artificial improvements in his body. Including an arm completely made out of metal and an artificial eye. Unlike the stories, he wasn't bald but had blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail.

All in all, their lord wasn't as they had thought him to be. If it wasn't for his signature abilities, they would have thought he was an intruder their four-armed 'gods' had warned them about. But the man proved his strength which left them no choice but to acknowledge the person as...

"Also, please stop with this lord nonsense." The man turned and smiled at Aella, "The name is Frank, and you should address me with that."

"As you wish, Lord Frankens- I meant Frank." Aella corrected her mistake.

"So, you failed to stop them?"

Aella quietly nodded her head. She tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth. This wasn't how she imagined her first meeting with their progenitor would go. But now thanks to her father's idiotic advisors, she now had to face Lord Frankenstein with nothing but shame.

"It's a shame." Frank shook his head, "Shame that I won't be able to punish them myself."

"I would dispatch the soldiers as soon as possible. I swear on my father's life, I will bring them here if it's the last thing I do."

"I have no doubt, but don't get me wrong. By the time you reach there, they would already be dead."

Frank once again turned his back towards Aella, "He wouldn't let them live. At least, if he's as capable as I have heard."


"Someone whom I have been interested in for quite a while now." Frank smiled, "I believe you people refer to him as the strongest mutant alive."

Aella was confused. How did Frank know about the one with the name Ashton Fenrir? Did he arrive in Nirvana merely days ago? Or was he somewhere else before? Was it possible he had been on the planet for longer than they believed?

More than that, why was he smiling? The undead had technically waged a war against the world and there he was smiling like he couldn't care less about anyone but Ashton.

After a moment of silence, Frank spoke once again.

"Could you get me access to this kingdom... what it was called..."


"Yes. I want you to get me access to there. Officially. I don't wanna just get there and destroy whatever semblance of order they have left there."

"Are you going to get involved in the matter going on there-"

"Don't be ridiculous. If I get involved, this petty thing you call a 'war' would be over in a matter of seconds." Frank chuckled, "I'm just going to observe from afar. Get to see if the man I have heard so many praises of, is even worthy enough or not."

"I-I'll make arrangements right away." Aella paid him her respect and was about to walk out when Frank called her back.

"Just to make sure we're on the same page," Frank's smiling face suddenly turned grim, "You wouldn't mind if I got rid of a few nuisances in the vicinity, would you?"

"I-I don't understand..."

Suddenly, Frank jumped out of the window into the streets. his departure was followed by the screams of countless people. The only thing was... no one was supposed to be there. Especially at that time of the day.

Frank reappeared just as fast as he had disappeared. Only this time, he was carrying over a dozen corpses with him.

"Do you recognise anyone?" Frank asked, placing the corpses in front of Aella.

She looked at them but couldn't recognise them. However, there was something about these undead... it could be they belonged to some other factions. They probably belonged to Gehenna. The continent south of Nirvana.

Gehenna was the continent that approached Nirvana with 'corpsification' gas. Only later it was discovered they had been in contact with the 'gods'. Which made Nirvana and Gehenna set their differences aside and work together to take the world.

Aella was against the idea from the beginning, but only when Frank appeared, did she get the courage to openly oppose their plan. However, it was too late. Servina and Leo had already been dispatched by her father to execute the will of the Gods.

Thankfully, Frank couldn't care less about their idiotic schemes. Honestly, Aella felt Frank didn't care about them in the least. He was there for Ashton Fenrir and nothing else.

"I don't know them." She replied.

"Fair enough." Frank proceeded to ignore her and take out some sort of hand-held device from his inventory, "Dracula, Lycaon, if you get this message then get your asses back on earth. Shit's about to get real here."

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