I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 282 Dance Like A Fool, Kill Like A Maniac (3)

Chapter 282 Dance Like A Fool, Kill Like A Maniac (3)

"I can't believe it..." Virgil sunk deeper in his chair.

"I know, I felt the same when I got to know about it." Ashton replied.

"No shit." Fae scoffed in disbelief.

He had just informed them about the undead's true purpose behind the attack. Along with who was the actual culprit behind everything. Their reaction was like he had expected... only it was a bit more dramatic.

If it was undead, they could fight and defeat them on equal footing... but going against an intergalactic species? That was something that struck a nerve. Especially since they weren't aware that these 'gods' were mortal beings similar to them.

After all, most of them had a mindset that Xyrans were gods. Even then, they weren't far from the truth. They might not be literal gods, but they certainly were some god-like creatures. Thankfully, their opponent was going to be that strong, even if they had an advantage over them.

After chatting with Astaroth, Ashton was sure they could deal with the Giholos... some of them at the minimum. At least people of Livan would, as for the rest of the world... Ashton wasn't so sure about it.

Hell, if they weren't able to defend against a surprise attack from the undead, how the fuck were they planning to survive an alien invasion? Just thinking about it made his head throb uncontrollably.

"So it was all because an alien race got bored and decide to play around a bit?" Verina asked the question running through everyone's heads.

Ashton nodded, "It's only a speculation but judging how these Giholos operate, they are most likely looking for new playthings for themselves."

"That's ridiculous!" Irina lashed out, "How could they do something like this-"

"This isn't the first time you know." Ashton immediately cut her off, "The last time someone pull a stunt like that, the humans left the planet. Maybe, it's a karmic cycle for us to face."

Everyone got silent after Ashton mentioned it. Not because they didn't want to argue with him, but because they knew he was correct. No matter what kind of powers these 'administrators' had over them, in the end, they were aliens who interfered with the world of humans.

Now someone else was planning to do the same to them. The Karmic cycle was coming to a close.

[I see you didn't say it's a karmic cycle for 'you', but us.]

'What's the point of denying it? I'm no longer human. Nothing's going to change that. Also, I'm better off this way. I don't want to keep confusing myself as human when I have grown so comfortable being something I used to despise.'

[Ah... the boy grew up again. What are you doing to my heart!?]

'My heart.'

[You mean, our heart.]

Ashton ignored Astaroth's drama-filled voice and averted his focus on the task at hand. The look on the faces of his subordinates frustrated him. Their powerlessness... their defeated looks... nothing pissed him off more than watching them like this. Especially after everything they had been through together.

The reason behind it was simple. They knew the battle ahead of them was one they might not win. Their battle with humans ended up regressing their knowledge and technology.

Although they could use the portals, drones and satellites left behind by the humans, the mutants never had any desire to expand beyond the limits achieved by the humans.

They had spacecrafts left by humans. But the thing was... after a century of neglect they were nothing more than rustbuckets. Even if they could be repaired, Ashton doubted mere having a dozen or so spacecrafts would be enough to fend off an entire armada.

[You know, the Giholos aren't that strong. It's just that the earthlings were too busy fighting amongst themselves that they forgot how to co-exist in harmony and progress together.]

'What do you mean?'

[The internal fights and conflicts exist in every civilization. But how they handle those conflicts matters the most. Some talk it out, some fight it out, and some handle it in the worst way possible. They do nothing but hold a grudge or some shit.]

[What happened on earth was similar to the third case. The undead despised both werewolves and vampires. While the vampires and werewolves despised each other. Yet rather than doing something about it, y'all decide to keep quiet and not do anything. The mutants thought by not addressing the conflict they were doing the world well. But it was the opposite.]

'I think I get what you're saying. Inactivity is slow death or something, right?'

[Mm-hmm. But don't think it ain't the same for the Giholos. Rather than fighting with other species, they decide to fight within their own. Their males might obey the females, but that doesn't mean there's no resentment between them.]

That was all Astaroth had to say for Ashton to take the hint. The Giholos were aware of the problems the species had between themselves and decided to exploit them. Since they were 'foreigners' they wouldn't expect the enemy to know more about them and so the same to them.

Hence they were unafraid of the earthlings using their tactics of 'divide and conquer' on themselves. However, since Astaroth was on their side, their plans of remaining anonymous were in tatters.

'So all I need to do is turn the males against the females. Is that it?'

[Well, that should give you an advantage over them. That's for sure. Do I need to spell the rest out for you?]

'No, you don't.' Ashton smiled, 'I know quite a few candidates who can exploit the horniness of the Giholo males.'

It was a cheap trick but it was also an unexpected attack. An attack no one could prepare against even if they knew it was coming. As long as Ashton managed to distract the males, the female Giholos would be left unattended.

The rest of them would then deal with the females with ease. A simple, yet effective plan. At least in theory. However, it would take a lot of preparations for the plan to actually come to fruition.

'The only thing is, how to I get Anna to train her powers?'

[Dance like fools, kill like maniacs.]


[Oh, nothing. It's a phrase we used to address the Giholos with.]

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