I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 575 One Step Closer To Evolution (2)

Chapter 575 One Step Closer To Evolution (2)

Ashton's gaze shifted to the lifeless body of the baby Drakonian lying amidst the remnants of its fallen kin. It stirred something within him—a glimmer of compassion and curiosity. His mind raced with possibilities, and he felt compelled to take a different approach.

"No need to touch the little one," Ashton called out, his voice filled with conviction. "Leave the baby Drakonian as it is, as I have another plan for it."

His summoned creatures exchanged curious glances but trusted in their master's judgment. They stepped back from the small, motionless beast, giving Ashton space to work.

With a focused expression, Ashton extended his hand towards the baby Drakonian's lifeless form. He tapped into the depths of his necromantic powers, drawing upon the ancient magic that coursed through his veins. A dark aura enveloped him as his power surged.

Whispers of incantations left his lips, invoking the ancient rituals of resurrection. With his fingertips, he wove intricate patterns in the air, channelling his energy into the creature before him.

The space reverberated with the echoes of his incantations, creating an eerie atmosphere.

Slowly, the baby Drakonian's body began to twitch. It gasped for air, its eyes fluttering open with a mixture of confusion and anger. It took in its surroundings, its gaze fixating on Ashton with an intense ferocity.

Everyone else backed away, but Ashton stood his ground, meeting the creature's fiery glare with unwavering determination. He extended a hand towards it, his voice filled with a calm yet commanding tone.

"Easy now. I am not your enemy. I gave you another chance at life and am here to guide you."

The baby Drakonian let out a guttural growl, its scaled body coiling in anticipation. It launched itself at Ashton with startling speed, claws extended, and fangs bared. The attack was swift and relentless, fueled by the creature's confusion and rage.

Ashton's reflexes kicked in, honed by countless battles and years of training. He sidestepped the oncoming assault with fluid grace, narrowly evading the lethal strike. He refused to fight back, knowing that violence would only exacerbate the creature's anger.

With a calm but commanding presence, Ashton continued to speak to the baby Drakonian, his voice unwavering amidst the chaos of the battle.

"I understand your anger. But I offer you something more—a chance to forge a new path, away from the violence and hatred that consumed your kin."

The baby Drakonian paused momentarily, its eyes locking with Ashton's. There was a flicker of recognition—a spark of curiosity amidst the turmoil of its emotions. It hesitated, seemingly torn between its instinctual rage and the possibility of a different future.

Ashton extended his hand again, this time offering a gesture of trust. "Join me, and together, we can find a way to coexist. Your strength can be tempered, guided towards a purpose greater than blind destruction."

The baby Drakonian's demeanour shifted. Its body relaxed, and its aggressive stance softened. It cautiously approached Ashton, curiosity now mingling with wariness. It sniffed at his outstretched hand, the tension in the air palpable.

With a steady touch, Ashton made contact with the creature, his energy intertwining with its own. He sensed its thoughts and emotions, a maelstrom of anger, confusion, and a glimmer of longing for something more.

In that moment, Ashton's powers of persuasion and connection to the necromantic arts melded. He whispered words of reassurance, planting seeds of trust within the baby Drakonian's mind.

Gradually, its aggression subsided, and a sense of understanding replaced its initial fury. The baby Drakonian allowed Ashton to guide it, their connection deepening with each passing moment. Together, they forged a bond—a fragile alliance that held the promise of a different fate.

As the rest of Ashton's summoned creatures observed the unfolding scene, their initial wariness gave way to curiosity and acceptance. They recognised the power of their master's abilities and respected his decision to take a different path.

With the baby Drakonian now tamed and its aggression subsided, Ashton gently ran his hand over its scaled head, eliciting a low, rumbling purr from the creature. He could sense the bond forming between them, a connection that transcended their differences.

Anna watched the scene unfold, her expression serene. This was not the first time she had witnessed Ashton's ability to resurrect and tame creatures. Over time, she understood the depths of his powers and the compassion that guided his actions.

Otiga and Kass, who had been observing the scene with astonishment, couldn't contain their surprise any longer. They approached Ashton cautiously, their expressions a mix of disbelief and curiosity.

Kass, her curiosity piqued, leaned in closer. "But what made you choose to resurrect this Drakonian? For all we know, it could go berserk at any chosen moment, and we'd be helpless to do anything."

Ashton's expression turned thoughtful. "Indeed, Drakonians have a fearsome reputation. But that's what makes them so valuable."

Anna nodded while the others kept looking at what Ashton had to say next.

"I believe there's potential for this Drakonian to be a valuable ally," he said softly, his voice laced with satisfaction and hope. "With time and training, it could become a powerful asset to our cause. Especially if the Cult has some creature like it for themselves."

"That's true. With Aegis for defence and this Drakonian for offence, it'd certainly be difficult for anyone to last long against you!" Otiga's eyes widened with realisation.

Ashton nodded, his gaze never leaving the tamed Drakonian as it nuzzled against his hand. "That's the plan."

The tamed Drakonian purred contentedly, its eyes reflecting a newfound sense of peace. Ashton's touch seemed to calm the creature, soothing its inner turmoil and opening the door to a future untainted by unnecessary violence.

"This Drakonian deserves a new name—a symbol of its rebirth and the path it now walks alongside us." Ashton turned to his companions. "Unfortunately, I'm out of ideas..."

"How about Ember?" Anna suggested. "A name that represents the fiery spirit within the creature and you."

"That's a great idea!" Ashton proclaimed, his voice carrying a sense of reverence. "From this day forth, you shall be known as Ember. Do you like it?"

Ember blinked its large, reptilian eyes, seemingly acknowledging the new name with a subtle flick of its tail. Ember emitted a soft, rumbling sound as if in agreement.

Its violent nature now tamed, it recognised Ashton as its guide, willingly embarking on this new journey of redemption and purpose.

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