I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 576 One Step Closer To Evolution (3)

Chapter 576 One Step Closer To Evolution (3)

As the scene unfolded with Ember, Ashton noticed a tinge of sadness in the eyes of Drakon, his loyal summoned undead Chimaera.

The creature had faithfully stood by his side throughout their battles, and Ashton couldn't help but empathise with its desire for growth and strength.

"Don't worry, little guy," he said. "I have not forgotten my promise yet."

With a warm smile, Ashton raised his hand, signalling the skeletal warriors to halt their scavenging. The sound of clattering bones ceased, and an eerie stillness settled over the battlefield.

"Drakon," Ashton addressed his summon, his voice filled with understanding. "I see the longing in your eyes, the hunger for power. I won't deny you the opportunity to evolve and become stronger. Take what you need from the fallen Drakonian. But don't take too much. Everyone else needs some as well."

Drakon's skeletal form shuddered with a mixture of anticipation and gratitude. Its skeletal wings unfolded, casting a shadow over the scorched earth.

With graceful steps, it approached the lifeless body of the adult Drakonian, which had been torn to shreds, its hollow sockets fixed on the available resources.

Everyone watched Drakon as he went around in circles around the scavenged goods. But Ashton was especially interested in what Drakon had in his mind.

Ashton watched with fascination and excitement as Drakon examined the fallen creature. The undead Chimaera's skeletal claws delicately sifted through the scales, its bony talons gliding over the leathery skin.

It was searching for specific components, driven by a keen instinct for its own metamorphosis.

After a few moments of contemplation, Drakon's clawed finger pointed at a cluster of vibrant scales along the Drakonian's spine. They shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, hinting at their potential power.

Ashton nodded approvingly. "Those scales will serve you well, Drakon. Take as many as you need. They will aid in your evolution and grant you the strength you seek."

With a swift movement, Drakon's skeletal claws sliced through the scales, freeing them from the Drakonian's spinal cord. They clinked together in a macabre melody as they were collected and held securely within Drakon's grasp.

Ashton extended his hand towards his summoned Chimaera, offering guidance and encouragement.

"Now, Drakon, absorb the essence of those scales and the spinal cord. Let their power intertwine with your own. Allow yourself to evolve and grow stronger."

Drakon's hollow sockets gazed at Ashton with determination and gratitude. It understood the opportunity presented before it—the chance to transcend its current form and ascend to greater heights.

With a surge of necromantic energy, Drakon began the process of absorbing the essence within the scales. The iridescent power pulsed through its skeletal frame, filling the empty chambers where flesh and sinew once resided. The transformation was underway.

Ashton stood by Drakon's side, his presence a source of reassurance and support. He watched as the skeletal Chimaera's wings expanded, veins of ethereal energy pulsating along their tattered edges.

Drakon's form shifted and solidified, gaining a newfound strength and substance.

A radiant glow enveloped Drakon's skeletal body as it completed its evolution. Where there once stood a creature of death and decay now stood a majestic undead Chimaera, reborn with enhanced power and potential.

Ashton couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and fulfilment at Drakon's transformation. The skeletal creature turned its bony head towards Ashton, a gleam of gratitude shining within its sockets. It let out a deep, resonant growl, an expression of newfound strength and loyalty.

Ashton reciprocated the gesture with a nod, a silent acknowledgement of their shared journey.

"You've grown, Drakon. Embrace your newfound power, but never forget the purpose for which we fight," Ashton said, his voice infused with determination. "With your evolved form, we shall face our enemies with even greater strength and resilience, and you will be there to conquer my enemies."

Drakon, now radiating a sense of confidence and power, let out a guttural roar that echoed through the battlefield. Its wings spread wide, casting a long shadow over the scorched earth.

The skeletal warriors, sensing the transformation of their comrades, raised their weapons in a show of unity and respect.

Ashton's gaze swept across the battlefield, taking in the scene before him. He couldn't help but feel a surge of hope, knowing that together they were a force to be reckoned with. Their bond, forged through countless battles and shared triumphs, had grown even stronger.

"Drakon, you are no longer bound by the limitations of your previous form," Sven declared, his voice projecting strength and purpose. "You are an embodiment of power and resilience. Together, we shall face whatever challenges lie ahead."

With a newfound sense of purpose, the group gathered their collected resources and prepared to leave the battlefield. Drakon, leading the way with its commanding presence, signalled the skeletal warriors to follow.

Watching the scene unfold was funny as it was the first time Drakon ever commanded the skeletons, and they were confused. But with Ashton's approval, they followed the creature's lead.

Ashton walked alongside Drakon, his eyes filled with admiration.

"Your evolution is a testament to your unwavering determination and the depths of your potential," Raven remarked. "Remember, strength alone is not enough, and it is tempered by wisdom and compassion. Use your newfound power for the greater good."

Drakon inclined its skeletal head, understanding the weight of Raven's words. It had been granted a second chance at existence and was determined to prove its worth. The skeletal warriors marched in unison, their footsteps resonating with a newfound sense of purpose.

As the group made their way towards their base, the sun began to rise over their heads, casting a warm glow over the horizon. The victory against the Drakonians and Drakons' evolution marked a turning point in their journey.

Together, they would face the challenges that awaited them, armed with strength, unity, and a renewed sense of purpose.

As they disappeared into the distance, the remnants of the fallen Drakonians lay scattered on the battlefield, a stark reminder of the struggles they had overcome.

But even in death, their sacrifice had served a greater purpose, fueling the growth and evolution of those who remained.

The winds whispered their stories, carrying echoes of battles fought and victories won. And amidst the fading light, Ashton, his team and his summons forged ahead, ready to face whatever trials lay in their path, fueled by the strength of their bond and the unyielding spirit of their shared journey.

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