I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 646 Long Time, No See (1)

Chapter 646 Long Time, No See (1)

In a dimly lit room, a holographic map of a dense forest floated before them. The room was filled with weapons and tactical gear as Ashton, Mera, and Ricochet prepared to embark on a mission to deal with Donovan and the Conundrum.

Their objective was to rescue Rose, Ashton's former aide and someone Mera had some respect for. Probably because she knew Rose was a hybrid and didn't want to end on her wrong side.

While the other two were busy arranging things they might need for the mission, Ashton studied the holographic map with a stern expression.

"So this is where you believe Donovan and the Conundrum are hiding and where Rose is being held captive," he said, pointing to a marked location deep within the forest. "As strange as it might be, it is the last place I would look for Donovan. You remember about his allergy to fauna?"

"That's what I thought first as well," Mera chuckled before nodding in agreement. "Still, we need to be prepared for anything. My intel suggests they have enhanced their defences and won't give up Rose easily because she serves a somewhat important purpose, and before you ask, I have no idea about it."

Ricochet, his eye glowing faintly, cracked his knuckles in anticipation. "I'm itching for some action. Those creeps won't know what hit 'em."

"Yeah... this is your one and only chance to repent," Ashton joked. "Or else, I'll send someone else over to Earth, and you'll be back at the Tower."

"I assure you, I won't give you any reason to take such a measure, sir!" Ricochet saluted Ashton, who could only shake his head in response.

It was no secret that Ricochet didn't want to leave Earth because of Nora. Ashton even found out that the two were engaged, and their engagement happened in the Arena after Ricochet defeated her.

Ashton wanted to see that moment happen in real-time, but he got decent footage of the event, which he immediately shared with the rest of the Ghosts, and they all had a good time pulling Ricochet's leg.

While Ashton was recalling all that, there was a knock on the door. Since Mera and Ricochet were occupied packing things up, Ashton left to check the doors, only to find the twins standing there.

"Irina, Verina, I know you want to come with us, but you've only recently mastered your new abilities. It's dangerous out there." Ashton repeated once again.

Ever since they found out about the mission through Ava, the twins were eager to join him and try out their new powers. However, Ashton, being the cautious man he was, declined their help and told them to focus on their recovery and training.

But the twins were just as stubborn as him and were not ready to give up. Hence, they had been pestering him nonstop for the last couple of days.

Irina stepped forward, her determination shining in her eyes. "Ashton, we've been training hard and want to help. We can't just sit around and not help you even with the meagre tasks!"

"Yeah, not to mention the natives are quite weak compared to us. No hard feelings," Verina chimed in, staring at Mera, "Besides, Aunt Ava thinks we're ready. She believes in us."

Ashton hesitated, torn between his concern for their safety and the desire to protect Rose. He didn't want them to accompany them because even Astaroth didn't know what sort of abilities the twins possessed, as Yamauba had some unique skills.

And if there was only thing Ashton hated more than his enemies was uncertainties when it came to battles.

Soon, Mera spoke up, and she was surprisingly supportive of the twins. "Ashton, they've come a long way, and Ava wouldn't let them go if she didn't think they were ready. Plus, having them along might just give us an edge."

Ricochet added, "Irina and Verina have a unique blend of powers that could be useful. And, let's face it, they have the spirit for this mission."

"Alright, fine. You can come, but you stick close to Mera and Ricochet. No heroics." Ashton sighed, realising that they had a point.

Irina and Verina beamed with excitement, their gratitude evident as they said in unison. "We promise, Ashton!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll see how long you hold on to your promise," Ashton rolled his eyes, returning to the map as Mera explained the twins about their plan.

"This path should take us directly to their location." Mera pointed to a specific route that would lead them through the forest to the Conundrum's hideout. "Though, we'll need to be cautious and stay alert for traps or ambushes."

Ricochet cracked his knuckles again, a smirk on his face. "Sounds like a party. Let's do this."

Ashton nodded, his gaze hardening. "We move out at dusk. That should give us some cover as we approach. We can't afford to waste any more time."

The room buzzed with a sense of purpose as they finalised their plans. The mission was dangerous, but they were determined to rescue Rose and settle an old score with Donovan and the Conundrum.


As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest, Ashton, Mera, Ricochet, Irina, and Verina gathered at the edge of the tree line. Their faces were set with determination, their weapons at the ready.

The holographic map had served its purpose, guiding them to this point. Now, the real challenge lay ahead as they ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, following the path that led to the Conundrum's hideout.

"Well, we're here... what now?" Mera looked at Ashton, who had a smirk on his face.

"Now we'll do what any civilised guest would," Ashton grinned, gripping Balmond tightly. "Knock on their door..."

Without wasting any time, Ashton summoned Atlas, instructing him to rip open the ground. Atlas followed his master's command, returned to the size of a true titan and sunk his fingers into the ground before pulling hard until he ripped open a massive section of the forest.

As Atals did that, Ashton saw what they were looking for. A massive underground facility, hidden from the view of the outside world.

"Let's greet the hosts, shall we?"

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