I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 647 Long Time, No See (2)

Chapter 647 Long Time, No See (2)

The underground base of the Conundrum was a labyrinth of dark tunnels and hidden chambers, its walls echoing with the quiet, tense murmurs of its masked members.

Donovan, once Mera's right-hand man, now stood among them, his loyalty to her long abandoned. He had betrayed her, joining forces with the Conundrum when Mera began to favour Ashton over him, a boy Donovan thought to be under his feet.

He thought by joining the Conundrum, he would be able to receive the strength he desired to exact his revenge on his former mistress. However, his expectations were too high for his own good.

Even after spending all that time indulging in forbidden arts and questionable methods, he was stuck at C-rank. Previously, it would have been enough for him to challenge King Bismarck for the throne, but now... it wasn't enough.

Earth has changed a lot since extraterrestrial species established themselves on the planet. The grade, which would have been sufficient to shake up entire kingdoms, was barely enough to challenge a city.

However, having abandoned everything in the pursuit of power, there was nothing Donovan could retreat to, and the Conundrum was the only place he was welcomed with open arms.

'Talk about shit luck...'

Donovan paced nervously in the dimly lit command centre, surrounded by Conundrum members wearing zodiac masks. His anxiety was palpable as he awaited orders from the Conundrum's enigmatic leader. The atmosphere was thick with tension and anticipation.

The unnamed leader had called them there for a special announcement, and Donovan assumed it was time for them to leave their seclusion and strike Ashton's new estate... New Lyconia.

Just the thought of getting a bit of revenge on that kid was enough to make Donovan abandon whatever little reasoning he had. As long as he could make the bastard hurt, there wasn't anything Donovan wasn't willing to do.

Especially because Ashton, their biggest threat, was nowhere to be seen. Without him to protect the people, the Conundrum was confident that with a bit of secrecy, they could deal a significant blow to the new world they were creating.

However, their plans were cut short when a low rumbling echoed through the base, causing the masked Conundrum members to exchange anxious glances. The ground shook as if a storm were brewing above their heads.

"The hell's going on!?" one of the members roared at the top of her lungs as the noise of the earth ripping above them got louder and louder.

"Whatever it is, we need to check it out." yet another member chimed in as they all drew their weapons.

Donovan's heart raced as he turned toward the command centre's entrance, his instincts screaming that something was wrong. The rumbling grew louder, and then, with an earth-shattering crash, the reinforced steel doors were torn asunder.

Ashton burst into the command centre, flanked by his summoned allies. Sven, Celeste, and Atlas all entered behind Ashton and the rest, radiating an aura of unstoppable determination.

With their zodiac masks concealing their identities, the Conundrum members scrambled for cover, frustration etched in their eyes. Donovan's heart sank as he realised the dire situation they were in.

"How did they manage to find us!" the lady in a doe mask yelled while the one sporting a bull mask shrugged.

"Could it be?" someone mumbled while they all turned against Donovan.

Since he was the newest recruit, it made sense for him to betray them. Not to mention, he used to be Mera's loyal dog, and it could be possible he was still following her.

Donovan was shocked to see his 'comrades' turning their backs on him so quickly. He was about to retort when their leader's sudden appearance stopped him.

"Now is not the time for us to fight amongst ourselves," the leader wearing a lion mask mumbled. "We have guests, and we should follow etiquette and entertain them."

Donovan nodded and turned to face Ashton. Even though it was unexpected, and he felt unprepared to face off against him, Donovan was glad to at least have an opportunity to bring that bastard down... before he was shocked to see who was by Ashton's side.

But what stunned Donovan was not the powerful summons but the sight of Mera standing beside Ashton. Her presence alone was enough to send a chill down his spine. It took a moment for recognition to dawn on him, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of shock.

Mera, once Donovan's partner in crime, now stood as a force to be reckoned with; her alliance with Ashton had transformed her into something Donovan had never anticipated. Her loyalty had shifted, leaving Donovan feeling a bitter mixture of resentment and disbelief.

The fucker who destroyed his harmony was standing side by side with Mera? How could it be when they used to hate each other?

"Damn, you look old, Donovan," Ashton smirked. "Looks like your time with these morons hasn't been kind to your face. Not saying you were good-looking, to begin with, but damn, this is a new low!"

"I see your mouth has gotten bigger with time," Donovan replied, his fists clenched. "I'll be more than glad to shut it up for you."

Donovan was about to charge at Ashton when the leader stepped before him, blocking his path.

"He is not your opponent," the leader said, turning to face Ashton and disrobing himself to reveal a muscular body hiding underneath.

However, the surprise came when he removed his mask to reveal a face identical to Rose's. Both Mera and Ashton were shocked, but Ashton was sure the man before him wasn't Rose as he was informed about his identity by Astaroth.

[It isn't like you need me to tell you about it. Apparently, the one you're looking for had impressive assets-]

'This isn't the time for that, you horny fuck!'

[Just saying.]

"Who are you?" Mera asked the leader, who smiled at them.

"It's not a surprise for my twin to not talk about her disgrace of a brother. But as for you, Ashton, I'm sure you're familiar with the cult. What if I told you I'm one of them, and so is my sister? I wonder what will you do about it?"

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