I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Vol 16 Chapter 4 Part 5

Vol 16 Chapter 4 Part 5

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ED: LonelyMatter

Part 5

After everything was decided, I got ready by putting on the costume they had chosen for me and doing my makeup, and finally, the filming began.

The costume I wore was like a ninja outfit with a modern twist, and the lower half of my face was covered by some kind of scarf.

What kind of story was this?

The ninja appears out of the blue… wasn’t that a little strange?

Well, if the director and crew gave me their permission, then it’s probably okay.

Anyway, in the scene where I rescued Miu-san, there was a scene where something explodes outside the abandoned factory, so there were loud explosions going on all the time.

Was everything okay? I didn’t want to have an accident like Olivia-san…

“Okay, let’s get started! Ready… action!”

While I was thinking about all this, the director finally gave the order.

In response to the director’s voice, I kicked down the door of the abandoned factory and rushed inside.


“T-That’s amazing…he kicked down that heavy iron door in one go…”

There was a brief commotion around me, but I concentrated on what was in front of me and rushed towards Miu-san.

Then, I saw Miu-san tied to a steel pillar in the abandoned factory.

I ran out of the door with the momentum I had gained from kicking it down, but then I suddenly felt a sense of foreboding from my right side.

Then, an elaborate rock that looked like it came from a movie set flew towards me.

A rock? This is an abandoned factory, right? Where did it come from?

While confused by the crazy situation, I hit the rock with my right fist.

As you’d expect from a movie set, the rock was very hard and easily shattered.

“Hey, hey… It all went to pieces, didn’t it?”

“Hey, wasn’t that rock pretty hard?”

“No, no, you can’t use something that hard in a movie! …Eh, did you use it?!”

“…W-well, if you look at it like that, it seems like there’s nothing wrong with using it…”

Unaware that such an exchange was taking place among the crew, I was busy dodging and deflecting the debris that came at me one after the other.

H-huh, wasn’t this a lot? Was this normal?

Anyway… let’s rescue Miu-san quickly and finish this filming.


Having arrived safely at Miu-san’s side, I looked at the thing that was restraining her.

…This is a handcuff and chain, right? W-where’s the key?

I instinctively looked at the director and the crew, but they all looked at me, and the director looked at me with a smile.

A-are you telling me to break this?

I thought about this and that, but the director didn’t even seem to want to stop me, so I guess I had no choice but to break it.

I sighed in resignation and grabbed Miu-san’s handcuff and chains.

And then──.



When I ripped off the handcuffs and chain, Miu-san mumbled in shock.


“I thought it was just the director’s prank…”

“Were those handcuffs and chains dummies?”

“N-no, it was real, made of iron…”

“Tearing them off… what’s really going on here!?”

I was able to release Miu-san’s restraints and picked her up in my arms.

In the story, Miu-san was physically weak, and the plan was for me to carry her out of the abandoned factory.

That was the moment I started to move to save Miu-san.


To my surprise, the steel bars supporting the roof fell from the factory ceiling!

“Is this part of the set?”

“No, it’s not! It collapsed from the vibrations of the explosion outside!”

“What? Then we need to get out of here now!”

I felt the crew members start to move around in panic, and I dodged the falling steel bars.

However, as more and more bars came down, I kicked them away.


W-what is this? Unlike the previous props, the feeling of kicking it was like kicking a normal steel bar.

No, that can’t be it.

Anyway, if I just stood here, the props would just keep falling, so I ran all the way to the factory exit, holding Miu-san in my arms.

Then I realized that the crew members had come out, too, without me noticing.

Huh? The filming was only supposed to be finished inside the factory…

While I was thinking about that, a loud noise suddenly came from behind me.

I quickly turned my head to look behind me, and to my surprise, the abandoned factory collapsed in an instant!

As a result, debris flew towards me and Miu-san.

I calmly kicked some of it away and somehow managed to avoid the large amount of debris that fell on us.

“W-what was that…?



I was confused, and then I heard a sudden cheer and froze.

Then the director came running over.

“Are you two okay?”

“Y-yes, we’re fine, but that abandoned factory…”

“Oh, I’m sorry. It seems that the explosives we set up outside caused the abandoned factory to collapse.”


S-so the steel bars that fell from the ceiling were real?

I was speechless at the fact that Olivia-san had been involved in two accidents in a row, but the director continued to speak with a smile on his face as if he wasn’t worried about it at all.

“Well, even so! As I thought, my eyes weren’t wrong! There was an accident, but thanks to it, we were able to get some good shots!”

“No, that’s not what I meant…!”

“Well then, I need to check the footage we have!”

The director said this and left the scene.

While I was dumbfounded by the absurd turn of events, Miu-san called out to me.


“Ah, Miu-san! Are you okay?”

“Yes, I was a little surprised, but thanks to Yuuya-san, I’m fine.”

So far, Miu-san seemed to be unharmed, so I felt a bit relieved.

But still… was it normal for a movie set to have so many problems? Or was it my fault?

From the way the crew looked, it seemed like they had prepared carefully…

“I never thought it would turn out like this…”

“The director is still too reckless as usual.”

“But didn’t you adjust the amount of gunpowder properly?”

“Yes. That’s why I didn’t expect the factory to suddenly collapse…”

“I mean, how could he have avoided it if it collapsed on him?”

“Not only did he avoid it, he kicked it away.”

“Anyway, to survive such a crazy situation, he will become a great action actor…”

…Huh? Was the crew watching?

I felt the gazes of the crew around me.

Anyway, my role was over. I wouldn’t be involved in the movie’s filming anymore.

With that in mind, I went to say my farewell to the director…

“Yuuya-kun! I really want you to be in the next movie too!”


To my surprise, the director had offered me a role in the next movie.

“No, no, no, that’s impossible! It’s strange that I appeared out of the blue this time as well!”

“I told you there’s no problem with that, right? We’ve already made the necessary arrangements! Besides, I’m convinced that this movie is going to be a huge hit after making it. And I’m sure there will be a sequel! That’s why I want you to play the lead role!”

“No, even if you say that!”

At first, I felt bad, but even if he said it would be a big hit, I didn’t understand.

From my point of view, I had just rescued Miu-san from an abandoned factory in the middle of a series of problems in a situation I didn’t really understand.

I didn’t even know what kind of story it was or what kind of scene it was.

So, I had no idea whether the movie they were making would be interesting or not…

Also, although I only appeared in one scene this time, if I were to take a leading role in a movie shoot, I would be tied up for a considerable amount of time.

Since I was still a student, I couldn’t afford to take that much time away from my studies.

“I appreciate your confidence in me, but I’m still a student… please understand.”


“Director, let’s stop there.”


Just when I was at a loss for an answer, Olivia-san suddenly appeared.

“You can’t keep bothering Yuuya-san like this.”

“No, but Olivia! Haven’t you seen his actions? There’s no actor anywhere who can do such a flashy action without using CG! And his handsome face… it’s no exaggeration to say that he was born to be an actor!”

“That may be true, but I’m sure he has other things he wants to do. Besides, there were all kinds of problems this time, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to make him feel worse than he already does.”

“Um… that…”

The director was at a loss for words as if he had been hit on a weak point.

“But… why? We did all the calculations and tests and were careful about security…”

“There’s nothing we can do about what’s already happened, is there? I’m disappointed that I can’t work with you, Yuuya-san, but… here.”

“Huh? What’s this?”

Then Olivia-san handed me a business card.

“If you are ever interested in acting, please feel free to contact me. Of course, you can also contact me personally if you want.”

“Ah, no! Thank you very much!”

To be honest, I haven’t really thought about what I want to do in the future.

But if I become interested in acting for some reason, I’ll definitely ask Olivia-san for help.

While I was thinking this, Olivia-san smiled.

“Well, there’s also the possibility that… I might end up seeing you. Right, Director?”

“Eh? Oh, that’s right!”


The director’s face briefly lit up with a smile as if he had realized something.

Anyway, despite all the various problems that arose, I was able to complete the movie’s filming safely.

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