I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Vol 16 Chapter 5 Part 1

Vol 16 Chapter 5 Part 1

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 5 – Gods of the Earth

Part 1

Perhaps because of my tendency to get involved in things, I ended up having the surprising experience of being in a movie, but after that, there were no particularly unusual events, and I enjoyed my time as an exchange student to the fullest.

The recent terrorist incident was reported as quite a big news story, so there was a possibility that information about me might circulate on social media again… but strangely, there didn’t seem to be any topics about me.

Maybe the royal family, including Joshua-sama, put a stop to it.

In any case, my peaceful life abroad has finally begun.


“In the end, the gods didn’t attack, did they…”

“That’s right. They must have noticed my existence…”

Yes, there was no sign of the gods attacking, which was eerily strange.

However, it would be best if nothing happened.

Just as I was thinking that, I heard a knock at the door.


“Yuuya-san, are you ready to go back?”

It was Kaori who had already finished getting ready to go home.

The moment Kaori entered the room, Saara-san had disappeared.

“Yes, I’m ready.”

“I see… Well, but if it’s Yuuya-san, you can probably go home with magic without using an airplane…”


Kaori was right; of course, it would be possible to go home using a teleportation spell.

However, since I came here by plane, it would be strange if I didn’t use a plane to go home as well.

“Anyway, my mother will take us to the airport soon, so please relax.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

Kaori left the room as she said that.

“Phew… I really went through a lot.”

It wasn’t the kind of study abroad experience I had imagined at first, but there were so many intense events that you wouldn’t expect in a normal study abroad experience, like the welcome party, the terrorist attack, the audience with the king, and even jumping in to help with the movie shoot.

Maybe it wasn’t the kind of result Saara-san was expecting, but I think there’s something more to it…

“Well, never mind. More importantly, Saara-san…”

“They’re here!”


Saara-san suddenly looked out of the window.

Not knowing what she was talking about, I looked out of the window as well.



What? A swarm of divine soldiers had covered the entire sky and were coming towards us!

Moreover, unlike the previous attack, there was no sign that we were isolated.

As a result, there was a huge commotion outside the apartment building as many people saw the divine soldiers.

“W-what the hell is that?”

“A bird…?”

“No, it’s a human being!”

“B-but it has wings!”

The people, surprised by the sudden appearance, tried to point their cameras at the sky to take a picture of it.

However, there was no time.

“This is bad!”

The divine soldiers suddenly raised their weapons and began to attack the people!

“I won’t let you do that!”

The next moment, Saara-san let out a burst of ‘star power’ and flew out of the window in one go.


I also hurriedly ran after her.

In an instant, she arrived at the humans and the divine soldiers and she exploded all the ‘star power’ she had left to fill the entire area.

Then, as if only we and the divine soldiers were isolated, we were transported to a strange space.


“Hah… hah…”


I rushed over to Saara-san, who was trying to catch her breath.

Then, a voice rang out above us.

“How pathetic, Saara.”


When we looked up, we saw men in white robes floating above us, protected by the divine soldiers.

These men looked down at Saara-san with a sneer.

“As I thought, you are foolish. Thanks to you, we were able to get your power.”

“You mean you deliberately tried to attack humans…?”

The gods’ response to the angry Saara-san was once again a sneer.

“That’s right. We knew that you, being foolish, would use your power if we attacked the humans.”

“In fact, you used all your power to isolate us from the humans.”

“You really are a fool.”

“But it worked. Just trying to attack those lowly humans drained your power.”


So those men… the gods… were trying to drain Saara-san’s power by attacking unrelated people…

The gods looked displeased.

“Because of you, we were reduced to these ugly human bodies. However, thanks to human bodies, we were able to escape your detection abilities…”

“But this will all end today. We will kill you here and return to this planet as gods.”

…I see.

So that’s why Saara-san and the others couldn’t sense the presence of those gods──it was because they were using human bodies.

While I was analyzing this, the gods smiled again.

“By the way… we had a trump card ready to kill you, but it looks like we won’t have to use it.”

“Well, the talk is over. Die quickly.”

And the moment the gods spoke, the divine soldiers all attacked us at once.

I quickly took out my Heavenly Whip and swung it as hard as I could at the onrushing group of divine soldiers.


The end of the whip immediately branched out and wrapped around the bodies of the divine soldiers, shattering them all in an instant.

The sudden disappearance of so many divine soldiers made the gods turn their attention to me for the first time.

“──What the hell are you?”

The gods stared at me as if I were a pebble by the side of the road.

Facing the gods, I stood up as if to protect Saara-san.

“I’m the one you should deal with.”


When I said that, the gods looked at me with a look of surprise for a moment, and then they started to laugh.

“Pfft…ahahahahaha! You, a mere human, think you can take on us gods?”


“──This is…unpleasant.”

Then, I unleashed my divine power.

At that, Saara-san struggled to speak behind me.

“Yuuya-san… please run away… even if they are rotten gods… Yuuya-san is not──”

“It’s okay. I’ll take care of them.”

…Speaking of gods… the image of Shu came to mind, the one I fought the other day.

Although Shu was on the wrong path, his goal was to lead humanity to a better place.

In contrast, the gods before me… all they think about is controlling humanity.

For these gods, humanity was nothing more than a toy to fill their idle time.

I can’t let them win!

When I glare at the gods, they look displeased.

“How dare you, mere mortal, defy us…”

“I don’t know how you did it before, but you will die in despair of your own power!”

And once again, an infinite number of divine soldiers were summoned in an instant.


“No matter how many times you summon them, it’s still the same!”

When I swung the Heavenly Whip once more, the summoned divine soldiers were crushed one by one.

Moreover, the end of the whip approached not only the divine soldiers… but also the gods.

“What is that weapon?!”

“Kuh… stay away from me!”

The gods tried to flee, but Sage-san’s weapon, the Heavenly Whip, would not let them go.

It continued to pursue them, and finally, the whip restrained the gods.


“Don’t you dare, human!”

The gods exploded their divine power and sent the Heavenly Whip flying.

Then, floating in the air again, they opened their mouths in anger.

“What are you… what is that weapon…!”

“It was created by someone more amazing than you.”

“More amazing than us?!”

The gods were furious at my answer.

“There is no way such a thing exists!”

“We didn’t plan to use the trump card, but… we’ll kill you and Saara at the same time.”

“Resist with that puny weapon you trust!”


As the gods each raised their hands above their heads, a huge-looking magic circle appeared in the sky.

The sheer size of it made my eyes widen.

What are they trying to do?

When Saara-san saw the magic circle, her face turned pale.

“No way…?”

Whatever it is, I can’t just leave it like this.

I immediately swung my Heavenly Whip and tried to stop the gods’ actions.

But before the Heavenly Whip could reach the gods, the divine soldiers got in the way.

And then…

“Come forth, Behemoth!”


A gray being fell from above.

I was speechless at the sheer size of it, but I quickly picked up Saara-san and ran away from the place.

“W-what is that…!”

And when we managed to escape the falling gray sky, the full picture became clear.

What I thought was the sky was actually a super-giant elephant.

It wasn’t the size of a huge building or anything like that.

It was the size of an entire island.

As I stood there speechless in the face of such an impossible-looking life form, Saara-san, who was in my arms, spoke up.

“That thing is… A divine beast… Behemoth.”


“Yes… it may look different, but there’s no mistaking it. The divine beast that once destroyed many countries and continents. The people of Moatra paid a great price to seal it away.”

“No way…”

The gods burst into laughter as we struggled.

“Hahahahaha! How does it feel, Saara, to face the divine beast that once terrorized you all?”

“Now, kill them!”



At the moment the gods gave their orders, the BBehemoth let out a huge roar.

At the moment, this place was isolated thanks to Saara-san, but if that roar had echoed out there, all the buildings in the city would have collapsed from the shock alone.

The Behemoth’s roar was filled with such power.

“Saara-san, how did you seal it in the past?”

“In the past, I used star power. But now…”

It seemed that Saara-san, who used all her power to create this space, was unable to seal the monster.

What on earth am I supposed to do…?

Then Saara-san noticed something.

“However… it seems that they were not able to revive the Behemoth completely.”


“The original divine beast is not this big. It’s even bigger than this Behemoth, and if it had been summoned here in its full form… this isolation room would have been shattered in an instant.”


It’s even bigger than this?

I was in for a big surprise.

“Yes. After all, it’s an existence created by the combined power of the gods. But if it’s in an incomplete state now… we might be able to defeat it.”

“I see…”

In any case, we won’t know until we try.


“I will defeat it.”

“Yuuya-san… but it is a god after all. As a mere human, Yuuya-san…”

I released all the abilities I had been holding back as if to reassure Saara-san, who looked worried.

Seeing this, Saara-san’s eyes widened.

“I-I’ve never seen such a torrent of power! Who exactly are you, Yuuya-san?”

“Well… I don’t really know either.”

I just want to live a normal life.

Before I knew it, I was able to do all sorts of things.

However, if I can use this power to save someone, then that would be my true wish.

I gently put Saara-san down from my arms and took the Omni-Sword instead of the Heavenly Whip.

And then…

“Come on, divine beasts! Come at me!”

I pointed the tip of the weapon at the Behemoth.

The gods raised their voices.

“What are you doing? Destroy them quickly!”


What kind of attack will the divine beast unleash?

I am preparing for the Behemoth’s attack.



No matter how long I waited, the Behemoth did not attack.

Could it be that something has already happened?

As I increased my vigilance, the gods somehow began to stand out.

“W-what’s wrong? Why aren’t you moving?”

“Kill them quickly!”

Looking at the gods, it seemed that this situation was unexpected even for them.

“W-what on earth is going on…?”

Saara-san also seemed surprised by the situation, but I suddenly looked at the Behemoth’s face.

Then, the eyes of the Behemoth came into view.

I had heard that it was an entity created by the combined power of the gods, so I thought it would have a very evil expression, but its eyes were very clear, and for some reason, there was a sense of affection towards me.

Despite my doubts, I called out to the Behemoth.

“You… Aren’t you one of them?”


In response to my question, the Behemoth shook its head as if to say, “Not at all!”

The gods, noticing the exchange between me and Behemoth, let out a gasp of astonishment.

“R-ridiculous? Why are you talking to him?”

“He’s the enemy!”


No matter how much the gods shouted at it, for some reason, the Behemoth wouldn’t move.

I don’t know why, but it seems that the Behemoth has no intention of listening to the gods.

That’s strange… when it was summoned to this space, it felt like it was listening to the gods…

However, since this is a rare opportunity, I’ll try to ask a question.

“Hey… can you defeat them?”

Even if it doesn’t listen to orders, it wouldn’t dare to go against the gods, who are its creators, would it?

Even if I thought that, when I asked it…



The Behemoth nodded as if to say, “I can do it!”

And then──

“Well then, may I ask you───”


“Wha-!? Why are you coming towards───Kuhahh?!”

“You fool! The enemy is over───Guhh!?”


While I was surprised by the abrupt end, the gods, who were barely alive, managed to squeeze out a voice.

“W-why… you were supposed to be our servant…”


But the Behemoth shook its head as if to deny the gods’ words and then trampled the last remaining god.

And so the battle with the Earth Gods came to an abrupt end.

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