I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 2 Chapter 6 Part 2

Vol 2 Chapter 6 Part 2

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Part 2

“Oh, thank you, Flora-sama!”

“Thanks to Flora-sama’s magic, we can live in peace…!”

“For those of us who can’t use magic, you have been so thoughtful… You are such a kind magician…!”

“No, it’s okay. It is my mission as a magician to save as many people as possible with my magic.”

Flora was an excellent magician. Kind-hearted, talented, and hardworking, she saved many people with the magic she had worked so hard to hone.

However, her sister, Noel, had an even greater talent. She was born with an abundance of magic power and easily surpassed Flora’s abilities without any effort.

Flora’s heart was pounding as she watched the still-young Noel destroy monsters with her mighty magic.

“With Noel, I want to save many people with magic. If Noel is here, I’m sure we can make people all over the empire happy… I must do my best to catch up with Noel…!”

As Noel grew up, she became even more powerful in her magic, and she emerged as a remarkable figure.

In order to catch up with the excellent Noel, Flora began to practice magic even harder.

“Hah, hah…”

There was a mountain that rose to the north of the imperial capital.

That was the place Flora always used for her magic training.

Looking at the halfway gouged tree trunks, she bit her lip and looked down at her hands.

“My magic doesn’t have the same power as Noel’s… I need to increase my firepower more and more and learn to control it more precisely…”

With a single-minded desire to stand alongside her outstanding sister, she trained and studied magic alone and in solitude. For Flora, Noel, who wielded powerful magic, was not only a comrade who supported the Romel Empire but also a goal and a rival.

However, Noel stopped studying magic and began to devote herself to the development of strange magic tools.

Although she would undoubtedly become a magician who would carve her name in history if she mastered magic, she never devoted herself to practicing magic but instead kept creating incomprehensible tools and repeatedly failing at them.

“Why does Noel keep playing with strange tools without practicing magic? Why… Even though she has all these amazing magical talents that I can’t keep up with even if I tried so hard.”

Flora had mixed feelings about Noel, who never mastered magic and was always playing with magic tools.


“The magic tool that Noel-sama made was useful, but it suddenly exploded! I heard that they are going to establish a new magic development institute for Noel-sama, but is it going to be okay…?”

“Hey, you know what? This magic tool invented by Noel-sama is very useful. It’s made my life a lot easier. Could it be that Noel-sama is an amazing person?”

“Flora-sama is excellent, but Noel-sama also has great talent. Flora-sama has to be called in person each time, but this magic tool can be used by anyone as long as they have the magic ore. How excellent! Noel-sama is a genius!”

Noel attracted attention with her outlandish ideas, and she developed magic tools and was recognized for her achievements one after another.

Now everyone in the empire was fascinated by the magic tools Noel made.


No matter how hard she tried, the gap between the two kept widening. Only Noel, who never paid attention to magic, but stayed in her room and worked feverishly on her magic tools, was recognized.

Each time this happened, a stagnant stagnation fell on Flora’s heart.

“(No one looked at me… I’m working so hard… Am I still not trying hard enough? How can I catch up with Noel? …Why is it that only Noel…).”

Her sister, who she thought bitterly that she never studied magic and was always obsessed with strange tools, found herself being recognized more than she was. She is higher than herself, who is trying hard.

“…No. But I still have to work hard. I have nothing but magic.”

While pushing away the feeling of emptiness that had nowhere to go, she still devoted herself to the training of magic.

One night, after many such days.

“Noel, I heard about it. I heard that the magic tool you made saved the village again?”

Flora called out to Noel, and she nodded her head in agreement, absorbed in the blueprints she had spread out on her desk.

Flora put the bowl of stew on the table.

Looking down at the bread she had burnt, she smiled, pushing away the stagnation in the depths of her heart.

“It’s truly amazing; the whole empire thanks and expects so much from you. As the second in command of the court magicians, I must do more and more! Saving the helpless is the mission of people like us who have been given the special gift of magic!”


Noel put down her pen.

Then, in a flat voice, she told her.

“…Nee-san, I think. I think the age of magic is over.”

“…Eh…? The age of magic is over…? What do you mean by that…?”

Without noticing that Flora’s voice was hoarse, Noel spun her words in a matter-of-fact manner.

“I think that the idea of working hard and honing magic alone is outdated and… the very idea of using magic to save the powerless is out of date. I don’t think magic is a special talent. Relying on magicians is too wasteful.”

There was no reply.

Noel pushed up her glasses, searching for words.

“So, Nee-san. I want to work together with you to make a better magic tool. I want to make the world a place where many people can be saved without the need for magicians to sacrifice themselves. So, together with Nee-san, we can save a lot of people── …Nee-san?”

When Noel heard the door close, she turned around.

There was no sign of Flora, and the stew was just getting cold.


“Hah, hah… hah…!”

After running away from home, Flora had come to the mountain where she always trained her magic.

The white breath is waved away by the blizzard.

“The age of magic is over…? Are my ways outdated…?”

Her hands shook with cold, frustration, and emptiness.

“I’m trying so hard to catch up with you… and all I’ve got is magic…!”

She had been training alone here in the rain and snow, training alone in magic.

All of that was denied. It was as if it had never existed in the first place.

“Aaah, aaaaaah!”

An exclamation gushed from the back of her throat.

She held up her hand and released the magic on impulse.

The wind blasted, the trees gouged, and the snow piled up burst.

“Why… why?”

At every turn, she was confronted with the difference between her and her sister, who is a genius. If she is inferior in firepower, she has made a bloody effort to at least improve her control and precision.

However, Noel was recognized by those around her for her natural talent and eccentric ideas.

“I always, always had your back…! I’ve always followed you so hard so that you wouldn’t leave me behind! And yet… you say it’s all, all, all for nothing…!”

She shouted, scattering her magic.

Some of it shattered the huge icicles that were stuck to the rock wall. The icicles shook the ground and collapsed, revealing a deep, dark cavern.

After releasing her magic wildly, Flora fell to her knees, her whole body power drained out of her.

“Hahh… Haah… Ugh… Ah… Aaaah…”

In the blizzardy mountains, she broke down and cried alone.

Then a cold, wrinkled voice rang in her ears.

“Oh, you poor one. No one understands your efforts. No one sees you.”


She looked up as if she had been played.

On top of the shards of icicles destroyed by Flora’s magic.

A dark blue shadow was making a cold sound at the entrance of the deep cavern.

“If you wish, I will lend you my power. You want a power mightier than your sister’s. Together, let us create a world where your efforts will be properly rewarded.”

“A world where my efforts will be duly rewarded…?”

To Flora’s wounded ears, that sounded so sweet.

She wanted people to understand her. She wanted her efforts to be recognized and cherished.

The cold voice penetrated her heart like sweet poison.

“Come, accept my power. Reach out to me.”


As if invited, Flora reached out her hand to the blue shadow, and the shadow was sucked into her palm.


“Haha… hahaha!”

Flora heard a loud, horrified laugh come out of her mouth.

“T-this is…!”

“Wonderful, what a magic power! Poor woman… I will remake the world for you. With this body and my power, I will cover the planet with ice and death!”

“What… What are you saying…?”

She was about to shout this when she realized that she couldn’t move a finger.

“M-my body…!”

“Yes, your body is now mine. You have made an irreparable mistake. Let your eyes see your loved ones fall under my curse! Hahahahaha!”

Flora cried tears of repentance as she felt the power of the ice spirit swirling within her.

“Oh, I… I, what have I done…? I’m sorry, I was wrong….──Help me, Noel…!”

──Flora’s sadness and impatience were taken advantage of by the ice spirit, and she embraced its power.

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