I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 3 Chapter 5 Part 3

Vol 3 Chapter 5 Part 3

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, wishing you a joyous Christmas filled with love and warmth!

And here’s the chapter. Enjoy~

Part 3

After giving her a whiff of refreshing incense, Tito came to her senses.

She turned bright red when she realized that she was in a pampered position in Lexia’s arms.

“W-wawawawa!? W-what in the world am I…! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay, you can be more lenient with me! You’re so cute!”

“No, um, w-why did I do that? It’s embarrassing~~~…!”

While Tito was fixing her messy clothes, blushing up to her neck, she rolled her eyes when she saw the basket of Catnip Mushrooms.

“Are those really Catnip Mushrooms? When did you collect so many?”

“Fufu, it’s a secret.”


Tito tilted her head as Lexia gave her a mischievous smile.

“Well, let’s keep gathering!”

The group continued to gather rare ingredients in the dangerous forest.

Ruri and Riru rolled their eyes.

“We got most of the ingredients in no time, huh? Isn’t that amazing?”

“It is amazing, isn’t it?

“Even Ruri and Riru, who say that, have been killing the vicious monsters for a while now…”

While Lexia and the others were busy gathering ingredients, Ruri and Riru fought off the attacking monsters with their magic.

Tito is amazed to see the highest level of magic, both defensive and offensive.

“As one would expect from the disciples of the Magic Saint, you are amazing…!”

“Master says that both of us can finally become full-fledged magicians, right?”

“Yes, but he says we are not ready yet!”

“It doesn’t look that way to me…”

“Doesn’t Odis-sama have a policy of giving words of encouragement?”

Ruri and Riru look at the picture book.

“The remaining two are Clear Water Flower and Polar Light Powder.”

“Clear Water Flower and Polar Light Powder, huh!”

“The Clear Water Flower is a flower that blooms underwater, right?”

“They only bloom in clear water and are very rare.”

“And the Polar Light Powder is even harder to come by, isn’t it?”

“Yes, everything is shrouded in mystery, and there are no clues to be found!”

Hearing her explanation, Luna crossed her arms with a difficult look on her face.

“Even with the knowledge of the Magic Saint’s disciples, there are no clues. It’s going to be difficult.”

“As expected from the Elixir of Immortality, just gathering the ingredients is a high degree of difficulty…”

Lexia raised her voice cheerfully.

“There’s no point in worrying about it! Let’s find the Clear Water Flower first!”

“Yes. First, we have to find a waterhole.”

“I can feel water coming from over here!”

As they walked through the forest with Tito leading the way, they came upon a small pond.

The five of them looked into the water──.

“There it is!”

Lexia pointed to a flower in the water that looked like a Clear Water Flower.


“The water is muddy…”

The water in the pond was muddy, and the flowers were shriveled.

Looking at the footprints on the bottom of the pond, Luna frowns.

“It seems that one of the other heirs crossed the pond and muddied the water.”

“Clear Water Flowers can only be used if they are collected while they are still in bloom, right? That’s a problem, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that is a problem. When the water gets clean, I think it will come back…”

“If it’s so muddy, it will take a while for the water to clean up…”

“Hmm, do you have any ideas?”

Lexia leans forward.

“Hey, if you look in there that closely, you’ll fall in.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t make that mistake! Oh!”

Something slipped out of Lexia’s pocket and fell into the pond with a splash.

“I dropped Sahar’s treasured sword. Oh, no!”


Then, a blinding light spread out like a ripple, and the water instantly became clear.

“Eeeehhhh. The muddy water became clear!”

“Wha!? Sahar’s treasure sword can do that?”

Next to Tito and Luna, who were surprised, Lexia shrugged her shoulders.

“Fufu, it’s just like I thought! It can clear clouds and fog, so of course, it can clear muddy water!

“No, you obviously just dropped it.”

“A-amazing, even the king of the Sahara Kingdom didn’t say anything about it having such an effect…”

Ruri and Riru also opened their mouths in amazement when they saw the treasured sword that Luna had pulled up by the string.

“Wow! The treasured sword itself is certainly amazing… but could it be that Lexia-san has some kind of special power or magic?”

“Yes, it seems that Lexia-san’s magic power amplifies the effect and brings out more power than it originally had!”

“Eh, is that so? Then I wonder if my magic power had something to do with the Six Flower Shield being able to freeze the lake?”

As Lexia tilted her head, Tito, who was looking into the pond, raised a bright voice.

“Look, the Clear Water Flower has bloomed!”

She gently reached into the pond and carefully picked it up.

Lexia held the clear, pale blue flower high in the air.

“We have the Clear Water Flower!”

“We did it!”

“Thanks to Sahar’s treasured sword, getting it was surprisingly easy.”

“Now all that’s left is the Polar Light Powder, right?”

“Yes, the Polar Light Powder!”

“The powder that is shrouded in mystery.”

“By powder, you mean like pollen from a flower?”

Just as the five of them were about to go in search of the Polar Light Powder.


“! Lexia, get down!”


Luna made Lexia get down.

A beam of orange light swooped over her head.

“Ara, how did you dodge that?”

Emerging from the trees was Yue, accompanied by her followers.

“Princess Yue…!”

“Hmph, I’ve been watching you. Those twins seem to know a lot about the elixirs, don’t they? It’s not fair to get such excellent help in the sacred trial ceremony. Compete with me here, and I’ll teach you a lesson!”

Apparently, she had her followers scouting the area.

Lexia and the others glared at Yue, who crossed her arms arrogantly.

“You talk plausible, but I’m sure you’re planning to intercept the ingredients at any moment.”

“Who’s the coward here?”

“I won’t let you!”

But before Lexia and the others could get ready, Ruri and Riru stepped forward.

“Ruri-san, Riru-san?”

“Can you leave this to us?”

“That power earlier──dragon power, was it? It seems to be something special.”

“It looks like it’s similar to magic power, but it’s a little different.”

“Yes, I’m very curious about it.”

“As expected from the disciples of the Magic Saint, they have the same research skills as their master.”

Yue’s mouth twisted horribly.

“Hmph, you’ll be sorry you ever challenged me! Get it over with, you fools!”


At Yue’s signal, the three followers leap at them, weapons in hand.

Ruri and Riru, however, nodded to each other and clasped their hands together.

“We have to be careful not to accidentally make them disappear, right?”

“Yes, we have to be careful, right?”

A black sphere was born between their hands.

And then──

“”Piercing Magic.””

Kyuin! Kyuin, kyuin!

The black sphere began to send out rays of light that targeted the enemy’s feet.


The followers panicked and dodged the rays.

Plants and stones were scorched at their feet, sending up a cloud of smoke.

“W-what kind of magic is that?”

Luna asked in amazement while Ruri and Riru tilted their heads with calm expressions.

“When dealing with humans, it’s hard to go easy on them, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s hard to go easy on them!”

“Wha…! What was that, magic? But I’ve never seen magic like that…!”

Yue was stunned but quickly came to her senses.

“Kuh, don’t get all worked up just because you can use a little magic! I’m going to give you a taste of real dragon power! Take this!”

With a victorious smile on her face, she released a beam of dragon power from her fingertips.

A moment later, Ruri and Riru raised their arms.

A magic circle appeared from their palms, overlapping into one.

“”Magic Barrier!””


The magic circle shone brightly and easily repelled the dragon’s power.

“Wha…!? My dragon power was repelled?”

“It seems different from magic, but it’s easy to prevent this much, right?”

“Yes, it’s easy to prevent.”

This time, Lexia clapped her hands at Yue, who could only stand there aghast.

“Amazing, Ruri-san, Riru-san!”

“As expected from a disciple of the Magic Saint… To block the dragon’s power so easily.”

“M-Maybe they haven’t unleashed their full power yet, but… it’s an overwhelming victory…”

Lexia put her hands on her hips and pointed at Yue.

“Now you know that you can’t take away the ingredients, right? If you want to be emperor, don’t be a coward and try to steal them from us; you have to collect them yourself!”

“Kuh! My dragon power is useless; what in the world are these girls…?”

Yue gritted her teeth.



With a screech, a huge shadow descended from the sky.

It was a giant moth with aurora-colored wings.


“Wha, what is that monster?”

Luna and the others were startled, but they all attacked the moth that was about to attack Yue at the same time.

“Boisterous Dance!”

“Heavenly Claws!”

“”Piercing Magic!””

However, the giant moth dodged them all with a flutter and swooped down with its rainbow-colored wings flapping.



The moth extended a pointed stinger from its mouth and charged at Yue, who screamed──.


Xiaolin’s voice rang out, and a stream of crimson light rushed towards the monster.



The giant moth was annihilated without a trace.

Not satisfied with that, the crimson light uprooted the trees and created a huge space.

Luna’s eyes widened.

“Huh? What is that red light?”

“I-it was a stream of tremendous magic power──no, it was a stream of power, wasn’t it…?”

“Y-yeah, I’ve never seen such a tremendous power before…!”

“What was that voice…?”

Yue also collapsed on the spot, stunned.

“W-what was that…?”

“Hah, hah… I made it in time…!”

It was Xiaolin who appeared from the trees.


“The curse has been lifted!”

“Then that light from earlier might have been…!”

Meeting Lexia’s gaze, Xiaolin nodded.

“I’m not sure if it’s my dragon power. Odis-sama exorcised the cursed bug, and immediately, the power overflowed…”

Mid-sentence, Lexia hugged Xiaolin.


“Wow, Xiaolin-sama, you can use your dragon power now! I’m so happy for you! I’m really happy for you!”


“You did great!”

As Xiaolin beamed, Odis appeared out of breath.

“Hah, hah… it was a nasty curse, but such a thing is nothing to me.”

“Odis-sama! Thank you for releasing Xiaolin-sama’s dragon power!”

“But I had no idea that Xiaolin had such tremendous power…”

“Unleashing such a tremendous power, Magic Saint-sama is too much…!”

At the sound of admiration, however, Odis pushed up his glasses with a bitter look on his face.

“No, I never expected it to be so powerful, completely unexpected. I am also a bit surprised by this power… when it has just awakened…”

“To be able to surprise our master, isn’t that amazing?”

“It is amazing!”

Ruri and Riru also rolled their eyes.

Even from the point of view of the Magic Saint and his disciples, Xiaolin’s dragon power was out of the ordinary.

“Huh… That red power is Xiaolin’s dragon power? And what in the world is the meaning of that power?”

Xiaolin rushed over to Yue, who was sitting there in a daze.

“Nee-sama, are you hurt?”

Yue came to her senses and stood up vigorously.

“Kuh, I will pay you back for this; remember that!”


Xiaolin looked sadly at Yue as she and her followers disappeared deep into the forest, leaving only a few words behind.

Lexia saw Xiaolin’s hair and raised her voice.

“Ara? Xiaolin-sama’s hair has more red parts.”


As Lexia said, half of Xiaolin’s hair, which should have been almost orange, had turned red.

I-it’s true! When I met you, you only had a tuft of red hair, and now you have half-red hair!”

“It’s a bright crimson, different from Schleimann-sama’s and Yuri-sama’s, too.”

Xiaolin looks into the mirror fragment and gasps.

“W-why in the world would…! The dragon power was red too; maybe it has something to do with the release of the dragon power…”

Then Odis told her like it was nothing.

“Yes, dragon power is red in nature.”


“How did you know that, Odis-sama?”

“Hmm, did I not tell you? I have been studying it for a while, thinking that dragon power is a power similar to magic and that it could lead to the development of magic.”

Odis said and took an ancient book out of his bag.

“According to this old book, the first emperor also had red hair.”

“Eh, Fa Lan-sama?”

Luna suddenly remembered.

“Come to think of it, the Fa Lan-sama I saw in the performance wore a red veil.”

“It wasn’t a decoration, but an expression of her red hair…”

“After all, the truth is hidden in folklore and lore!”

Odis looked at Xiaolin’s hair and nodded.

“The first emperor’s dragon power was red, and his hair was crimson. Perhaps the first emperor’s blood had become thinner, and the dragon power had weakened over time. As time passed, the first emperor’s blood became thinner, the dragon power weakened, and the color of the hair faded to the current shade of orange. However, through your ancestry, you have pure and powerful red dragon power, similar to that of the first emperor. Now that you have regained your power by purifying the cursed bug, you will return to the red hair you should have had.”

Xiaolin stood stunned as she learned the truth for the first time.

“The dragon power passed down to the emperor is fading… Why doesn’t anyone know about such an important thing…?”

“Of course, it’s because it would be inconvenient for them to know such a thing. If word spreads that the emperor’s power is slowly diminishing, it will cause unrest among the people and expose the emperor’s weakness to other countries. It is only natural that they hide it. This ancient document also happened to be protected just before it was burned. …Well, only the heir to the throne might have been told the truth.”

“Then this is the real dragon power… the power that Fa Lan-sama had in her…”

Lexia’s face lights up as Xiaolin squeezes her chest.

“Xiaolin-sama’s dragon power, it’s such a beautiful power! And your red hair suits you so well! After all, you are the red-haired Maiden of Lore!”

Xiaolin smiled with tears in her eyes.

“Thank you… Thanks to Lexia-san and the others, I was able to regain my true power. The exorcism ritual was painful, but thanks to the training of Lexia-san and the others, I was able to endure it.”

Odis stroked his chin as if satisfied.

“I see; it was you who trained the princess. No wonder she was able to withstand the bug’s harsh exorcism. If she had fainted or failed in any other way, she would not have been able to release her dragon power forever.”

“I didn’t know it was such a dangerous procedure… You really did your best, Xiaolin.”

“I’m glad I could help you…!”

Xiaolin bowed deeply to Odis again.

“Thank you, Magic Saint-sama…!”

“There is no need to thank me; I only restored it to the way it should be. But your dragon power is still awakened and incomplete. When it is fully released, it will be even more powerful.”

“M-more than this? Xiaolin has extraordinary potential…”

“But then, who put the cursed bug on her, and for what purpose…?”

Tito mumbles, and Xiaolin looks down in fear.

“…Well, I can guess most of it. The dragon’s power is too much after all──”

Just as Odis was about to mumble something into his mouth, Lexia raised her bright voice.

“Hey, look! The moth monster just dropped an item… Isn’t that the Polar Light Powder?”

A rainbow-colored powder fell in the wake of the moth monster’s disappearance.

“Wow. That’s the Polar Light Powder, right? So it was a drop item from the moth?”

“Yes. That’s why it was so hard to get!”

“Now we have all the ingredients!”

Odis raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Oh. Normally, it would have taken a week, but to accomplish this in such a short time is quite a feat.”

“Th-That’s amazing, everyone…!”

Lexia and the others looked at each other and laughed.

“Then let’s get on with making the Elixir of Immortality!”

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