I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 3 Prologue

Vol 3 Prologue

And here come the third volume, I hope you can enjoy it~


“Amazing, amazing, it’s so fast!”

The sleigh carrying the three girls sped across the vast plains.

Lexia’s dazzling blonde hair fluttered, and her jade-green eyes sparkled.

“I’ve heard stories, but the Lianxi Empire is so huge!”

“I’m going on a journey to save the world!” said Lexia, the first princess of the Kingdom of Arcelia, who had left the castle with her escort, Luna, some time ago.

After saving the Sahar Kingdom in the south and the Romel Empire in the north from a crisis, the group was on its way to the next destination──the capital of the Lianxi Empire, a great power in the east.

Luna steered the sleigh as she looked out over the vast grassy plains.

“It is amazing that such a large country has existed for a thousand years. The imperial family of the Lianxi Empire must be very powerful.”

She has cool blue eyes and silky silver hair. She has a slender and delicate yet beautifully toned body.

Luna was once a skilled assassin known as the Headhunter.

She is now Lexia’s bodyguard, and through repeated training, she has acquired a strength that surpasses even that of first-class adventurers.

Behind Luna, a young beastman girl named Tito twitches her big cat ears.

“Noel-san told me that the capital of the Lianxi Empire is very prosperous! I’m curious to see what kind of place it is!”

Tito is a rare white cat beastman and a disciple of the Claw Saint, one of the strongest individuals in the world.

Despite her dainty appearance, with her golden eyes shining and her white tail wagging happily when she enters battle, she will use her shiny silver claws to defeat the strongest of enemies.

Lexia smiled like a flower as she looked down the path of the sleigh.

“I’ve heard about this thousand-year-old empire with its unique Eastern culture, history, and traditions… but this will be my first visit! I’m really looking forward to it!”

Her skin is porcelain white, and her blonde hair shines like the sun. Her eyes are jade green and sparkling like jewels, with a strong and dazzling light in them.

She is the first princess of the Kingdom of Arcelia.

She has a beauty that captivates everyone, but her personality is free, open-minded, and fearless.

To get as close as possible to the boy of her dreams, Yuuya Tenjou, she says, “I’m going on a journey to save the world,” ignoring the protests of her father and aides. The group has already saved two countries from the brink of extinction through the journey Lexia has initiated.

“But it’s quite a distance from the Romel Empire to the Imperial Capital of the Lianxi Empire, but thanks to this sleigh, we’ll get there much sooner than planned.”

“Thanks to Noel-san!”

The sleigh the three of them are riding on is a magic tool invented by Noel, a genius inventor from the Romel Empire, and is fueled by a special ore called Magic Ore.

Thanks to this sleigh, the three made good progress on their journey.

“By the way, what kind of girl is Princess Xiaolin, Schleimann-sama’s niece?”

The group had received a top-secret request from Emperor Schleimann of the Romel Empire to tutor his niece, Xiaolin.

According to history, Emperor Schleimann’s sister was married as the third empress of the Lianxi Empire, and her daughter, Princess Xiaolin, had grown up to be a selfish person.

The group is on their way to the imperial capital, where the imperial palace is located, to teach the princess.

“Schleimann-sama complained that Princess Xiaolin seems to reject every tutor she gets… but my goodness, what kind of chaos awaits us this time…”

“Don’t worry, we have the “Shield of Six Flowers,” the “Sahar’s Treasure Sword,” and the magic gun that Noel and Flora-san invented! I’m not afraid of what’s coming!”

“What are you trying to fight?”

“It’s like a walking treasure trove.”

Wherever they went, the three of them saved countries and people and received legendary treasures and weapons in return.

“I heard that the ‘Shield of Six Flowers’ given by Schleimann-sama is the greatest treasure passed down from generation to generation in the Romel Imperial Family. Don’t use it so carelessly.”

“It seems to be an amazing shield that can nullify any kind of flame! According to Noel-san’s story, it contains the power of a special spirit unique to the great land of ice…”

“Also, Flora-san was surprised to hear that the precious sword we received in the Kingdom of Sahar seems to have a special magic power in it! We didn’t know it, but according to Flora-san, it has a nickname, ‘The Sword of Heavenly Sunshine.'”

“Ah, there is a legend that it can cut through the dark clouds of eternal darkness. Don’t use it to cut meat again, okay?”

The imperial capital approaches as they exchange such a conversation.

“We’ll be able to see the Imperial Capital soon.”

Lexia leaned forward at Luna’s words.

“Hey, Luna, will you trade with me for the last time? I’ve been asking you for a long time, but you just keep avoiding my requests. I’d like to drive for a while too!”

“…Sigh, it’s just for a minute. Please don’t do anything crazy, okay?”

Luna stopped the sleigh and changed seats with Lexia.

“Oh, this is so much fun!”

Lexia was excited as she drove the sleigh.

Soon, a huge gate came into view.

“This must be the entrance to the Imperial Capital!”

“Wow, what a big gate…!”

The Imperial Capital is surrounded by a huge wall, and many travelers and merchants are lined up in front of the gate.

“Huh? There are a lot of soldiers standing around.”

As Tito said, many soldiers with weapons in their hands were watching around the gate.

“This is a bit too much for a normal checkpoint… Lexia, it’s time to stop. We’ll get off here and walk away so we don’t look suspicious.”

“I understand! Ara?”

“Hey, we’re going to run into the gate if you don’t stop the sleigh right now… Lexia!”

“N-no! It’s not stopping!”


Lexia tried to stop the sled, but the power unit seemed to be malfunctioning.

The soldiers’ eyes widened as they noticed the sleigh coming toward them.

“W-what the hell is that vehicle? It’s coming right at us…?”

“Wait, wait, stop!”

“Kyaaa, move, move!”

The sleigh manages to divert its trajectory away from the gate, but the sleigh’s speed increases even more as it barrels toward the wall.

“At this speed, it will hit the wall…!”

“Kuh, I’ll just have to do it…! Boisterous Dance!”

Luna used her favorite weapon──strings and instantly detached the power unit.

Kiin──Gashan! Zshaaaaaaaaaah!

The sleigh stopped just before crashing into the wall.

“Oh, that was close…!”

“Phew! Nice work, Luna!”

“My goodness, what a disaster.”

Just as they were relieved, a group of soldiers surrounded them, their faces turning pale.

“Who the hell are you? What is this vehicle?”

“We are travelers. And this is a state-of-the-art magic tool invented by the geniuses of the Romel Empire!”

“The magic tool of the Romel Empire? I have heard rumors, but this is…!”

“N-no, it’s rather suspicious that such young girls are carrying the latest magic tools! They might be rebels posing as travelers…!”

“Anyway, I’ll check it out in detail! Come here!”

“Awawawa, they’re all getting suspicious. What should we do…!”

“Don’t worry; they’ll let us through as soon as the misunderstanding is cleared up!”

Lexia and the others left their sleigh there and were led to an interrogation area next to the gate.

At the gate, grim-faced soldiers watched the people being inspected.

“They’re very strict, aren’t they?”

“Yes. And everyone is very tense.”

A soldier opens his mouth as he prepares to interrogate them.

“After all, the battle for the throne is about to begin, and we can’t let anyone suspicious pass through.”

“Succession battle?”

“Yes. The four heirs to the throne will compete in a fierce test to determine who will be crowned emperor. The opening ceremony will be attended by dignitaries from other countries, so security has been tightened.”

“I-I didn’t know there was such a big event…”

“Does that mean Xiaolin-sama will be attending this event?”

Luna whispered into Lexia’s ear as she tilted her head.

“Listen Lexia, don’t say anything unnecessary. Schleimann-sama has asked us to keep the fact that we will be tutoring her a secret from everyone except those who are involved.”

“That’s fine. Before we left the Romel Empire, Schleimann-sama gave us a special pass to enter the imperial palace! Leave it to me!”

The soldier with the papers in his hand starts asking questions.

“Now, about your background…”

“As I said, we are just travelers. We stopped to do some sightseeing during our trip. You see, we even have special passes!”

Lexia said and searched her backpack with great enthusiasm.



What emerged was a collection of sweets, books, trumpets, insect nets, colorful flags, and a large number of romance novels.

“I can’t find the pass!”

“You’re packing all kinds of unnecessary stuff!”

“What on earth is this insect net…?”

Luna and Tito couldn’t help but scold Lexia as she panicked.

“What are we going to do? We can’t even get into the imperial palace without a pass…!”

“It’s probably stuck in a book or something. Just look for it after we’ve done some sightseeing!”

“That’s great, we are in such a situation, but you are ready to do some sightseeing…!”

“Before you do that, you need to sort out your stuff first…!”

Seeing the three in panic, the soldiers became even more vigilant.

“Nonsense… how can a traveler get a special pass?”

“You look more and more suspicious. Just as I thought, you must be rebels planning to wreak havoc in the imperial capital with the most advanced magic tools.”

“Ara, excuse me.”

Lexia puffed out her cheeks at the soldier, who showed his disbelief.

“Those who commit such devious acts as riots, explosions, and other outrageous incidents are outlaws, aren’t they? A graceful and lovely maiden like us can’t be such a nefarious person!”

Just as Lexia puffed out her chest with determination.


Behind them, the sleigh exploded.


“W-what the hell? The sleigh just exploded!”

The soldiers were startled, and Tito turned pale.

“Awaawa…! By the way, Noel-san told us to dispose of the sleigh as soon as we arrived at the imperial capital…!”

“I completely forgot! The fact that the sleigh suddenly went out of control may have been a precursor to the explosion. That was a close call!”

“As expected from Noel’s invention.”

The three who were calm in the face of the explosion were surrounded by the angry soldiers.

“You, you are rebels, after all!”

“What about the lovely maiden? Were you planning to storm the capital and cause an explosion?”

“No, that wasn’t it! That sleigh was originally designed that way!”

“How could such a dangerous vehicle exist?”

“You’re right.”

The soldiers are frightened by Lexia and the others, who are completely unperturbed.

“Kuh, causing an explosion in front of the imperial capital, surrounded by armed soldiers, and still having a leeway…! You are no ordinary person…!”

“Arrest them immediately and take them to the dungeons of the imperial palace! It is the most secure prison in the capital, and no matter how vicious the criminals are, they will never escape!”

The three of them were captured by the soldiers.

“Awawawa, we got into trouble as soon as we arrived!”

“But it’s good that we’re getting into the imperial palace so quickly!”

“You’re being too positive. Sigh, the future looks bleak… Well, we just lost our pass as well. Since we’re here, let’s ask them to show us around the palace.”

“Both Lexia-san and Luna-san are amazing; you are not fazed at all…! Why…?”

“Because it happens all the time!”

“It’s a common occurrence, but…”

So, the three of them were taken to the imperial palace as rebels.

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