I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 4 Chapter 2 Part 2

Vol 4 Chapter 2 Part 2


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Part 2

The swarm of monsters that had surrounded the four of them disappeared, and the area went completely silent.

Giselle mumbled as if she had lost her mind.

“That many swarms, in the blink of an eye… you two are really strong…!”

“Fufufu, I told you, didn’t I? Luna and Tito are the cutest and the strongest!”

Lexia laughed happily and boldly pointed deep into the jungle.

“Now, let’s go!”

They continued on their way, kicking away the occasional monster that appeared.

The monsters seemed to realize that they were not to be taken lightly, and their attacks became less frequent.

But after a while of exploring the jungle.

“Are you okay, Lexia?”


Lexia let out a gravelly voice.

The grassy ground was always muddy, sinking her feet and draining her strength.

“It’s very hard to walk here… is everyone okay?”

“Um, yes… maybe it’s because I’m used to it in the desert.”

“I, too, often walk along the seashore… so yes, maybe if I use some spirit art to harden the ground, it might make it a little easier to walk.”

“No, I can’t let Giselle use her precious power for something like that!”

Luna offers her hand to Lexia, who shakes her head.

“Here, hold my shoulder.”

“It’s okay, it’s going to be hard for you to walk, isn’t it?”

“But we have to hurry, we don’t have much time.”

Then Tito’s cat ears perked up.

That’s right! Then… Lexia-san, please get on my back!”

“Huh? But won’t Tito get tired…?”

“It’s okay, I’m confident in my strength! And since the real work begins when we get to the ruins, I think it’s best to conserve your strength for now!”

Having said that, Tito turned her back on Lexia and crouched down.

“Now, get in!”

“Really? Well, I won’t hold back then!”

Lexia climbed onto Tito’s back.

Tito stood up.

“There you go!”

“Kyaa! So easily…! That’s amazing!”

“Tito-san, you are really strong…!”

“Ehehe. I’m glad I could help!”

“Thank you, Tito! But are you okay? Is it too heavy?”

“Yes! It’s so light I could walk like this!”

“Really? That’s good to hear──Ara? There’s something over there.”

Lexia suddenly pointed into the depths of the trees.

Lifting her eyes, she spotted an object she hadn’t seen before.

She looked at the object and gasped.

“Isn’t that… the ruins?”


As they hurried in that direction, a dilapidated building appeared at the end of a clearing in the trees.

The massive stone walls were tangled with ivy and crumbling in places.

“I-it’s the ruin! It really exists…!”

“Fufufu, I knew it. Everything was calculated, even the fact that Tito gave me a piggyback ride.”

“That’s great, Lexia-san!”

“No, it was just a coincidence.”

Giselle looked up at the ruins and rolled her eyes.

“These are the ancient ruins… It really existed…”

“Hmm, when it comes to the jungle, you would expect to find ruins, this is exciting!”

“I hope there are some clues about the eruption.”

They searched around the outer wall and found an entrance almost buried in the grass.

Peering into the damp darkness, Tito lowered her cat ears.

“Ugh, this is creepy…”

“Fufufu, it’s full of atmosphere! This is just like the ruins of a jungle!”

Lexia smiled fearlessly and pointed to the passage leading into the depths of darkness.

“Our goal is to get to the deepest part! It’s a common belief that the most important things are hidden in the deepest parts of the ruins!”

“Not necessarily… Well, we don’t know what’s there. Let’s explore with caution.”

They cautiously entered the ruins.

Inside, the air was damp. The stone floor was worn, and the sound of water occasionally echoed in the void.

The walls were covered with luminescent moss that gave off a pale light.

“Thanks to this moss, it is bright even without a lantern.”

“Y-yes… but it seems like something is going to jump out of the darkness at any moment──Hyaaaahhh!”


“What? What, what, what!?”

Tito suddenly jumped up, and Lexia and Giselle screamed in response.

“Wawa, hawawawa… I-I-I’m sorry, I thought it was just a rock, but when I put my hand on it, it turned out to be a big face engraving, and I was so surprised”.

“It’s true! Who made this thing, it’s terrible!”

“It’s quite an elaborate piece of work.”

“Are you okay, Tito-san? Shall we go hand in hand?”

“Ugh, sorry…”

The sound of four footsteps echoes off the stone walls.

The passage is sloped and has a structure that goes underground.

“It goes down a bit, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. It appears that these ruins extend underground.”

“Then it might be bigger than it looks from the outside!”

They walked down the hill and turned a corner.

Luna suddenly stopped.

“Hmm… there’s a strange presence up ahead.”

“A presence?”

“? I don’t smell or hear anything strange…”

Giselle and Tito tilted their heads.

The passageway looked no different than the paths they had taken so far.

Lexia raised her voice as if in a hurry.

“There’s no point in being afraid! Let’s go!”

“! Wait, Lexia…”

Before Luna could stop her, Lexia ran away.

Then, with a sudden thud, something opened at her feet, and Lexia disappeared.



Luna immediately wrapped her string around Lexia, who was sucked into the pit.

“What, what is it──!”

At the bottom of the pit, far below Lexia’s swaying feet──were a series of rusted spears with their tips pointing up.

“I can’t believe this! This is dangerous!”

“You’re moving too fast, you know that?”

It took three of them to pull Lexia up, and then they wiped the cold sweat from their faces.

“Th-that was close…! What in the world is this pit?”

“It’s obviously a man-made trap.”

“B-but who on earth… for what?”

Giselle suddenly remembered.

“That reminds me… I’ve read about this in some old literature. A long time ago, pirates used these ruins as a hideout…”

“P-pirates, huh…?”


“But even pirates would have a hard time getting in and out of this jungle…”

“I know, that’s why I thought it was just a common folklore, but… maybe the pirate stories are true and these pirates set traps to protect their stolen goods…”

“Sure, from the looks of this trap, that’s a possibility. How they got in and out of the jungle remains a mystery…”

Hearing this, Lexia’s face instantly lit up.

“So… there might be treasure hidden by the pirates after passing through the traps? That’s amazing, it’s like something out of an adventure novel!”

“You almost died in that trap, you know!”

“Ara, I was just being careless before. Now that I know there’s a trap, aren’t there many ways to deal with it?”

“Where does your confidence come from? …Look, don’t forget what we’re here for. Our goal is to find clues to the eruption.”

“Of course! But isn’t it romantic to find treasure in ruins? We will overcome the traps together with wisdom, courage and friendship! I’ve always wanted to experience something like this, like in an adventure novel!”

In contrast to Lexia’s excitement at the unknown experience, Tito and the others looked at each other nervously.

“I never thought there would be such a dangerous trap… we have to be even more careful from now on…”

“Yes, we will be very careful.”

“I-I mean it, Lexia. Don’t do anything rash.”

“Ara, it’s okay. I’ve read about this kind of thing in many adventure novels. I know this stuff better than anyone else! Come on, let’s go!”

Lexia took an enthusiastic step forward, and the stone at her feet sank with a thud.



Behind the four of them.

The ceiling seemed to open, and a huge rock appeared to fill the passage.

“C-could that be…?”

They had no time to prepare.

The huge rock rumbled towards the four of them who were standing still! It came down with a roaring sound.


Lexia’s scream was the signal for all four of them to run at once.

“Lexia───! I told you not to make any rash moves!”

“I had no choice! But I read about this in an adventure novel!”

“Why do you look so happy!”

“Wawawa, we’re going to get flattened!”

“Look ahead, everyone! It’s a dead end…!”

Giselle shouted when she saw the dead end.

Luna looked at Tito, who was running at the back of the line.

“Tito, can you make it?

“Yes, I’m ready! Here we go──Fierce Claws!”

Tito turned and released a vacuum wave.


Rumble, rumble, rumble…!

An invisible slash cut through the giant rock.

Lexia wiped the sweat from her brow as she gasped for breath.

“Phew, that was a surprise…!”

“That was a classic trap.”

“I-it’s amazing, Tito-san, that you could cut such a big rock…”

“Hehehe. I’m glad I made it in time!”

“As expected from Tito! Normally we would have been flattened long ago, but I bet the pirates didn’t expect to have their rocks chopped off!”

“But I didn’t know this road was a dead end… We should go back and find another road.”

“Well, we’ve come this far, but… we have to go back and find another way.”

As she said this, Giselle looked around and muttered, “Ara?”

The surrounding walls, along with the rocks, had been destroyed by Tito’s slash.

And behind them was a gaping hole in the ground.

“Look, everyone. Beyond this wall is a room.”


Lexia and the others looked into the hole in the wall.

“It’s true! It looks like a hidden room.”

“A hidden room? That’s suspicious… I’m sure there must be some amazing treasure hidden in there!”

Luna stares into the darkness, holding Lexia, who looks like she is about to run into the room.

“Hmm? Is that…?”

At the end of the room, on an ostentatious table, was a decaying treasure chest.

“Is it a treasure chest…?”

Lexia’s eyes lit up at the words.

“A treasure chest? It’s so well hidden, there must be something important inside! It smells like romance!”

“Wait, Lexia, don’t do anything rash…”

Lexia steps into the room without listening to the warning.

Without warning, a net bursts out from under her feet.



In the blink of an eye, Lexia is suspended in midair by the net.

She flapped and wriggled in the narrow net like a rabbit caught in a trap.

“What is this──? Hey, Luna, help me…”

“Good grief. I think we’d better give you a little punishment.”

“Are you going to leave me here? Stop it!”

“Of course it’s a joke.”

“Awawa, I’m going to put you down now!”

“Don’t be so fidgety, you’ll get tangled up…!”

And Tito helped Lexia and set her down.

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