I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 4 Chapter 3 Part 2

Vol 4 Chapter 3 Part 2


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Part 2

“Looks like I got here just in time.”



Tito’s face lit up, and Lexia and Luna’s voices overlapped.

The one who rushed to the four people’s crisis on a bird-shaped monster─the Vehicle Hawk─was the Claw Saint Gloria.

“T-this person is Tito-san’s master? That means──”

Giselle muttered, and Gloria nodded.

“Oh, you are Giselle? I know you from Tito’s letter. I’m the Claw Saint, Gloria. You took care of my disciple, didn’t you?”

“T-the real Claw Saint-sama…?”

Gloria nodded to Giselle, whose voice was turned inside out, and shifted her gaze to Lexia and Luna.

“It’s been a while, Lexia-kun and Luna-kun. Are you well?”

“Yes, thank you!”

“Master, you came!”

“Yes. But we’ll talk about that later.”


They turned around at the sound of a roaring fire.

The lava scattered around the hand, which was supposed to be shattered, was floating.


In front of the astonished group, the lava gathered in one spot and returned to the shape of a hand.

“I-it’s regenerating…?”

“How is it that it didn’t disappear after that attack?”

“What in the world is that titan…?”

The lava hand had completely revived despite the full force of the Holy attack.

“O, o, ooooohhhh…!”

The titan’s eyes glared as if looking for prey, and the lava hand crawled around.

Gloria studied the situation closely.

“It’s dangerous to provoke it any further. Let’s get out of here.”

Gloria blew her whistle, and three Vehicle Hawks landed on the rocky beach.

Luna rode with Lexia, and Tito rode with Giselle.

“I-it’s my first time riding a flying monster.”

“It’s okay, hold on tight!”


The Vehicle Hawk spread its wings and took off.


The titan sunk cunningly into the crater, perhaps realizing that there was no longer an obstacle in its path.

Rumble, rumble, rumble…!

Lexia groaned as she looked down at the swirling lava crater.

“What in the world is that lava giant…?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know, but… there’s no doubt it’s something, a terrible thing…!”

As they made their way to the island settlement, Lexia and the others explained to Gloria what had happened so far.

“We found out from the stone tablets left behind in the jungle ruins that the cause of the eruption of Mount Aurea was a beast from another planet──an alien beast!”

“When we rode up to Mount Aurea, an alien beast emerged from the crater. It was a lion-like beast made of rock, but even though we defeated the beast… the evil star didn’t disappear.”

“On the contrary, the evil star, which was supposed to be blue, turned red…!”

“But then what the heck was that lava giant…?”

Gloria listened to what Lexia and the others were saying, and when they were finished, she told them in a harsh voice.

“The rock lion you defeated is not an alien beast. It was a familiar of the alien beast.”

“A familiar, you say…?”

Giselle asked in a somber tone, and Gloria nodded.

“I’ve been looking into it ever since I received Tito’s letter. I found an old document in the Royal Library of the Kingdom of Sahar. It says that ever since they first nested in Mount Aurea in ancient times, the alien beast has continued to accumulate power deep within the earth… and that periodically, when the time of bad omens comes, their power overflows, and they sometimes appear on earth as familiars.”


Luna’s voice twitched.

“The lion we defeated is not an alien beast, but just one of its… familiars that overflowed with a glimpse of its power and took shape…?”

“That must be what was written on the broken and unreadable stone tablet…!”

Gloria nodded at Tito’s words.

“The tablet is the original, and the documents in the Kingdom of Sahar are copies of the original. When the seven evil blue stars are aligned, the familiars will appear─but perhaps because the sealing power was weakened; this time, the familiars did not wait for the seven evil blue stars to align before they appeared.”

Giselle’s voice quavered with dismay.

“Does that mean… the enemy that our ancestors risked their lives to drive back into the crater hundreds of years ago, as written on the stone tablet, was just another familiar…?”

“I suppose it is.”

“Then the real alien beast…”

Lexia looked down at the crater.

“Don’t tell me that lava titan is…?”

“Yes. That is the main body of the alien beast.”

“That… that titan is the main body of the alien beast…”

Lexia and the others were completely stunned.

Although they had only met for a short time, the power of the titan was so overwhelming that its extraordinary strength was vividly etched into the group’s consciousness.

Tito leaned forward from the back of the Vehicle Hawk.

“But the tablet said an alien beast. Isn’t an alien beast supposed to look like a beast?”

Gloria raised her eyebrows bitterly.

“That’s the thing… on this planet, there is a mechanism that protects the core, the heart of the planet──a star guardian.”

“The star guardian?”

“Yes. The star guardians take the form of lava titans and are responsible for eliminating enemies who come to steal the planet’s energy. …From what I saw earlier, it seems that the alien beast has acquired an equivalent form and power to counteract the star guardian.”

“N-no way…!”

“Does that mean that it mimicked the defense mechanism of the planet?”

“That’s what it means. It seems that in addition to the inherent strength of the alien beast, it has also acquired the power of a star guardian. For example, the ability to instantly regenerate after an attack would be one of them!”


Lexia and the others were speechless as the truth was revealed one by one.

Gloria pulled out an old document from the bag attached to the Vehicle Hawk.

“The old document also says, ‘The evil star in the sky above Mount Aurea. When the seven stars in the sky above Mount Aurea turn red, the alien beast will emerge from its crater and erupt. Then it will exercise its power over the earth, causing an eruption that will destroy the world.'”

“The red evil star…!”

Lexia looked up at the sky.

Three bright red burning stars twinkled in the sky above Mount Aurea.

“The reason it only partially revealed itself earlier was to get rid of the unplanned threat that is you. It is now at the bottom of the crater, siphoning energy from the planet and making its final preparations… And, as the legend goes, it will emerge fully formed when all seven red evil stars are in place.”

“So that means it will be four days before the titan─the main body of the alien beast─reappears…”

Lexia leaned forward with a straight face.

“This time, we’ll defeat the main body!”

“But you’ve seen it. The strength of the main body of the alien beast is unknown. It is probably incomparable to the enemies we have faced so far.”

Luna’s voice was harsh, and Tito’s cat ears hung down.

“Besides, I can’t believe it has the same power as the star guardians… and even before, the attack didn’t work… and I’m not sure if we can defeat it now…”

Then Gloria opened her mouth.

“Indeed, the alien beast is an enemy so powerful that it can destroy the world. It is unlike any enemy you have ever faced. It will be difficult to defeat. But… Giselle-kun. You must have inherited the power to seal the alien beast.”

Giselle’s eyes flashed.


“! You mean the spirit arts?”

Gloria nodded to Lexia, her voice bubbling with excitement.

“That’s right. Giselle-kun has a mysterious power… and the spirit arts draw their power from the spirits that dwell in nature and the elements.”


“Yes. Invisible to the eye, there are things called ghosts in this world. Spirits inhabit all things and are always surrounding nature and us. They are like energy scattered throughout the world itself. That is why it is said that a land rich in spirits will be rich, and a land poor in spirits will be poor… Well, I’ve only read about it in literature, but I haven’t seen it myself.”

Gloria shrugged slightly and continued.

“Normally, spirits do not interfere with us, nor can we perceive them. But there is a technique that allows us to borrow power from them.”

“That is the spirit art…”

Gloria nodded at Giselle’s murmur.

“Spirit art is a special power that only a limited number of people on this island can manifest, I’ve heard. According to the ancient documents, long ago, when Mount Aurea was infested with the alien beast and its familiars, the spirits, realizing the danger to the world, granted the power to resist the alien beast and its familiars to those who possessed the right qualities. And it is likely that every time there was a periodic overflow of specialists, people were born who were imbued with the spirit arts.”

“So that’s how it was! Spirit art was a power given by the spirits to protect this world! That’s amazing, Giselle!”

Luna asked Gloria while holding Lexia, who was so excited she was about to fall off the Vehicle Hawk.

“But I’ve heard that Giselle’s ancestors tried to stop the eruption of Mount Aurea by using spirit arts… but they only prevented the familiars from appearing in the form of sacrifices, but they couldn’t seal the main body of the alien beast.”

“That seems to be the case. Up until now, the people born with spirit art were so weak that they had no choice but to throw their entire bodies into the crater in order to somehow stop the familiars. However, when the main body of the alien beast is awakened, a person with a stronger spirit art should be born. That is Giselle-kun.”

“I have that kind of power…”

“Yes. And if you seal it properly with a powerful spiritual technique when it emerges from the crater, the alien beast will not awaken for the next few thousand years… the ancient document says so.”

Giselle lowered her eyebrows in concern.

“Can I do such a thing… to properly seal the alien beast?”

“You have nothing to worry about. I think you have a very strong power. The most important thing is to believe in yourself. And you are not alone.”

Giselle looks up with a start.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lexia and the others smiled encouragingly.

“Leave it to us; we’ll do everything we can to support you!”

“Yes. We were behind a while ago, but there are still four days left. There is still enough time for us to plan our countermeasures.”

“I will protect you, Giselle-san, no matter what! You can count on me!”

Giselle nodded vigorously, receiving the serious looks of Lexia and the others.

“I understand. I’ll do my best!”

“That’s the spirit!”

Gloria’s eyes narrowed as she watched Giselle strengthen her resolve.

The Vehicle Hawk landed on the beach at night.

Giselle gently stroked Vehicle Hawk’s neck.

“Wow, it’s so big and fluffy… strong to fly with so many people on board.”


“Fufu. Good, good, it feels so good to stroke here, doesn’t it?”

“Kyuee, kuee~!”

“As expected from Giselle, it didn’t take long for this child to get attached to you!”

“Thank you so much for carrying me. I really appreciate it!”

“Kuee, kuee, kueee~!”

“Oh no, don’t nibble on it!”

“It’s attached to you in a strange way.”

Luna was stunned to see Lexia’s head being nibbled by the Vehicle Hawk, but she suddenly looked up at the top of Mount Aurea.

“The battle is in four days. I don’t want to lose, but… honestly, it’s going to be a tough fight.”


Tito nodded with a stiff expression.

In the battle earlier, the lava titan had easily nullified Luna’s and Tito’s attacks.

Moreover, even after being attacked by Gloria, the Claw Saint, the lava giant instantly regenerated.

Gloria agrees.

“Yes. After all, the enemy is a powerful alien beast, so it won’t be an easy task. In order to completely seal it, we need to at least weaken it to the limit. Of course, I’ll join the fight… but to be honest, I’m not sure if I can handle an enemy that has gained the power of a star guardian by myself.”

Luna’s lips tightened, and Tito choked up.

Gloria looked at them and smiled from the corner of her mouth.

“Then I will train you.”

“Master will?”

Tito was surprised.

Although Gloria was Tito’s mentor, she had never given her very rigorous training, partly because she was shy and her power was unstable.

But Gloria huffed.

“I’ve been too lenient in the past, but I can’t say the same for now. And you are heroes who have already saved three countries, so I don’t think you are so weak that a little training will make you uncomfortable. I will give it my all.”


“Thank you!”

Luna and Tito bowed their heads.

“I also need to train more in the spirit arts…!”

“All right, if that’s what you want to do…”

Lexia pointed to the evil star shining above Mount Aurea.

“Let the training for battle begin!”

And so the days of training began.

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