I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 5 Chapter 2 Part 4

Vol 5 Chapter 2 Part 4

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Part 4


“Hey, I thought we were doing a circus act…!”

Tito shouts, trying to keep up with the howling wind and rain.

Dark clouds cover the sky. Steep cliffs rise on either side. And behind the rocks, the eyes of countless monsters glow.

Lexia and the others had come to the Valley of Storms, which was infested with vicious monsters.

“That’s right, we’re going to start a circus! That’s why we’re here!”

“I don’t understand what you mean by ‘that’s why’ at all…?”

Selene shouted back at Lexia, who raised her voice cheerfully.

A giant scorpion leapt at the three of them.


“! Crimson Slash!”


Selene slashed the scorpion that had leapt at them with a single stroke of her sword.

“Gigi, gi…!”

“That was amazing, Selene! You’re so strong!”

“Stay back, Lexia-san.”

Selene readied her sword as she looked into the monster’s eerily glowing eyes.

“Lexia-san said you wanted to be taken to a place with strong monsters, so I brought you here, but this is one of the most dangerous places in the world. It’s always covered in storms, and the monsters that live here are vicious. Even my foster mother─the Witch of the Scorched Earth─said it was all she could do to come back alive…! What would you want in such a dangerous place?”

As Selene had said, the Valley of Storms was a place where the wind howled so fiercely that it was hard to breathe, and large drops of rain pelted down.

Lightning flashed between the heavy clouds.

And around the three of them were monsters that had survived this harsh environment and the fierce struggle for survival.

Tito’s tail twitched as she braced herself against the monsters that seemed ready to attack at any moment.

“A-According to Selene-san, there is a terrifying boss who rules over the monsters in the Valley of Storms, right…?

“That’s right! I have business with the boss of the Valley of Storms!”


Lexia smiled fearlessly, undaunted by the fierce storm.

“Don’t worry, I have a plan! The future of the Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe rests on our shoulders… Anyway, just keep fighting until the Valley Boss appears!”

“Ugh, I don’t know what’s going on, but we have no choice but to do this…!”

“Right, now we just have to defeat the enemy in front of us!”

“Lexia-san, please hide in a safe place!”

Tito and Selene kicked off the ground and aimed at the fierce horde of monsters.


“Heavenly Shock Claw!”



Tito raised her claw from the bottom up.

The monster was shattered by the powerful slash.

Tito held her hand up to the rain that was blowing in the air as she watched her surroundings.

“Ugh, the rain is blinding me!”

At that moment, Lexia, who had been watching from behind a rock, shouted.

“Tito, look out!”


A silver ball came at Tito from her blind spot.



The sphere spun at high speed, smashing the rock behind Tito.


“What kind of power is that…? What is that thing…?”

“Gigi, gi…!”

The silver sphere dispersed, revealing the shape of a flat beast.

It glared at Tito, its small eyes blazing with fury.


“Mithril Needle…!”

It was a giant porcupine.

It had long needles growing all over its back, and the needles themselves were weapons, while the skin underneath the needles was made of steel and served as armor.

It was a troublesome opponent that even top-class adventurers had trouble dealing with, as it combined both attack and defense.


The porcupine curled up its body again and came at them at high speed, spinning around like a bullet.


Tito got up and jumped.

She jumped over the porcupine’s head and hit it with a torrent of power.

“I won’t lose in a strength contest! Thunderclap Claw・Extreme!”



A pillar of light with tremendous power hit the porcupine directly.

However, even though some of the needles covering its body are missing, the damage seems to be minor.


“No way! How can it withstand Tito’s attack…!”

Lexia paled.

Tito’s Thunderclap Claws are so powerful that they can shatter even a lump of steel with a single blow. But the porcupine had parried the attack itself by spinning around.

“What the heck are we going to do…!”

“It’s okay, I’ve figured out how to defeat it now!”

“Huh? How can you fight something so strong…!”

Tito stood up straight and focused all five of her senses on the boar.

She took a deep breath and prepared herself.



The porcupine spun around furiously, kicking up mud as it charged.


“I can see it! This is the final blow~!”

Tito dodged it just before they collided, and as they passed each other, it thrust out its claws.

“Pressure Point Claw!”

Aiming at the spot where the needle was missing, she plunged the tip of her claw into it with a thud!

A moment later.

“Gi, gi…!”

Crack, crack, crack, crack…!

A crack appeared in the hard armor.

After a moment, it shattered into pieces with a high-pitched sound.



Lexia jumped out from behind the rock.

“That was amazing, Tito! When did you learn that move?!”

“Hehe. During my training with my master on Halwa Island the other day, I learned to pay close attention to my opponents! That’s how I learned to see their weaknesses!”

“You’re growing more and more! I’m sure Gloria-sama is very proud of you!”

After being stroked by Lexia for a while, Tito became full of energy and pounced on the next monster.

“Now, let’s keep going!”


Meanwhile, Selene faced a pack of black fox-like monsters.

“Vuvu, vu… Gaaaaaaahh!”

“Fire Slash!”

She swung her flaming sword at the crowd of monsters.

The fierce flames turned into a shock wave and tore through the crowd of monsters.


They were cut to pieces from front to back, and the pile of black bodies grew higher and higher.

“Phew, that’s about it.”

“Selene, you’re so cool!”

“Thank you. Hearing you say that makes me feel like I’ve really been training.”

Selene looked back at Lexia and smiled, but then her face contorted.

“Lexia-san, watch out!”


A black shadow jumped at Lexia from behind.




Serene just managed to parry the shadow that had attacked Lexia with her sword.

The beast landed with a swift movement and fixed its red eyes on Selene.


“Hell Panther…!”

It was a leopard with an evil spotted pattern.

It was a monster nicknamed ‘Shield Killer’ because it could shatter even mithril-grade armor with its powerful fangs, and there was a terrifying story that a nearby village had been wiped out by a single Hell Panther.

Selene’s hand, holding the sword, tightened.

“You were the one who tried to devour me first, weren’t you?”

Thrown into the Valley of Storms by Douglas’ hand, Selene was destined to die at the monster’s claws.

She was saved at the last moment by the Witch of the Scorched Earth, and since then, Selene has been training with a bloody determination to change her fate.


“I’m sorry, but I’m not the same as I was back then─Crimson Slash!”

Selene swung her sword down to slash the huge panther in two.

However, the panther instantly jumped to avoid the god-speed blow.

It ran back and forth across the cliff, attacking Selene again.


“It’s no use!”


Selene caught the panther’s gleaming fangs with her blazing blade.


The panther raised its fangs, trying to shatter the blade with its flames.

Lexia turned pale at the sound of the blade grinding against the panther’s fangs.

“Selene, step back! You can’t win a contest of strength with that thing!”

But Selene’s lips curled into a smile.

“Don’t worry… I’ll push through with maximum power! Hellfire Pillar!”

As Selene shouted, the flames surrounding the blade flared with renewed power.




“You did it!”

But the flame-wrapped panther still tried to tear Selene apart with its fangs.

“Gaga, ga, ga…!”

“Your courage is admirable. Then I will respond with my own secret technique. Fierce Crushing Slash!”

With that, she swung her sword down violently.

The moment the blade touched the enemy, it caused a violent explosion.



The fierce flames consumed the huge monster to the bone.

As she watched the panther disappear with a scream of death, Selene wiped the remaining blood from her sword.

“I still have a mission to complete. I cannot afford to lose here.”

“You did it, you really did!”


Lexia hugged Selene, and her eyes sparkled.

“I was so surprised that you were able to defeat such a terrifying monster!”

“Fufu, when I was a kid, all I could do was cry. I guess I’ve grown up a bit.”

Then Lexia reached up and patted Selene on the head.

“Yes, you really are amazing! You’ve become strong enough to defeat the monsters of the Valley of Storms. You’ve really worked hard! You’re amazing, Selene!”


Selene’s eyes and cheeks flushed as she was caressed by Lexia’s soft hands.

“Um, Lexia-san, I’m not used to this…”

“Ara? Are you embarrassed, Selene? Are you embarrassed?”

“No, it’s just that… Fufu, it tickles.”

As she was caressed some more, Selene’s eyes narrowed.

For Selene, who had been burdened with a harsh fate since childhood and who had trained relentlessly with the goal of returning to her country, this was the first time she had been praised so openly.

She received all the energy she could from Lexia and then charged at the next monster.

“Now let’s burn the essence of the magic sword into your eyes!”

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