I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 5 Chapter 2 Part 3

Vol 5 Chapter 2 Part 3

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Part 3

The three of them made it safely through the maze and onto a small street.

Having regained all her energy, Lexia pointed triumphantly to the center of the royal capital.

“Come on, let’s start gathering information!”

They walked through the hustle and bustle to the center of the city.

The red brick streets were narrow but full of life.

Children chased each other, and merchants with large bags on their backs sold foodstuffs to passersby.

Above their heads, laundry fluttered on ropes from window to window.

Selene blinked happily.

“So this is the royal capital of the Kingdom of Rastel… Even though I grew up here, this is the first time I’ve been in a small alley like this. It’s a beautiful city, peaceful and idyllic.”

“Now that you mention it, this is the first time Selene has been back to the royal capital since you were a little girl, isn’t it?”

“Yes. When I was a little girl, I only followed my father on his visits, so it’s refreshing to see the people of the city up close.”

“Ara, it’s the custom of royalty to take a private walk in the capital!”

“I-is it?”

As they walked along, a strong wind suddenly blew.


There was a scream above their heads.

When they looked up, they saw a girl trying to dry her laundry in an upstairs window, who had been thrown out of the window after losing her balance while trying to catch the blowing laundry.

“That’s bad!”

“I’ll take care of that girl! Tito-san!”

“I understand!”

As the people around them screamed, Selene immediately ran to the girl and held her in her arms.

Lexia rushed to catch the stuffed animals, books, lamps, and other small items that fell a beat later.

Meanwhile, Tito kicked the wall and jumped, quickly gathering up the laundry that had been blown away by the wind.

“Phew. I hope you’re not hurt, young lady.”

“Uh-huh! Thank you, big sisters…!”

The girl looked up at the three of them, her cheeks flushed.

“Fufu, it’s good to know you’re okay!”

“You did a great job helping out!”

The people who had been watching burst into applause.

“You girls are amazing!”

“Thank you for helping her!”

“You can have this bread if you want!”

Along with the applause, the girls were given gifts of praise and rewards.

Selene suddenly noticed the girl’s laundry.

“Hmm. It’s still wet and looks heavy. I can dry it for you if you like.”

“Eh, you can do that?”

“Yes. Can you throw the laundry in the air?”

“Y-yeah, okay…!”

“Let’s do it together, ready, go!”

The girl, with the help of Lexia and Tito, throws the laundry into the air.

“──Crimson Wind!”

Selene swung her flaming sword lightly at the laundry.

A hot wind swirled through the air, and the dry, fluffy laundry piled up in the basket.

The girl’s eyes widened.

“Eh? W-what was that just now…!”

“Wow, that’s amazing; the laundry dried in no time!”

“I never thought you could do that, Selene!”

“Yes, this magic sword has come in handy on my travels. It’s actually so powerful that it can even melt the iron needles, so it needs to be adjusted a bit.” [T/n: Probably some kind of monster?]

“Those iron needles?”

The townspeople were impressed and praised the three of them.

“It’s really amazing that you could come running from so far away and catch them!”

“How did that beast girl manage to jump so high?”

“And I’ve never seen a flaming sword before!”

“Are you some kind of acrobatic troupe? I hope you get a call for the next performance in front of the king!”


Lexia tilted her head at the word that came out of nowhere.

Then, the townspeople kindly explained it to her.

“Oh, you didn’t know? There will be a party at the castle in the near future to celebrate the return of Princess Diana.”

“King Farouk of Rastel has a great interest in culture and the arts. It is customary to invite outstanding artists and performers from all over the country, as well as popular theater troupes and entertainers, to add to the festivities.”

“There is a lot of talk in the capital about what kind of group will be chosen this time. The long-awaited celebration of Princess Diana’s return is sure to be a spectacular event!”

“Wow, that’s wonderful!”

Tito’s ears perked up in amusement, and Lexia looked at Selene.

“So Selene’s father is an art lover, huh?”

“Yes. When I was a child, I used to sit on my father’s lap and watch all kinds of songs, dramas, and acrobatics.”

The group waved goodbye to the townspeople.

“Thank you, big sisters!”

“If you ever have a show, please invite us! We’ll be cheering for you!”

Tito waved back and laughed.

“Everyone is so nice and kind!”

Tito laughed as she waved back at them. Everyone in the royal capital seemed happy, and that made her happy.

“The bread they gave us looks delicious, doesn’t it, Lexia-san──Huh?”

Tito looked back at Lexia.


Lexia looked up with great energy as Tito called her.

“That’s it!”

“Huh? W-what’s going on?”

“Did you come up with something?”

Tito and Selene were surprised, and Lexia looked at them with only one eye open.

“Circus! We’ll form our own circus troupe and sneak into the castle!”


Tito and Selene’s eyes turned black and white.

“Are you talking about the performance we just did?”

“You mean we’re going to enter the royal castle as a circus troupe…?”

Lexia shrugged confidently.

“Yes! Tito and Selene both have great skills, so I think you will be perfect for the job!

And above all, we are very beautiful, and I think we will do great things!”

“If Luna-san were here, she would have said, ‘You think you’re so beautiful? Don’t say that yourself!'” Tito said.

The plan was too bold, but Selene was stunned.

“…I see, it might be a good idea. When it comes to the circus, even if we bring swords and big bags, we can disguise them as props.”

“I-I see…!”

“However, I don’t think we’ll get a call from the royal castle unless we make a great buzz from now on…”

“We’ll be fine! I have a great plan!”

“A plan?”

“Yes! So, the ‘Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe’ will begin its activities right away!”

“The ‘Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe’?”

“The name has already been chosen…!”

And so Lexia and the others decided to take over the circus with the goal of performing in front of the king.


A night has passed since Luna was welcomed into the castle as a princess.

Luna stood at the window, her eyes fixed on the castle.

“(I’ve got a pretty good idea where the guards and security are thin. But I can see the technology of ancient civilizations here and there, like doors that open automatically, floors that move, and so on. Considering that the technology might have been applied to security, I couldn’t make too many bad moves. I thought I could get out at any time, but it’s going to be a little harder than I expected. …On the other hand, how are Lexia and Tito? I hope they didn’t cause any problems…)”

The maids watch Luna from a distance, who is silently thinking.

“I wonder if something is bothering Luna-sama…”

“Oh, I love her melancholy profile too…”

“Hahh, it’s not enough to just stare at her! No matter how perfect Luna-sama is, she must be tired from studying and training to be a princess! We have to help her relax!”

The maids rushed to Luna, oil in hand.

“Luna-sama, let us give you a massage!”

“Eh? N-no, there’s no need for that kind of concern…”

“Don’t be shy! Come on, get undressed!”

“Please listen to me! Whoaaaaahh!”

Luna’s dress was removed without resistance, and she was made to lie on the bed.

The maids surrounded Luna, who was now in a defenseless state.

“This massage oil is a premium product from the Kingdom of Sahar.”

“Now relax and let us take care of you.”

“I-I really don’t need it──Nnghh!”

“My God, Luna-sama’s skin is so smooth! It’s so smooth and absorbent!”

“And it’s as white as snow! I wonder what you eat to make it so white?”

“Ugh. Th-that tickles…!”

“Next, the thighs!”

“Ufufu, Luna-sama, prepare yourself!”

“Hyieee! N-no, stop, please…!”

“Hey, did you hear that? What a cute voice!”

“Fufu, Luna-sama, it looks like you’re enjoying it.”

“Oh, I wish I could do this all the time, with that fascinating softness and touch…!”

“Ah, where did you touch…? No, not there! A-ah…!”

Luna was thoroughly cleaned by the maids and lay exhausted.

“Ugh… I-I feel even more tired…”

Unlike Luna, the maids were ecstatic and basking in the afterglow.

“Hahh, Luna-sama was very cute…”

“It’s such a privilege to take care of such a cute and cool person!”

“I’ll order some flower-scented massage oil for next time, Luna-sama! I’m sure you’ll love it!”

Luna sat up and adjusted her clothes.

“N-no, I’m not a princess, so you don’t have to take care of me that much, but… I feel uncomfortable not doing more. Isn’t there something I should do?”

“Eh? Well… in the afternoon, we will study the etiquette of the tea ceremony, but I am sure that Luna-sama will learn it quickly.”

“Yes, you studied dancing, horseback riding, etc., yesterday, and after seeing it only once, you did it perfectly!”

“Luna-sama, who rode the white horse so beautifully, looked so cool and lovely…”

“I appreciate you saying that, but is there anything else I can help you with besides studying…?”

“No, not at all!”

“All you have to do is get comfortable, Luna-sama!”

“But I have to keep moving, or I get restless.”


At that moment, a scream came from the corridor.

“You, how many times have I told you!”

“! What?”

“It’s the voice of His Highness Douglas.”

With the maids, they quietly opened the door.

Douglas was scolding the soldiers, holding a long whip in his hand.

“My brother is very busy, and I told you that all reports to him must go through me! Do you want to be whipped again?”

“N-no! I apologize…!”

They closed the door quietly, gasping for breath.

The maids frowned.

“His Highness Douglas seems to be in a bad mood today…”

“He’s been in that mood ever since His Majesty Farouk went into seclusion in his office. He acts as if he owns the castle. It’s annoying.”

“On the other hand, he seems even more tense than usual… Maybe he’s planning something bad?”

“What do you mean?”

“For example… trying to steal an ancient weapon secretly while His Majesty Farouk is busy.”

“What ancient weapon?”

The maids laughed softly.

“Fufu. That is just a fairy tale from the Kingdom of Rastel.”

“It is said that a powerful ancient weapon lies dormant in this country. The key to activating this ancient weapon has been passed down from king to king, kept secret even from the closest subjects… Well, that’s just a story made up for children in the Kingdom of Rastel.”

The maids chatted and laughed, and Luna was alone in her thoughts.

“Ancient weapons, huh? If it’s true, it’s a terrifying story…”

The maids waved their hands as if to stop the incoherent conversation.

“That’s right! Instead, we need to get ready for the celebration!”

“Since Luna-sama is the star of the show, let’s dress you all up perfectly!”

“What kind of makeup should we use? We need to think about how it will go with the dress and accessories! Let’s match them right away!”

“N-no, I don’t really like dresses and makeup…W-whoaa!”

On that day, Luna was also transformed into a dress-up doll by the maids.

The sound of the maids’ voices echoed out of the room and reached Douglas’ ears.

“…Hmph. They’re so carefree without knowing anything. Well, they should just enjoy it while they can.”

Douglas spat out, his lips curling into a sneer.

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