I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 5 Chapter 2 Part 6

Vol 5 Chapter 2 Part 6

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Part 6

And the next day.

“Lexia-san, what in the world is that costume?!”

Tito is dressed in a colorful costume, and her tail is standing up in surprise.

Lexia and the others had changed into their circus costumes before the show.

The clothes had a playful design that made your heart skip a beat just by looking at them, and they were a perfect combination of easy-to-move-in and glamorous.

“Look at these! They’re special costumes for the circus!”

Lexia whirled around in a good mood.

Lexia’s outfit was designed to look like a circus ringmaster.

Selene, who has also changed her clothes, looks at her outfit with interest.

“I see, it makes you feel strangely happy. I guess the costumes are also part of the performance.”

“That’s right! It’s a circus, after all, so we have to do our best to make it fun for the audience!”

After recruiting Storm Bear in the Valley of Storms, Lexia and the others had arrived at the town square in the capital.

A simple tent had been erected in the square overnight using a large piece of cloth, and trapeze and tightrope acts had also been set up.

A large piece of cloth had been draped over Storm Bear to disguise him as a carriage, and he was waiting in the corner of the square with the rest of the equipment.

Tito looked around the tent with a worried look on his face.

“Um, the costumes are really cute, but… we haven’t practiced anything, so do you think it will be okay?”

“T-That’s right… even though we don’t have much time, I never thought we’d have to perform on the spot…”

“Don’t worry, if you do it just like I said, it’s sure to be a huge success!”

As Lexia closed one eye with confidence, she heard voices from outside the tent.

“What is this tent?”

“Could it be they’re putting on a show or something?”

“I wonder what’s going to happen?”

The people of the capital looked at the tent that had appeared overnight.

Lexia clapped her hands happily.

“People are gathering, so let’s get started!”

“Ugh, I’m getting nervous…”

“I hope it goes well…”

“Don’t worry, as long as you do what I say, it’ll be fine! Then let’s enjoy the first performance of the ‘Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe’ to the fullest!”


The three of them clasped their hands together and let out a cheerful yell.

Lexia lifted the entrance to the tent and raised her voice.

“Come on, come on, come on! The most fun circus in the world is about to begin!”

The children cheered.

“Wow, it’s a circus!”

“My, what cute young ladies.”

“Their costumes are beautiful, too.”

People who had been waiting impatiently began to stream into the tent.

Among them was the girl Lexia and the others had rescued the other day.

“Ah, it’s the sisters who helped me back then!”

“Ah, it’s them! So they really were a circus troupe!”

“Go for it!”

Lexia bowed gracefully to the crowd, smiling warmly.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the special performance of the Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe! We will now transport you to a world of dazzling enchantment and illusion! First, please enjoy our ultimate balancing act!”

Amidst the applause, Tito nervously stepped forward.

Lexia gave Tito a look, and Tito took a deep breath and prepared for the props scattered around him.

“Here we go! Whirlwind Claw!”

She crossed her hands lightly.

A small tornado appeared, and in an instant, balls, boards, and blocks piled up like a tower.

“Eh, what was that? How did she do that?”

“That girl seems to have created a tornado!”

“Or rather, how come this thing doesn’t collapse?”

The props were wobbling, but they maintained a delicate balance.

“Selene-san, I’m counting on you!”

“Yes, I’ll take care of it.”

Selene stepped forward in front of the extremely unstable tower.

“Huh, huh? Will you be able to balance on top of it?”

“Will it be okay even though it’s piled up so high?”

“It’s shaking so much!”

Amidst the nervous anticipation of the crowd, Selene leaped lightly and landed on top.



“Ah, she’s on it! How did she do that when it was so high and wobbly?”

“Wow, that was amazing! I’ve never seen such a great balancing act!”

Lexia looked mischievously at the applauding crowd.

“It’s not over yet!”


Receiving Lexia’s wink, Selene deftly balanced herself as she drew her sword.

She lifted the tip of the blade high into the air.

“Tito-san, it’s ready!”


Tito, who had somehow climbed onto the trapeze, leaped onto it.


She hooked her foot onto the trapeze and swung back and forth above Selene, swinging back and forth.

“Wow, that was dangerous!”

“W-what is she going to do…?”

“No way… No, this can’t be…?”

With each swing of the trapeze, the tension in the audience grows.

When the tension reaches its peak, Tito throws herself off the trapeze.

She spins around and around in a magnificent display, landing softly on the tip of the sword held aloft by Selene.


The watching crowd erupted in cheers.


“S-she’s standing on a sword?!”

“What’s going on? This is even more amazing than I expected!”

“I’ve never seen this before! It’s amazing!”

The two of them received a huge cheer as they gracefully landed on the ground and bowed deeply.

“This is just the beginning! What I’m going to show you next is a spectacular claw show!”

Selene, who had retreated to the back of the stage, reappeared with a large number of daggers.


“Flame Serpent!”

As she recited the incantation, a flaming serpent appeared on the dagger.


“The sword is on fire!”

“It will be burned!”

Ignoring the screams of the audience, Selene begins to juggle the flaming dagger at high speed.

“Hyiiiii, it’s dangerous…!”

“H-how can you juggle so many daggers at such a speed, and they’re even on fire!”

Then Tito stood some distance away from Selene.

She faced Selene and prepared her claws.

“Here I come, Tito-san!”

“Yes, go ahead!”

“Eh? Eh? Huh? What? What are you doing?”

As the audience watched with bated breath, Selene threw the burning dagger at Tito like a bullet.



“Wawawawa, dangerous──!”


The audience let out a scream.

However, Tito calmly took a breath and──.

“Claw Concert!”


The silver claws drew an arc, and then a clear sound like breaking glass echoed.

Immediately after that.

Clang, clang, clang…!

The dagger, sliced into three pieces like a fish, fell to the ground.


“Come on, let’s go!”


Kin! Kiin! Kiinnn!

Tito easily parries the approaching daggers.

“I-it’s too fast to see… what was that technique?!”

“W-what in the world is happening…!”

The daggers that had been cut in half piled up at Tito’s feet.

When all the daggers that had been prepared in large numbers had been cut into three, Lexia let out a delighted cry.

“It’s too early to be surprised! Today we’ll show you even more special techniques! Selene, please!”


Selene held her sword up to the huge rock in the corner.

“Flame Ball!”

The huge rock was engulfed in flames, turning it into a huge ball of fire.


“Y-You’ve got to be kidding me!? The rock is on fire!?”

“What are they going to do with that huge ball of fire!?”

Selene raised her sword towards the fireball.

“Are you ready, Tito-san?”

“Yes, leave it to me!”

“W-what are those girls going to do!?”

“No way──!”

Before the audience could take a breath, Selene swung her sword down at the fireball.

“Furious Crushing Slash!”


A violent explosion occurred, and a burning boulder was hurled at Tito.


“A-are you kidding me──!”

The audience shouted.


“Claw Flash!”

Just before the big rock smashed into Tito, a sharp slash went through in all directions.

And after a moment of silence.

The flames died out, and the shattered rock scattered around Tito with a clatter.

“She cut that big rock… in an instant…?”

“M-Moreover, it was on fire…!”

“I-it’s a dream, right?”

Tito and Selene bowed, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the reaction they had received.

Thunderous applause and cheers filled the tent.

“I’ve never seen a performance like this!”

These girls can’t be an ordinary circus troupe! Who on earth are they?

The magnificent circus troupe that had suddenly appeared was making its way through the capital, and the number of spectators was growing by the hour.

The three of them performed one trick after another and were showered with applause.

“Whoooooaaaaa! Amazing!”

“What are they going to do next?”

“Amazing, the Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe is really amazing!”

“I can’t believe this is possible…!”

Lexia raised her voice, gathering the eyes of admiration and expectation.

“Now, the final act is coming up! This is the climax of the day!”

At Lexia’s signal, Tito and Selene removed the cloth covering the Storm Bear.

“Is that──is that the Storm Bear from the Valley of Storms?”

“How did a violent monster get here…?”

Before the audience could react, Lexia climbed onto the Storm Bear.

“Here we go!”

“Huh? Huh? That girl climbed onto the Storm Bear… Eh?!”

“L-little girl, this is dangerous!

“Or rather, that Storm Bear isn’t moving at all…!

Lexia climbed onto the Storm Bear’s head, ignoring the astonished onlookers.

I will show you the results of my training! Let’s start with ball balancing!”


Storm Bear stood on the giant ball as Lexia had instructed.


“Wow, that’s amazing!”

The children’s eyes lit up, and the adults gaped in amazement.

“No way… she’s controlling Storm Bear?

“I can’t believe it… how did she manage to control that ferocious monster that even the elite Royal Army couldn’t control…?”

With the audience stunned, Lexia looked back at Selene.

“Selene, please!”

“Ah! Hellfire!”

Selene drew a circle in the air with the tip of her sword.

Then, a ring of blazing flames appeared.

“Now, let’s go!”


Storm Bear leaped forward with Lexia on his back, elegantly passing through the blazing red ring.

“Wow, that was amazing!”

“So cool!”

The children were overjoyed by the powerful performance.

“It’s not over yet! Fierce Claw!”

Tito released a vacuum wave toward the stretched cloth.

The colorful cloth was sliced and turned into a vivid blizzard.


“Wow, beautiful!”

When Storm Bear cast a wind spell, a whirlwind of cloth snowflakes soared into the blue sky.

The fantastic sight brought cheers and smiles.

“Wow, it’s beautiful!”

“What a beautiful and charming spectacle! I’ve never seen anything like it!”

“No doubt about it, this is the best circus troupe in the country──no, in the world!”

Lexia laughed as she was showered with thunderous applause that seemed to split the sky.

“Fufu. If Luna were here, it would be an even more amazing circus!”


The group responded to the encore chorus, performing one extraordinary feat after another.

Amidst the thunderous applause that echoed throughout the royal capital, a magnificent carriage pulled up in the square.

The crowd parted with a murmur.

“Hey, it’s the Master of Ceremonies!”

“Well, I thought he was busy preparing for the celebration…”

The man who stepped out of the carriage looked like a high-ranking official with an escort.

The man, who looked like a good person, rolled his eyes when he saw the performance of Lexia and the others and clapped his hands in surprise and excitement.

“Wonderful! I heard that some girls were putting on a crazy circus in the royal capital, so I came to see them…! I’ve never seen anything so beautiful! I hope you’ll perform at the celebration at the royal castle later!”

“We made it! We’d be delighted!”

Lexia immediately agreed.

The audience around them also burst into cheers of celebration.

“That was amazing, girls!”

“Congratulations! Princess Diana will be so pleased!”

“Please show us your wonderful tricks again!”

“Yes, thank you! We had so much fun thanks to all your cheering!”

And so the circus came to an end amidst the excitement, and Lexia and the others clapped their hands together.

“We did it! The plan was a great success! Now we can go to the castle!”

“It was amazing, Lexia-san! And it was so much fun! Right, Selene-san!”

“Oh, I never thought it would go so well! And I was happy to see the people of the royal capital smiling, too.”

Selene said, her voice trembling.

“…So we can finally go to the royal castle, right?”

“Yes. For Selene, it’s been a long time since she was a child.”

Selene nodded as if to express all her emotions. Her hands, clasped to her chest, trembled with nervousness and excitement.

Lexia gently placed her hand on Selene’s back and pointed to the castle towering over the city.

“Don’t worry, there’s nothing to be afraid of when it’s in our hands! Let’s expose Douglas’ ambitions and smash him to pieces! And then we’ll save Luna in style!”



And so Lexia and the others prepared for the celebration.


Meanwhile, in the castle…

“The day of the festival is getting closer, isn’t it, Luna-sama!”

The maids happily painted Luna’s nails red while competing with each other.

“The Master of Ceremonies was wondering which group to invite to perform for you. He wants to give you a spectacular performance, Luna-sama.”

“I wonder what kind of performance we’ll see? I’m looking forward to it!”


Luna smiled at the excited maids and then suddenly became lost in thought.

“(When a celebration is held, it will be even harder to escape. But if I make a move now and Lexia and the others start investigating, it will be troublesome. I’m also worried about Douglas, and most of all, I can’t just leave the king in that state. …I’m not used to this lifestyle, but in order to get more detailed information, it seems to be better to stay in the castle and wait and see.)”

She looked out the window and let out a long, soft sigh.

The maids exchanged glances with Luna.

“Luna-sama, you look lonely…”

“Do you miss your friends?”

Luna suddenly looked up at them.

“No, I don’t miss them or anything like that…”

But the words she had started to say stopped in her throat.

“(But it’s been a while since I’ve been separated from Lexia like this. I don’t have to worry about her safety because Tito is with her, but… she’s a bit unpredictable, but I wouldn’t have much of a challenge without that recklessness… Well, I have a feeling that sooner or later she’s going to come barging in in some outrageous way.)”

Imagining a development that seemed quite likely, she pressed her forehead.

The maids were enthralled by the scene.

“Ah, Luna-sama’s worried expression is wonderful…”

“But we have to cheer her up somehow!”

“Yes, in a situation like this, the only thing to do is to cure the fatigue of body and soul! So, Luna-sama, let’s go take a bath!”


Without even giving Luna a chance to refuse, the maids urged her to go to the bathroom.

“A bath is the best way to get rid of your worries!”

“We’ll wash you all over again today!”

“No, it’s okay, I can get in by myself…”

Reluctantly, Luna was taken to the bathroom.

The maids started to help Luna take off her dress.

“Come on, Luna-sama, let us help you take off your dress!”

“No, that’s okay, I can do it myself…”

The eyes of the maids welled up.

“Oh, Luna-sama, please don’t deprive us of the opportunity to take care of you…”

“We’re going to get in trouble, aren’t we?”


Seeing Luna’s weakness, the maids rushed in.

“Then we’ll take off your dress!”


The maids take off Luna’s confused dress and take her to the bathroom.

“Please sit down here.”

They make Luna sit on a chair and start with her hands covered with lots of bubbles.

“Now, Luna-sama, please relax and let us take care of you.”

“We will take care of you too. Raise your arms…”

“Mm… it tickles…!”

“Fufu, it seems you’re ticklish, Luna-sama.”

“Even your voice when you get tickled is so cute! It’s like a delicate little bell!”

“Ah, that’s not…! Wait…!”

“Ah, what wonderful skin you have!”

“What a seductive smoothness… I want to do this forever!”

“Ugh, stop it!”

The scene of being surrounded by maids and being washed when she didn’t want to was similar to a cat being forced to take a bath.

“(I can put up with life in the palace, but I really hate this time of day──!)”

Luna thought to herself as she was pampered with careful, gentle touches.

After Luna had finished,

a young maid burst into the room while she was still applying the lotion.

“Hey, did you hear? They’ve decided on the act for the royal performance!”

“What, what did they decide on? A song? Or a play?”

The young maid replied, her eyes twinkling.

“Well, it’s a circus! They’re calling it the ‘Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe’!”

“What’s with that endlessly lame name?”

Luna couldn’t help herself, but the maids jumped up and cheered.

“A circus! That sounds fun!”

“I’ve never seen a circus!”

“But I’ve never heard of an Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe, have you?”

“It’s a crazy circus troupe, and they say they just formed today!”


“It is said that the members are three girls, and they are very cute and lovely, but not only that, the acts are said to be so amazing that they are almost inhuman! The capital is already abuzz with talk of the circus! The master of ceremonies was so impressed that he called out to them on the spot!”

“Huh? Such an amazing circus troupe…?”

“How wonderful! I’m really looking forward to seeing the Exciting Sparkling Circus Troupe, Luna-sama!”

“I suppose so. I don’t know what possessed them to give it such an embarrassing name, though…”

Luna listened half-heartedly but couldn’t help smiling.

“(A circus… Lexia would like that. And with Tito she could probably show off her skills as a circus performer, too.)”

Luna thinks about her friends who have gone away.

She would never dream that these very people would come riding in as a new and up-and-coming circus troupe.

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