Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3501 The Embers of a Flame! III

Chapter 3501  The Embers of a Flame! III

A wisp.

A white gold flame that was at most three inches in size, and yet its brilliance and heat were so powerful that everything in the surroundings felt suffocatingly hot.

By no means should such a small thing be capable of grand workings, and yet at this moment, the figure of The Infiniverse Megalos Body holding it whispered to the Wisp of the Flame of the Wheel!

She whispered to it.

And a moment later, this Sliver of a flame flickered before it released a pillar of white gold flames ten times its size that smashed onto Noah's figure!

Noah's body stood still as this pillar of Flames smashed into him, his existence feeling like it was basking in immensely hot weavings that sought a direction at this time.

And direction he gave as he pointed toward a Source within him that was very familiar with the white gold flames!

They instantly coursed through and arrived at a certain part of him as the moment they did…


A ring of white gold flames burst from his glorious visage as a prompt arose.

|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 2nd Severing.|



Another ringed blast of white flames erupted from him a second later as…

|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 3rd Severing.|

After one, there came another. The Infiniverse Megalos had stated that the Wisp of the Flame of the Wheel could be used in a limited manner every single day to elevate complexity.

What exactly was its definition of limited?


More and more blasts of white gold flames emanated from Noah as with each blast, his magnificence showed increased grandiosity and complexity as prompts began to flow down rapidly over his eyes!

|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 4th Severing.|

|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 5th Severing...|

|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 9th Severing…|

|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 18th Severing…|

|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 27th Severing…!|


Noah's whole body pulsed with tumultuous brilliance as a System of Existence within his Mundi of Power burned far too brightly!

His Atlas of Existence vibrated at the sheer advancement of complexity as the golden flame within Noah gained a pristine white radiance as well, his very quarks, leptons, and psioneutrinos feeling like they were set ablaze at this moment as everything danced excitedly.

The 27th Severing.

It was an arduous line to cross as after it, three Globules of Blood of Pioneers were required just to proceed with a single Severing.

And yet…the Wisp of the Flame of the Wheel that looked like it could diminish at any second continued to shoot out the pillar of flames wrapping around Noah, the colors becoming deeper and purer as it continued!


|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 28th Severing…!|

|The Severed Weavings of the Source of the Singed have undergone their 31st Severing…|

It was an unfathomably glorious scene.

Blasts of white gold flames exploded from Noah as they seemed to be getting grander and bigger each time, his aura and complexity attaining ever higher stages as the flames surrounding him gained a deep white gold hue!

This wondrous change continued as at this same time.

From the Frequency Gateway down below.


The visage of Ruination rose up with her arms outstretched, crimson gold bursts of lightning wrapping around her as the moment she rose, a golden flame also burned her whole figure.

A Singed Object.

A Singed Construct!

It was about to begin its own rounds of advancement after being locked away in Hell Terra Firma, but in the next moment…


The body of Ruination pulsed with resonance.

She felt a pull, her eyes opening to observe that in the distance, in the hands of her Master, a glimmering wooden-like object released low hums towards her direction!

In the next moment, it phased through the hands of her Master holding it and shot towards her at high speeds, and this was none other than the Piece of the Core Trace of the Wheel of Existence!

Her body didn't even get the chance to evade when it smashed into her and began sinking between the bountiful mountain peaks on her chest.

Her expression showed confusion as memories regarding what this object was were quickly emerging in her mind due to her connection to her Master, and her gaze became somber at this as in the next moment, an explosion of complexity erupted from her as well.

Something bubbled forth madly within the depths of her existence.

Her head forcefully raised itself, her eyes and mouth opening wide as they released beams of golden brilliance above!

|An Unknown Resonance has occurred between Ruination and the Piece of a Core Trace of the Wheel.|

|A process of Fusion and Assimilation has begun with Ruination and the Piece of a Core Trace of the Wheel.|


It felt like too many things were happening all at once.

In his advancement, Noah's will steadied itself and turned towards Ruination as he looked at her with brilliance.

An unknown resonance occurred, and the Piece of a Core Trace of the Wheel shot out to her as if it was possessed.

As if it found a counterpart that it had to join!

Why was this? Noah remembered those many months ago when he put together the Ruination Core.

What it allowed him to do those many months ago!

What Ruination herself made possible- it was something critical to where he was today.

At this moment, her body attracted the Piece of a Core Trace of the Wheel as it was yet to be known what would come out the other side.

But it would undoubtedly be something glorious as Noah's will returned to observing his own changes- a white gold flame continuing to sever many times over!

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