Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3502 The Embers of a Flame! IV

Chapter 3502  The Embers of a Flame! IV

The Infiniverse Megalos.



All three went through their own advancements, and while this unfolded…a part of Noah didn't forget the things most important to him.

A part of him was already separated from the one accepting the baptism of the Wisp of the Flame of the Wheel as he was looking at the forming Severed Vein of Existence.

One could barely describe the multicolored radiance it currently gave off, with it seeming like a living, breathing vein that constantly circulated waves of terrifying weavings inside of it!

And around such a vein. They could no longer be called Aletheian Havens.

They were termed the Severed Megalos Pantheonic Havens!

They looked like a massive mixture of planar havens and pantheons, the brilliance of Matter and Dark Matter seen all around them as they expanded endlessly.

Noah looked at such a glorious scene as he closed his eyes, the Severed Weavings of Cloning pulsing slightly as this isolated part of him…began to divide into dozens of other hims.

Dozens of clones of himself carrying a thread of who he was!

All of these clones then connected with the Infiniverse Megalos as they sensed the locations of specific people within the Severed Vein of Existence and the Severed Megalos Pantheonic Havens…and they disappeared in different directions right after.

Within the Severed Megalos Pantheonic Haven of Genesis.

Stellar white brilliance seethed all around as stretches of a Haven continued to be forged endlessly.

Within the deepest parts of Genesis.

Even as tumultuous expansion bloomed all around, there was a domain the size of a small world that held an exuberant amount of life force- with stretches of farmland extending all around as magnificent spiritual herbs were planted throughout.

In such a place, a middle-aged woman could be seen harvesting white apples that contained the mark of a golden flame at this moment.

She was studying it closely when she suddenly smiled and turned around as there…


Noah called out to his mother who turned to him with a beaming smile. She looked into his eyes, which seemed to hold complex emotions, as she waved her hands dismissively.

"Whatever happened, you don't need to feel any sort of way. It wasn't that long anyway. Come on, help me harvest these new fruits that are budding crazily and you can tell me all about what happened."

A mother told her son as he smiled, going forward to help her as he talked slowly.

A distance away from here.

In the Severed Vein of Existence.

In an area filled with the very extremity of ice and frost, a woman in a bejeweled blue dress sat on the peak of a mountain while staring at the cold lands around her, thinking back to a beast world and the frozen temperatures she endured when she was young.

She remembered the man that the moment she looked at him, her eyes saw a blinding gold radiance that gave her hope.

That was the starting point of everything.

She smiled as she thought of this man, and a moment later, she felt the coldness in this area instantly fade away, the snow no longer falling, and radiant rivers began to form down below the mountain.

The disappearance of the cold was followed by a voice she felt like she had not heard in ages, and yet it had not even been that long period of time that passed.

"I didn't make you worry too much, did I?"

Another body of Noah floated towards Adelaide as he asked, and the mother of his child shook her head while rising up and jumping into his arms.

"No. You promised me that you would always return, so I just waited patiently."


She hugged him tightly, her hands wrapped around him so intensely as if she thought he would disappear at any moment!

In another area within the Severed Vein of Existence.

In the periphery of a radiant blue sea, a small visage of a woman with a blessed chest could be seen on the beach of an island filled with vibrant vegetation and fruits.

She had a black bikini on that only further enhanced her beauty, her dark hair flowing radiantly as she was issuing a challenge.

She wasn't alone as around her, other utterly gorgeous women could be seen- with them being slightly more covered with sundresses on as they reclined on the beach while smiling and talking with each other.

Barbatos was taking centerpoint as she held a stick while drawing something on the sandy beach.

"As I was saying, no matter how powerful and complex he becomes, he won't suddenly want to increase the number of his progeny unless we make him entirely smitten. Now, I'm confident in myself completely, but if the rest of you can also wear him down, we may just succeed."


She was talking seriously as if she was discussing battle tactics, the other women rolling their eyes while looking at her as Athena's bronze skin radiated beauty while she scoffed.

"You're the first to get weak in the knees and give him whatever you want- you're all talk!"

Her words caused a few heads to nod as on the side, Sona shook her head while speaking out.

"You all can also just choose to communicate without any strings. I mean, the sex is good, but you need more than that. If you can get that other part, then maybe-"

"Maybe what?"


All the women stopped their conversations and turned up, the reflection of Noah seen above the radiant sea!

"Little Fish!"

Barbatos lit up and shot out like a bullet, the others rising up in shock as they also joined in.

What mattered the most?

At the end of the day, it was preserving the relationships of those who made every day worth living.




Those who you could always go back to regardless of victory or defeat, and they would always be there for you.

As Noah Severed the Weavings of a new Source towards the highest level he had ever achieved so far, he reconnected with those most important to him after they were locked away for a brief period of time!

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