Invincibility Begins with a Super Fairy Manny

Chapter 342: If Money Can Solve It, Then It’s Not a Problem (2nd Update)

Chapter 342: Chapter 342: If Money Can Solve It, Then It’s Not a Problem (2nd Update)

Charles spoke gravely, “Griffin, are you sure everything you’re saying is true? And the money for five planes is not a small amount…”

Griffin smiled faintly, “Ever heard of ‘Divine Fate’?”

Charles was taken aback, “The miraculous potion from Huaxia that can reverse aging?”

“Exactly, the formula for ‘Divine Fate’ is in my master’s hands!”


Charles sucked in a breath of cold air.

The ‘Divine Fate’, which recently drove the global tycoons insane, was actually developed by Griffin’s master?

With that being the case, let alone five private jets, even buying an aircraft carrier fleet would be more than affordable!

“Now, please give me a definite answer. Within five days, will the delivery be possible or not?”

Charles fell silent for a moment, then declared resolutely, “Fine! Five days it is!”

For the sake of money, Charles was prepared to go all out.

Griffin couldn’t help but laugh heartily upon hearing this.

He had finally realized that hitting someone with money had a much more satisfying sense of achievement than using violence and bloodshed to make them submit.

For instance, at this moment, even if he asked Charles to kneel and sing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’, he would do it without hesitation.

“Excellent, but dear Charles, you must understand that my master has a very bad temper. If he doesn’t see five planes in Huaxia in five days, you know the consequences! My disciples will also be very keen to ‘greet’ you!”

Charles’s face turned slightly pale, but he clenched his teeth and said, “Don’t worry, there will be no issues, but I will need a deposit…”

“Send me the account, and I’ll transfer thirty percent now!” Griffin interrupted Charles impatiently before he could finish.

After finalizing the deal, Charles hung up the phone and wiped the cold sweat from his face.

His secretary meanwhile was staring at him dumbfounded.

She had heard the entire conversation.

“Mr. Charles, have you gone mad? It’s impossible to deliver to Huaxia in five days; one can’t even draw up the blueprints for the planes in such a short time!”

Charles leaned back in his chair and smiled faintly, “Who said I have to make them now!”


“Spread the word, I want to buy five brand new private jets at a price ten percent higher than usual!”

“Yes!” The secretary quivered, finally grasping Charles’s intentions.

When Griffin reported the negotiation results to Xue An, Qin Yu, who had been listening, couldn’t help but widen her eyes.

So this was the solution the master had mentioned!

Indeed, if they actually managed to buy five private jets, that would solve the issues of passage and traffic jams once and for all.

But this solution was indeed… brute and straightforward!

Moreover, buying five private jets within five days sounded like a fantasy.

Perhaps noticing Qin Yu’s concern, Griffin chuckled, “Miss Qin, please rest assured, I understand these capitalists too well. As long as there is profit, they would even sell you the rope to hang them with, let alone deliver five planes within five days.”

Qin Yu nodded her head.

Xue An, however, felt indifferent.

Even if the planes didn’t arrive on time, he could always emit a blast of Sword Qi and fly everyone to Zhongdu.

It’s just that such an action would appear too shocking and unconventional.

As for being too simple and brutal…

In Xue An’s view, any problem that could be solved with money simply wasn’t a problem.

Furthermore, for him, worldly wealth was utterly useless.

Thus, spending it felt like nothing.

However, the issue below couldn’t be resolved by merely throwing money at it.

How could he obtain a large number of rare ingredients?

Xue An glanced at Xiao Sha next to him who was gnawing on a chicken leg and cracked a smile.

After eating so many roast chickens, it was time for some exercise.

He stepped forward, picked up Xiao Sha, and said to Qin Yu, “I’ll be right back!”

With that, he transformed into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

“What is the gentleman going to do?” Qin Yu was somewhat baffled.

Griffin chuckled, “I never bother to speculate about the actions of the gods, because what a god does, mortals can never comprehend.”

Above the vast and boundless sea, a stream of light suddenly appeared.

As Xue An flew, he used his Divine Sense to search the sea below.

But the result made Xue An frown in secret.

The areas near the shore were nearly devoid of fish and shrimp due to pollution and overfishing.

Xue An had no choice but to fly deeper into the sea.

In a desolate part of the sea,

Old Bai, the boatsman, cautiously cast his fishing net, silently praying for a good catch today!

Otherwise, this adventure would have been in vain.

The sea area he was in was a place that coastal fishermen dreaded.

Countless accidents happened here every year, with ships often destroyed and lives lost.

Over time, this shipping lane was abandoned.

But there were still many bold fishermen who came here to fish, many of whom never returned.

Even those who managed to escape were traumatized.

In their descriptions, the sky would be clear one second, and suddenly fierce winds would rise, and towering waves would surge, within which huge tentacles could be vaguely seen.

Such accounts increasingly chilled the hearts of those who heard them, and from then on, no one dared fish there anymore.

Had Old Bai not gone several days at sea without a catch, to the point where he was about to lose even his trousers, he would not have risked fishing here.

May the Bodhisattva and Dragon King protect me, please let nothing happen!

It seemed as if his prayers were heard, when suddenly, the sky darkened, and a tempest arose.

What had been a calm sea began to boil over.

Old Bai was terrified out of his wits and tried to steer the fishing boat away.

But before this titanic force of nature, the tiny fishing boat was less than an ant.

And from under the sea, a long tentacle suddenly stretched out, heading straight for Old Bai’s fishing boat.

Old Bai screamed in horror, closed his eyes, and lamented that this was the end – he was sure to be buried at sea.

But at that moment, he heard a voice tinged with a hint of surprise.

“Eh, there’s actually a wild octopus monster?”

Old Bai slowly opened his eyes and saw a scene he would never forget in his lifetime.

He saw a man standing in mid-air, holding onto that massive tentacle with one hand, his face showing a hint of joy.

“Immortal?” The word suddenly surfaced in Old Bai’s blank mind.

Meanwhile, Xue An was interestedly assessing the giant octopus monster below the surface with his Divine Sense.

“It really is a wild one, and it’s been cultivating for two or three hundred years too, quite rare indeed!”

Feeling the immense danger, the octopus monster struggled frantically, trying to escape.

“I just happened to need some rare delicacies, now I don’t have to worry!”

As Xue An spoke, a faint smile appeared on his lips, and then he suddenly flexed his arm.


The octopus monster was forcibly lifted from the sea by Xue An.

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