Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari

Chapter 331-332

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 331: Attack of the Bandits

We invited Nima-chan, who came to visit, inside Jennifer´s room.

『Nima-chan, what do you want here so late?』

「English is okay」

Nima-chan can speak English, too?

「I am very sorry, but everyone should evacuate immediately」


Maybe she doesn't know that I got rid of the bandits yet?

「Did the bandits attack again?」

「No, this time they are other bandits」

Other bandits!? Were there still some left?

「The people who were going to pick up the caterpillar fungus in the mountains came back in a hurry earlier. According to their story, ten thousand armed bandits are on their way here」

「Ten thousand!? It's an army, isn't it?」

「....... Bandits」

As long as the self-proclaimed 『Bandits』 are here, they have no choice but to deal with them.

「What about the police and the army in Bhutan?」

「This morning, nearly a thousand bandits appeared in other places, and most of the soldiers headed to those places to crush them. Now, I think they are going to come back here, but someone has destroyed the bridge......」

Does that mean they were caught during diversionary tactics?

「Understood. But what about the people in the village? Are we going to run together?」

「No, we will stay here and fight」

「Fight!? Can everyone fight? How many? Any weapons?」

「There are about 100 people fighting in the village, there are no weapons......」

「It's reckless!」

「There is no choice. If everyone escapes they will definitely catch up. If someone wants to remain, we can't force them to go」

「What are you going to do, Nima-chan?」

「I will stay with the villagers」

「It's dangerous, let's run away together」

「I´m an unimportant royal person. I'm not going to leave the people behind.」

「Oh, royalty?」

Seriously! I had a feeling that it was different from other people, but....

「My father is the king's "cousin"」

It was serious. Although it is considerably far in the parentage, her occupation as 『Princess』 is confirmed with status.

「Th, That......」

Nancy´s mom is quite shocked to hear the story. I'm surprised, too.

It is not the different world, and it is possible to get involved in such a thing.

But what? The opponents aren't goblins or orcs, but humans.

Therefore, if I get into trouble, the damage is caused to the people in the village.

To begin with, is it okay that I who is an outsider put out a helping hand?

No, I can't abandon Nima-chan in front of my eyes!!

So what do I do? It is impossible for a Japanese who has just done business to stand out and act. I might have to pretend to evacuate once and come back on the way.


An employee of the accommodation came and talked with Nima-chan.

「It seems that the car for evacuation came, so hurry!」

Jennifer-san is packing her luggage in a hurry. I also followed the instructions, took my suitcase, we were guided by Nima-chan and get in the car which was parked in front of the facility.

「I'm sorry you got involved in this uproar」

Nima-chan said so and lowered her head.

『Well then, driver, please depart』

The car, which we are on, departs.

Nima-chan watched us for a while until she confirmed that we were out of sight and ran to the place where the village people gathered.

Why would I know such a thing...... of course I have attached a [Tracking beacon] to Nima-chan.

Well, it is almost time.

『Ah, sorry driver, please stop』

『Eh? Here?』

『Sorry, I forgot something. I'm going to get off here and go back to pick it up』

『Ho, However』

『It is more important than life!』

I forced myself to stop the car.

「Hey, Seiji, why are you stopping the car in such a place?」

「Ah, Jennifer-san, I forgot something, so I'm going back to pick it up. I will chase you with another car when I picked up that something. Well, I'll be back soon. Rest assured」

「Hey! What are you talking about? No, it's dangerous!」

I ignore Jennifer-san's stillness.

『Driver, the evacuation of these two women is the top priority. Whatever they say to you, please never stop and bring them to a safe place』

The driver nods firmly and I leave the car.

「Seiji! Come back!!」

I started to run, with Jennifer-san's heartbreaking cry on my back.


When I dressed as a Ninja and used [Teleportation] to the forest, a red 『Band』 was displayed on the map.

「What's this!?」

That band is spreading horizontally, not vertically. Are they going to siege the village?

No! Wrong! The band split into five, began to move in different directions, leaving one in the center and the other four going out of the detection range of the map.

What does that mean?

Could it be that the target is not just this village but also somewhere else?

That's bad. I can't protect five villages at the same time alone.

Shall I ask Aya and the other to help me? No, I can't involve them in this. I alone, I have to manage somehow......

This...... isn't it pretty risky?

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 332: Village defense battle

10,000 bandits are divided into five units and are heading to separate villages. The number of people on the side of the village will probably be around a hundred. It is a force difference that can't compete in any way.

「I have no choice but to ask them......」

I motivated myself and used magic in succession.

「【Summon Wind Spirit】, 【Summon Lightning Spirit】, 【Summon Water Spirit】, 【Summon Ice Spirit】, 【Summon Earth Soul】, 【Summon Dark Spirit】, 【Summon Fire Spirit】, 【Summon Oracle】!」

I have called all the spirits which I have made a contract with other than Toki.


Oh my, I used too much MP. I consumed about half of my maximum MP just by summoning.

「Waa, It's been a while~」

The spirits that were called were like an Alumni reunion and were all excited.

「Seiji-san, are you all right?」

The dark spirit has been caring for me.

「I'm okay. I just used too much magic 」

「It's really one hell of a rush~」

Oracle-chan was worried about me too.

「So? What are you planning to do summoning all of us? Are you forming an idol group?」

It seems that a unique group can be formed.

Oops, I was not able to do it so slowly.

「Hey, guys, listen to me. The villages in this area are likely to be attacked by a large-scale army of bandits. I need your help」

「It sounds interesting」

Lightning spirit is more serious.

「For Seiji-san, I will help you with anything」

Hmm? Dark spirit-san, whatever it is now... is it okay?

Other spirits are also going to help.

「First of all, information gathering」

Oracle-chan makes a proposal as expected from an Information spirit.

「All right, I will attach a [Tracking beacon] to each village」

Based on the information of Google Maps, I put [Tracking beacons] one by one on the neighbouring villages.


Deep within the forest of Bhutan, eight spirits and one ninja were holding a strategy conference.

The situation of the bandits divided into 5 detachments, the number of each detachment isn't equal to five, 1000, 2000, 4000, 2000, 1000 people, the central troops are the most, the forces at both ends are few. It is like a convex lens.

「Okay, well then, we'll fight in five teams.

From the western village in turn――,

First group, fire spirit.

Second group, earth spirit and dark spirit.

Third group, lightning spirit, Oracle-chan and me.

Fourth group, water spirit and ice spirit.

Fifth group, Wind Spirit.

The highest priority is to protect the people of the village by this allotment. Good luck to you all」


We are ready to send everyone to each place.

「Hey, what should I do?」

「Oracle-chan, instead of me looking at the state of the [Tracking Beacons] you will be analysing the situation. If a situation changes somewhere, let me know at once」


At the same time as the meeting with Oracle-chan was over, the bandits started attacking each village.


「I will protect this villageーーー!!」

The fire spirit is beating the bandits black and blue.

Hey! Fire Spirit, are you punching them!

The bandits can't see the spirit. Someone who was invisible suddenly attacked and the bandits were confused in an incomprehensible situation.



「Hey, don't hide behind me」

「Bu, But...」

The dark spirit is quite terrified. By contrast, the earth spirit is standing firm.

「Co, Come...」

When a black mist arises from the dark spirit, the bandits fell asleep as they stumbled down one after another.

「Hey, not bad right? Then, I too!」


When a big rumbling rang, a fissure occurred at the feet of the bandits and some of them were swallowed.


「For a moment, don't stick so much to me」

「Roughly, it's not good~」

What is the ice spirit and water spirit doing?

「Don't disturb. We have to get rid of these bandits!」

Ice spirit triggered a blizzard.

「Roughly~, let's mix it together」

The water spirit also caused heavy rain, so that the blizzard and rain mixed together and became a storm.

「Kuu, my ice is......」


However, the fierce storm rapidly snatched the bandits of their body temperatures and caused devastating damage.


「You guys smell!」

Wind spirit, while holding her nose, caused a tornado and blew the bandits away.

「The scent of trees in the forest is ruined by your odour. Shhh!!」

This time, a gust of wind occurred and the bandits were being launched like fireworks.


Other villages seem to be okay. Well, I have to focus on this battle now.

「Seiji, the main force of the bandits are about to move~」


The bandits and the villagers were in a standoff when I moved to a place where the whole situation was visible.

「I guess I will be showy」

Just when I was about to move!


The village chief started to talk to the bandits.

What are you doing! It's dangerous!!

「This village doesn't welcome you. Immediately, leave」

The village chief finally shouted.

However, the bandits laugh at seeing the village chief reluctantly.

『What, that old man』

『I don't know what he is saying, but he's stupid, isn't he?』

『Better than that, I hope there are lots of gold-eye-knit things』

『Is there a woman?』

『Even there is, it will be first-come-first-serve』

『I'll get there first』

I cannot resist listening.

The bandits attacked the village with speed.

At that time!!

*BariBari* (Tearing sound)

Thunder comes down in the middle of bandits and villagers. The bandits stop their feet.

And a man stood in the place where thunder fell.

「Ninja man appeared!!」

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