Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari

Chapter 333-334

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 333: Real bandits

「Ninja man, appeared!!!」

I appeared between the 4000 bandits and 100 villagers.

『What is that guy!』

「That's the guy from a little while ago!」

Both parties are surprised at my appearance.

『I don't care, take him down!』

One of the bandits said so while the man next to him was holding a rifle. Peng! He suddenly shot. Typically, would you attack without listening? Isn't this strange?

Pashi! I caught the bullet with my hand.

『I, Idiot......』

『You guys attacked me, didn't you?』

『Wh, what happened!』

『To protect myself, it seems that I have to 【Massacre】all of them...... do you agree with that kind of recognition?』

『Hahaha, do you think that you alone can win against us?』

『Haa? You think you're gonna win against 4,000 people?』

...... They didn't want to listen to me.

『Everyone, shoot!』

When the bandit's leader cried out, bandits with about 100 rifles set up their guns.

Apparently, it seems that they couldn't prepare enough guns for everyone.


Instead of gunshots, a violent explosion sounded, and lightning fell on the head of the 100 people who were holding guns.

『What the hell!』

『I, I don't know. Lightning struck suddenly』

Looking up at the sky, there was Oracle-chan and the lightning spirit. It was probably that Oracle-chan grasped the exact the position of the people with the guns and the lightning spirit accurately dropped a bolt of lightning at that place. Don't do a cooperative attack!

『Damn, this is a total attack. All members charge!!』


He gives off a feeling of not being able to take the lead very much, and they advance in disorder. It was only three people who had a saber who have attacked me obediently.

I chop off their hands holding the three sabers with my mithril sword.

Therefore three hands and sabers fall to the ground.


Those who heard the screams of three people stopped approaching me.

However, because the guys in the back who did not understand the situation tried to proceed. Nearly half of the bandits were trampled down.

These guys don't have a leadership at all.

『What are you doing! Turn around and attack!』

The leader gives instructions. First, let's crush him.

I step over the bandits who had become stampede and slowly walked to the leader.

『Uwaa, he is here. What are you doing, protect me quickly!』

The two who were next to the leader challenged me reluctantly.

But, they are really frightened. Morale is also quite low.

I jumped over them with a jump, ran over to the leader at once and pressed my mithril sword against the leader's neck.

『Checkmate. Hurry up and withdraw』

『Hiii, I know, I'll withdraw. Only my life is saved~』

The leader barely admitted defeat.

Weak, too weak....... Something isn't right.

However. Suddenly the [Attack prediction range] was displayed.


I dodged the attack momentarily with [Teleportation].


A few bandits were firing around. Thud.

Their leader crumpled down.

Yes, they shot their own leader.

They are hilarious.

And the leader was breathless.

『Did you do it?』

『He's dead』

Idiots, you killed your own leader.

『At once!』

Several bandits clash with the leader.

Hmm? What are they going to do?

As I think what they are doing, they are robbing their dead leader's belongings. And ran away just like that. Really, wasn't he your leader??

The bandits who lost their leader and were suffering from too many events, began advancing arbitrarily without permission towards the village this time.

Even though they have no leader, why do they do this without permission?

I got back to the village quickly.

『You can take all the money!』

『Are you looking for a woman!』

...... I seem to have been misunderstood.

Clearly, I thought they were army people who dressed up as 'bandits'....... But they were truly "bandits".

Well then...... can I kill everyone......?

A few minutes later, near 1,000 bulky garbage was scattered around the village. The other guys seem to have withdrawn.

「I really cut the boring stuff......」

I caught a deep sigh.

「E, Emm, Ninja man-san......」

Nima-chan, along with the village chief, approach me cautiously.


「E!? What is it?」

「The village has been made dirty by me」

「What are you saying! Thank you for rescuing the village」

Ah, it was an empty fight. Let's assume that Nima-chan and the people of the village were saved.

「As thanks, a reward......」

Backlash! Nima-chan...... to me...... a reward...... regret! It's not a situation where you're thinking something strange!

「It's bad, but I have to chase the people who ran away」

「Bu, But」

「I'm really sorry, I beg you to clean up」

「Yes! Of course!」

If it is true, you can put it in inventory and throw it away somewhere, but it is not good to show such things too much.

「Well then, farewell!」

I jumped in parentheses and walked away from the place.


In the forest, I came together with Lightning spirit and Oracle-chan.

「Farewell! ...... After all that~」

「You were watching!」

Oracle-chan is teasing me.

「Seiji also has 【Tracking Beacon】 attached to him」

A, is that so, Oracle-chan is the information magic spirit, can she see everything.

「By the way, the collaboration attack between the two of you was great」

An inconvenient topic. As an adult, I divert the story to another topic.

「Right~、Lightning-chan and I are loveable~」

「Well, I love Elder sister Oracle too」

Elder sister Oracle? Oracle-chan is like a little brat, but the spirits, I wonder if Oracle-chan is the oldest one of them?

The lightning spirit is hugging Oracle-chan and Oracle-chan is stroking lightning spirit´s head. They suddenly became friends. After all, if we fight together, is friendship emerging?

「By the way, Oracle-chan, what about the other beacons?」

There was no problem in seeing the lovey-dovey of those two, but I tried to change the story.

「Emm, the other villages were safe, and the survivors of the bandits seem to have escaped」

「What about the guys that escaped?」

「They´re running away to the north」

North...... are they going to run past the border?

Shall I hunt them one by one so that they won't do such a thing ever again?

I tried to raise my heavy waist and walk out!

When the tracking beacon informed me of "danger".

「Who is in danger!?」

「It looks like Nancy´s mama」

Oracle-chan answers quickly.


Jennifer-san and Lily-san were surrounded by bandits when I confirmed the footage of the tracking beacon.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 334: Sexy Attack

The protection of the village was left to Oracle-chan and lightning spirit while I rushed to Jennifer-san´s side by [Teleportation].

When a bandit attacked Nancy's mother......, Lily-san was slowly zipping down her zipper.

『Hey, this woman is suddenly starting to undress!』

『You want me to hold you?』

『So, if that's the case, would you let me hold this woman first?』

「Wait, Lily, why are you starting to undress suddenly?」

What is this situation?

「Aaa, I heard it's a simple job to be a secretary of a famous jewelry brand, but I'm going to get involved in this kind of thing」

「Lily, what are you saying......」

「Ah, Jennifer Anderson, it's dangerous, so please go down」


Lily-san, will you show your real identity? Perhaps, if I don't go out, I wonder if Lily-san will do something?

Lily-san finally only wore her underwear. Well, because it seems like a sports gym wear, I wonder if it's considered underwear? Isn't it shameful because she is only in her underwear? ...... It's white, though.

『Hey, Sis. Are you going to do this to us?』


『Yo, you, do you understand our words!?』

Lily-san is fluent in that language.

The next moment.

Lily-san kneeled down and brought her face near that bandit´s crotch.


The bandits, under the shock of the direct hit, ascended...... It's a physical shock.

Nancy´s mom and the bandits don't seem to understand what happened, but that is a technique using the foot, and it is called "Frankensteiner".

Lily-san smiles and approaches the next prey. And, one leg is raised so that her crotch is visible.

Of course, the bandit's eyes were drawn there.

The bandit also received a direct hit and ascended.

This time, it is a "Axe kick". Moreover, the attack of nailing the eyes of the other party to her crotch is pulled out by force and is used by men.

Lily-san is a frightening girl.

For once, I would like to have a match with her......

Oh, this is just a pure interest, I would like to see it up close...... and even if I want to look at it, it's not about her "crotch"?

Ten bandits were knocked down one after the other, and only three remained.

『Now, who should I partner with next?』

『Da, Damn......』

The bandits are going to regret.

But the bandits made a signal to someone.

Then, at the next moment, Lily's "temple" shows the [Attack expectation range] indication.


I jumped out quickly, hugging the sexy Lily-san and moved away.


Lily is surprised to be pushed down suddenly.

Peng! Almost at the same time, bullets of a rifle were fired and hit the trees beside the place where Lily was.

I left the place quickly and hid again. Meanwhile, about 1 second.

Lily-san was suddenly pushed down by me, She was shivering for about 2 seconds, but got over it quickly.

While confirming the way I disappeared, she thrust into the direction of the bullet of the rifle with a tremendously fast dash,

The hiding bandits......, were crushed by Lily's sexy hips and ascended.

Then, she robbed their rifles and killed the remaining three people without hesitation.

Poorly, the last three people. Only three of them could not be ascended with a sexy attack.

Lily-san made more than ten men ascend and still went back to Jennifer-san while watching the neighborhood.

「Lily, who on earth are you......」

「I kept it a secret for security. I belong to the Diplomatic Security Department, the VIP guarding unit」

「Eh!? But I hired you doing an interview normally」

She was hired after a regular interview!

「Yes, I've been guarding you ever since that interview」

「I see. By the way, didn't you see a "ninja" a while ago?」

Did you remember?

「Yes, there was......」

「Is that ninja also a person in the VIP guarding unit?」


「Then, who is it!?」

「I don't know」


「Maybe he's still hiding somewhere and watching us」

Lily-san says so and looks at me. Maybe she is aware of where I am!?

「Is that all right?」

「Well, he helped me, so he wouldn't be an enemy」

「Th, That's right」

Jennifer-san, you don't have to be scared, so you're not going to attack me, are you?...... In many ways.

「Now, it's dangerous here. Let's move to a safe place quickly」

「O, Okay」

The driver who had been stunned was carried in the back seat, and Jennifer took the passenger seat, while Lily-san is driving the car in the appearance of her underwear that doesn't look like regular underwear.

And the car with the three of them drove away.

「Huu....... Well, I was able to help Lily-san, and I saw something good, so everything here is alright」

I left it to Lily-san and returned to Oracle-chan and lightning spirit who are protecting the village with 【Teleportation】.

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