Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari

Chapter 335-337

Jikuu Mahou chapter 335: Mastermind

I returned to Oracle-chan´s and lightning spirit´s side with [Teleportation] after I left them behind for defending the village.

Returning....... Oracle-chan and lightning spirit were messing up. What are you guys doing.

「Ah, Seiji, welcome back」

Oracle-chan noticed me and greeted me.

「How's it going?」

「Yes, the remnants of the bandits are steadily heading north」

Although I went to help Nancy´s mom, I gave those bandits a moment to escape a little, but I can make it in time if I hurry.

「Good! The spirits who were guarding each village are also recalled and then we are going to attack together」



We went through each village with [Teleportation] and re-gathered the spirits.

The gathered spirita are bragging and clamoring about their battles. Hmmmm.......my MP has become tight....... In addition to the battlefield, it consumes a moderate amount of MP to maintain all spirits. I take one of Hilda's candy and recover MP. It's not like the fight is over yet and I need to manage my MP properly.

「Good, then let's get on to the bandits who run away!」


We moved with [Teleportation] into the forest a little away from where the bandits are.


The days fell, and the bandits fleeing were preparing to pitch a camp.

『Hey, don't slow down in a place like this, let's get away quickly』

For infiltration I used [Nightshade] to disappear and hear the bandits´s conversation.

『Don't overdo it, you can't move in this state all night.』

『But what will you do if that ninja attacks again?』

Oh, they're talking about me. Here's one answer to your expectations.

『Did you call me?』

I revealed my appearance by solving [Nightshade].

『N? ......!? Gyaa!!!!!!!』

The bandits who were having a conversation looked at me and ran away. Thats rude. I haven't done anything yet!

「Spirits, surround them all and let them not escape」



The spirits were scattered to surround them, and the bandits who wanted to flee were hit by lightning, wind up with tornadoes and stopped from escaping.


The bandits try to run away.

Those who go outside and those trying to escape from the attacks of the spirits push against each other and a donut-shaped "Oshikuramanjuu" (TL note: Children's game in which three or more stand back-to-back in a circle and jostle) has been completed.

When I get one step ahead, they run away as if a donut undulates accordingly.

『Please spare my life!』

『I will do anything!』

『I will give you money』

Well, that's not the line that the allies of justice say.

When I was silent, the bandits began to throw their money in front of me.

In front of me, a large number of national wallets beyond the border had gathered.

How much is it? I'll try to [Appraisal] it at once.

I am deceived......it is "Counterfeit Money".......

『What is this!』

『It is all our wealth. There is nothing more than this』

『It is not like that! This is counterfeit money!』


If I look at their surprised faces, didn't they know?

I burnt the outstretched counterfeit money with magic and made it to ashes.


With the counterfeit money burning, the bandits were even more freaked out.

『This is not what I want』

『S, So, what should we offer?』

『What I want is information. Who gave you the instructions to do such things?』

『Th, that....... If we speak, we will be killed』

It's definite that they have a mastermind.

『Well then, let's choose. Will you talk and being killed by the mastermind or being killed by me without talking. You have those two options』


I don't want to break their mouths. But it cant be helped.

「Dark Spirit, one by one, please slowly thin them out」


The dark spirit received my instructions, stretched out a black tentacle, catching one of the bandits.


The screaming bandit caught by the tentacle disappeared into the black darkness....

『I will talk! Help~!!!!』

About a few people were taken away, a leader-like guy started talking first.

『So who's the mastermind?』

『I don't know the name, but.....It's a job from the Chinese mafia』

They again.

『What is the job?』

『The content is the suppression of the villages in this neighborhood and taking the stones inside the cave etc』

『Stone?? What kind of stone?』

『I have not heard it in detail....... We were meant to take a jewelish stone』

Unn, what stone? Jewel-ish stone?

......By any chance, are they aiming for [Nullpo stones]?

......No way.

『Because I talked, please help』

I wonder what to do.

『I'll let you go, but leave all your bags here』


When I checked the baggage of the bandits, there were several [Nullpo stones].

『You can go』

『Thank you very much』

I installed a tracking beacon on the leader and let the bandits go.

「Seiji, is it okay to let them go?」

「Well, they'll never come again, and it's better to track down the mastermind」

「I see~」

「Well, thanks to all the spirits. Thanks to you, I was saved」

Each of the spirits made a remark and returned home.

Now, shall I go back to Nancy´s mom?

I wear my normal clothes again and went to Nancy´s mom with [Teleportation].

Jikuu Mahou chapter 336: Dinner party

I moved to Jennifer´s place by [Teleportation].

Jennifer is at a hotel near the airport and is talking to someone.

「I'm back」

「Ah! Seiji!」

Jennifer suddenly hugged me.

「Hey, Jennifer, please stop」

「What are you saying! I was worried!」

Hmm, I made Jennifer to worry about me.

「I am well」

Lily-san asked for a handshake.

After looking at Lily-san's way of fighting, I get strangely nervous and becomes stiff. Besides, it is not my son which hardened separately.

「By the way, Seiji-san、......didn't you push me down?」


Oh crap, it was when I helped her. Did she notices?

「W, W, What are you talking about, silly thing? Th, Th, That......nanana, there's no way」

「Right? It smelled like you......」

Are you a dog!

「By the way, do you know a 『Ninja』?"」

「EH!? Ni, Ninja?」

Bad, she said it. I have to make a lie.

「Yeah, I know」


「Yes, of course. It's one that comes out of manga and anime, right?」

「Instead, it is about a real ninja」

「Haa......real ninja...is it......」

What shall I do, how to deceive them?

「Suzuki, Major League Baseball Player, seems to be a ninja」

「Eh! Seriously!!!」

Jennifer came down from the side.

「Jennifer-san, I will have an important talk with Seiji-san now....」

「What are you saying! The important secret of Suzuki is now revealed! Do you have any more important stories?」

She seems to be a pretty fan. To deflect a story, make up a story.

「It seems that Suzuki's way of swinging bats is applying ninja swordsmanship」

「I see!!」

「The returning ball is like a laser beam using techniques to throw Shuriken ...」

「That's right!!! That's why it's so amazing!!!!」

I do not know what to do, it seems to be a great deal.......

Then, Jennifer was not allowed to get away from me and we decided to talk about the ninja all the time.

Well, thanks to that, I was able to escape from Lily's pursuit, so let's do that.

I was tired that day, so I got another room and had a good rest.


A hotel worker came in the afternoon of the next day. It seems we have visitors.

We invited the visitors in Jennifer's room.

「Excuse me」

It was Nima-chan who came over.

「Nima, was the village okay?」

「The village was saved thanks to a mysterious person who asserts to be a 『Ninja』」

「Eh! Ninja!?」

Lily-san is staring at me....... Did she fall in love with me? ......For now let's keep my eyes away.

「In spite of having come to all of you with great pains, you have been involved in trouble. For your convenience, I would like to invite you to a dinner party, how do you like that?」

「Thank you for inviting me, I'm gonna go」

I was separated by Jennifer. Oh well.

That day, I was busy all day. I was asked by diplomats, reporters, etc., digging roots and answered appropriately.

In particular, I was asked a lot about 『Ninja』, but I managed to make tea with the story of Suzuki.


Finally I was freed from asking questions and it was time for the dinner that Nima had prepared.

When I go to the suite as guided by a hotel worker......,


Nima-chan greeted me in Japanese.

「Thank you for inviting me......, what? Nima-chan, can you speak Japanese?!?」

「I can speak Japanese a little」

Nima-chan, in that way, smiled nicely with her hands together.

「Ah! Because I was surprised, I inadvertently called you "chan". I'm sorry. Nima」

「No, "chan" is okay」

And a smile. Damn, so cute...... I would like to swap her with Aya as my sister.

「Ah, Seiji, here~」

Jennifer sitting on a table at the back calls out to me. I wanted to talk to Nima-chan for a while.

We moved to the table of Jennifer and Lily.

「This time, I am very sorry to get you involved in trouble. I prepared a delicious meal of Bhutan tonight, so please enjoy it」

It's hot! And delicious! I love to eat such a heartily dish.

「After this, I also serve alcohol, but before that, can we talk about business?」

Nima-chan suddenly said such a thing.


「Actually, the land around the cave where you can get [Nullpo stones] is mine, and for the company established to do business with Jewelry Nancy, I am the president as well」


Nima-chan is a president, though she is so young, amazing.

「In fact, [Nullpo Stones] that were supposed to be passed were robbed by the bandits. I will dig up a substitute [Nullpo stone] in a hurry, so can you wait a little?」

「I'm in trouble. I was scheduled to announce the new jewelry in fall, but without [Nullpo stones] now, I'll have to change the schedule......」

「Is that so......」

A dark atmosphere clouds between Nima-chan and Jennifer.

This is my turn!

「Do you mean this?」

I pretended to take it out of my bag and pulled out [Nullpo stones] from the bandits to the table.

「Seiji! What's this?」

I have to cheat properly.

「It was laying on the way of escape」

「Is that true!?」

Was it a little too much for cheating?

「For the time being, I'll give this stone back to Nima-chan」

「Is that ok!?」

「Of course」

「Thank you very much. Someday I will return this kindness」

Nima-chan has been bowing towards me. Nima-chan's smile......priceless!

「Then, please pay this [Nullpo Stone]」

[Nullpo stones] move from Nima-chan to Jennifer.

「Thanks to Seiji it was saved. After all, it was correct to bring him!」

And, Nima-chan and Jennifer shook hands while smiling with a grin.

Jikuu Mahou chapter 337: Buried alive

「Well, let's talk about the business so far and drink」

Nima-chan made a sign and alcohol was brought in.

High whiskey. Rum with a picture of a dragon on it and called "Ara".

A variety of snacks came out and the black sausage was super good.

All three of us drunk too much....... I got quite drunk.

By the way Nima-chan drunk a tea that smells like butter, because she can't drink alcohol yet.

「Seiji! You have secrets about that ninja, do not you!」

Ah, Lily-san, my eyes are attached to something.

「It is as I said before」

「It's a lie!! My eyes can not be deceived! Spit it out!!!」

Lily-san said so, gripping my shoulder and swaying me back and forth.

Mu, chest....... Uu, ......but, ha, I´m going to vomit.......

Lily-san was a heavy drinker.......

「Seiji-san, do you know something about that ninja!?」

This time, Nima-chan grabs my arm from the opposite side and pulls me. Nima-chan also hit my chest!

Nima-chan, you're not drinking alcohol, are you? I´m shaken by Lily and Nima-chan.

Giruu! Stop!! Really, I'm going to vomit!!!

「Let's talk more about the Suzuki player!」

Lastly Jennifer-san caressed me from behind. Wait a minute, what is this!!

I´m in a state like being buried alive by taking "soft attack" from three directions.

I was about to get out of it.

Well, but, if I get buried alive by such soft women, is it alright?

However, I was grinning considering such a thing. Just then!

[Vigilance] magic sounded an alarm saying "danger".


「What's the matter, Seiji?」


Lily-san, that remark is a little bad.

I checked the state of the tracking beacon so that those three wouldn't noticed.

I was in a hurry to see if someone was in danger. It's like the bandits that are in danger. What is it?

I was impatient. Well, even if they are in danger, they will be alright.

Anyway, it is necessary to do the training to endure "soft attack" from three directions now. When I get over this ordeal, I feel like becoming a big man!!


The next morning, when I awoke in the hotel's room, my head hurt a little.

I took a breather by drinking cold water and remembered of yesterday.

By the way, I forgot that there were something with the bandits....... I postponed them as I ave priority to training.

What happened to the bandits?

Looking at the picture of the [tracking beacon].......it was pitch dark.

That? What?How can it be night when there is no time difference.......what's going on?

I rolled back the video until yesterday's time when the danger was told.

「What's this!!!」

The bandits were involved in a landslide, becoming buried alive ....

I changed into my ninja outfit in a hurry and went to their site with [Teleportation].


It was a valley sandwiched between cliffs on both sides. Large amounts of earth and sand and hard rock fill the valley....... No survivors were found.

After checking the place where the landslide occurred, there are marks that exploded with gunpowder or something.

This is an artificial thing.

Sanction for those losers, or are they for destroying evidence.....?

It is no use just to sneak on sanctions and evidence, to make living people buried alive.

I looked around, but there was no figure of a criminal who caused the landslide. Is not it ~?

I felt thoughtless and returned to my hotel room.


Knock Knock Knock!

「Sejji-san, are you alright?」

Ah, Lily-san came.

「Jennifer-san, it is serious. There is no reply from Seiji-san, maybe he is dead」

「Oh, my!」

「Let's kick the door here」

Ah, danger.

「Got up! I got up now!! Don't kick me!」

I changed my clothes quickly and opened the door.

「If you´re awake, please reply. I was hitting the door for 10 minutes, did not I?」

Did you just come when I was not there?

「Well, I was asleep」

「Did you stay up late to sleep until this time? You didn't bring a woman here, are you?」

Jennifer, I don't think DT can do that!!!

「Well more than that, do you want something from me?」

「Ah, that's right. We will return to Japan, so prepare Seiji」

「Eh? Are we going back now?」

「I am too busy」

Are you going home already? I wanted to see a little more of Bhutan.

Well, after such incident, can you go sightseeing leisurely?


After finishing my preparations, Nima-chan came when I go to Jennifer's room.

「This is the price for [Nullpo stones]」

「Thank you very much. This will finance the establishment of the company」

「For the company establishment, thank you」


Were they talking about business?

「Ah, Seiji-san, good morning」

「Good morning Nima-chan」

Nima-chan's smile is perfect from the morning and the hazy feeling is blown off in a moment and I feel good.

「Seiji-san, I need to thank you for picking up the [Nullpo stones]. I'd like to thank you very soon. Right now, the funding for the company is on the last minute」

「Ah, it's okay」

「It won't go that way either. I will do anything I can, so please say anything」

「Wh, What...but...?」

「Yes, anything」

Ikan!!!! Something inside me is going to start driving recklessly....... Be calm, devil in my heart!!!!

「Seiji-san, what's wrong?」

Nima-chan, with innocent eyes, peer at me anxiously.

I was fighting desperately with another person in my heart.

And......Jennifer and Lily stared at me with eyes like seeing an insect.

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