Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1000  No Enemies

Chapter 1000  No Enemies

Xeloria was a sprawling metropolis, even larger than Yalen. A line of people stretched towards the city, either visiting for the first time or simply going about their daily routines. Many were soldiers returning from missions, or challengers who had been hunting in the wilderness.

Haldor led the group towards one of the gates. Two lines were present: one for newcomers and another for those with identification documents issued by Xeloria. Haldor displayed his regular ID, signifying his approval for entry into the city.

As for the rest of the group, they had to join a different line that led them to a testing array within the walls. Even inside the city, numerous soldiers ensured that no one could cause trouble.

"This array should check for affiliations with other cities," Arthur commented, his brows raised. A person before them was enveloped in light as graphs materialized around them. Elderly men studied the graphs before permitting their entry into the tower. "Could these graphs potentially document his recent travels?"

"Most likely," Whisker nodded in agreement. "I've heard that many travelers in the second tier are accused of being spies and often end up imprisoned in the tower. Death isn't a true punishment here, so being jailed might be the worst fate."

"And yet, you were captured by the clan so easily," Seraphine scoffed, giving them a disdainful look. Sarohan laughed while Whisker appeared to be filled with shame. Arthur smiled and remained silent.

Their turn arrived, and Sarohan was the first to be tested. After examining the graphs, the elderly men allowed him to proceed. He was then directed to another area to have his city card issued. Two types of cards were available: resident or guest, with different pricing structures.

Whisker followed suit and was granted entry as well. Seraphine caused concern for Arthur due to her demonic nature, but the arrays failed to detect her race. Now, it was Arthur's turn to step into the arrays.

The ground beneath him lit up with various runes. Arthur found it fascinating to encounter the same runes of creation within the tower, prompting him to wonder who had introduced this arcane science into the location. A strange energy attempted to probe his body, causing Arthur to furrow his brows.

His expression wasn't a result of the energy itself, but rather due to his familiarity with situations like this. As expected, the arrays emitted a brilliant light before dimming, unable to generate graphs for the elderly men to review.

"What happened?" one of the elderly men asked with a frown as he crouched beside the arrays. "I just replaced the mana stones, so why is it failing?"

"Malfunctions can occur occasionally," another elderly man, positioned at the back, commented. This one seemed to be their superior, waving his hand in dismissal. "Reactivate the arrays; it should resolve the issue."

Arthur observed the elderly man reaching for something beneath his desk. Unbeknownst to him, Arthur sensed the activation of another array that prompted the guards to inch closer to their inspection point. The runemasters reactivated the arrays, and the lights appeared even brighter than before.

Seraphine halted in place, turning back to look at Arthur. He gave her a meaningful glance, communicating silently: act as though you don't know me. The demon smiled in response and departed, leaving Arthur encircled by guards.

All eyes were fixed on him, filled with anticipation and caution. When the lights shattered once more, the guards simultaneously aimed their spears at him. Arthur smiled and couldn't help but chuckle; his legacy still granted him immunity from prying gazes.

"Who are you?" the elderly man in long robes inquired, rising from his chair. His expression conveyed both hostility and confusion. "This is the first instance in decades where the array has failed to scrutinize an individual. How can you possibly wield greater power than the ancient arrays of Xeloria?"

"If I had intentions of causing trouble, I wouldn't have drawn attention to myself," Arthur responded, shaking his head. "My body is impervious to all forms of mental attacks. You can attempt to use a skill or any other method, but it will prove ineffective."

"In theory, that might hold true," the man mused with a frown. "If someone possesses an immense spiritual energy, it could function as a shield for them. However, our arrays are powered by a hundred mana stones, the purest energy form. Regardless of the potency of your spiritual energy…"

"There's no need to dwell on this conversation, Master Rengo," a knight concealed beneath an iron helmet interjected. His gaze fixated on Arthur as if he were a threat. "We cannot permit someone like him to enter Xeloria!" 𝑵𝗈𝒱𝞮𝑙𝑢𝗌𝕓.𝒸𝐎𝑚

"Indeed…" Master Rengo concurred with a sigh, stroking his beard while shaking his head. "Although I wished to uncover the enigma behind this anomaly, we cannot take the risk."

"...enigma?" Arthur inquired with a smile. "You've already unveiled it, Master Rengo. Spiritual energy can function as a shield. I was born with an inexhaustible supply of it."

"Haha," the elderly man chuckled genuinely. "If you truly possessed such a volume of spiritual energy, none of us would stand a chance against you, young man. But then, why do you stand there encircled by guards if that were the case?"

"I detest employing gifts I haven't earned," Arthur explained as he raised both arms. Everyone remained on high alert, except for Master Rengo, who appeared fascinated by the man before him. "For instance, if I were to permit my spiritual energy to roam freely…"

His ominous words seemed to escalate the tension in the air. Traces of spiritual energy materialized around Arthur, forming a tangible presence. The old master gazed with astonishment before the spiritual energy surged forth like a ruptured dam.


Energy erupted from Arthur like a spiritual tsunami, ethereal and colorless. The world quaked as the energy traversed through the soldiers like a shockwave, causing them to collapse one after the other. The atmosphere buzzed within the inspection point due to the unbridled energy, leaving the crowd breathless.

"Have I adequately demonstrated my honesty, Master Rengo?" Arthur inquired with keen interest. "Should I unleash my energy without restraint, I would remain unchallenged in this world."

Arthur's assertion wasn't an exaggeration. Since his return from Alka to Earth, his monstrous spiritual energy had nearly doubled. While the legacy had formerly suppressed this energy, Arthur now commanded it, even though he was unable to employ it within the tower. Consequently, he opened the floodgates, enabling his energy to surge forth.

"This quantity is naturally emitted from my being. Were I to exert conscious control…" Arthur mused as he raised his arms higher. A celestial pressure descended upon those present, causing nearly everyone to crumple to the ground. Only the knight and Master Rengo remained upright, gazing at him with trepidation. Arthur paused and lowered his arms. "Yet, I choose not to do so. I'm not here to fight."

The pressure dissipated, allowing the soldiers to regain consciousness in succession. They rose with bewilderment, only to observe their two leaders displaying pale faces filled with dread as they regarded the young man before them.

"Who... are you?" Master Rengo repeated his inquiry with apprehension. "I

've never encountered an individual with such an abundance of spiritual energy. Mana might be extracted from the world, but spiritual energy remains fixed. So, just... who are you?"

"My identity holds no significance, but I can reveal my intentions," Arthur stated as he advanced toward the knights. Every spear was aimed at him, yet each step he took resulted in his adversaries taking a step back. "I aim to conquer this tower and liberate those imprisoned within."

Arthur extended his hands to the knight, who remained immobilized. His hands hung in front of him as if proffering them for restraint. Struggling to comprehend Arthur's motives, Master Rengo vocalized his query.

"You wish us to apprehend you?"

"I acknowledge that you're obligated to do so," Arthur replied with a smile. "You are not my enemies; you are victims of the malevolent being responsible for this tower's existence. I harbor no ill will towards you and will not resist your actions."

Determination gleamed in the knight's eyes before cuffs materialized in his hands. He looped them around the outstretched wrists, and runes emerged around the cuffs, halting the seepage of spiritual energy and relieving the soldiers' anxiety.

"By the authority vested in me, you are hereby arrested for investigation concerning your identity and intentions within Xeloria," the knight declared, his expression furrowed. "Do you have any statements to present in your defense?"

"I require no defense."

The knight struggled to accept this response. Arthur was too enigmatic, but he had a duty to follow. Thus, providing a nod to Arthur, he instructed his soldiers to confine him until a superior officer arrived for a meeting.

"Wait!" Master Rengo cried out as Arthur began to move behind the soldier. No one dared to approach him, and he departed of his own volition. "You could have incapacitated us all. So, what motivates you…"

"I've realized something, old man," Arthur stated without turning back. "No one confined within this tower is my enemy."

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