Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1009  Newbie Divison

Chapter 1009  Newbie Divison 

Forty-nine new recruits rushed forward at the same time. Facing them was a skinny man with average features, but eyes that seemed to dominate the world. His fists roared with ferocity as they launched strikes after strikes at his enemies. Each one seemed to disable the target, leaving a trail of whimpering men behind him. "Bring it on!" shouted one of the soldiers who appeared to be in his late fifties. He stepped forward with a powerful stomp, sending ripples across the ground. Then, he slithered like a snake through the soldiers, emerging behind Arthur.

The man launched a deadly attack towards Arthur's neck, but Arthur was fully aware of it. In fact, he could see the man moving in slow motion. With a swift strike, Arthur hit the man's arm before it could reach him. The arm bent unnaturally before the man collapsed on the ground, screaming in pain.

The burly man, whom Arthur had encountered earlier, stepped forward to strike at his head. Arthur stopped the giant fist with a single finger before redirecting it towards another assailant, sending him flying before kicking the burly man away.

It was then that the crowd paused, realizing that this man was far from ordinary. Each strike of his defeated one of them, and his martial arts seemed to control the opponent with ease.

In reality, Arthur knew no martial art like the old man who was still screaming with a broken arm. Arthur used his overwhelming amount of stats to achieve this level of control over his opponents. Jonathan had said he should reveal a fraction of his power each time, so Arthur was exhibiting no more than a third of his stats.

In the end, even that was too much for any of them to handle. Another woman gritted her teeth before rushing forward, swiftly sending a kick towards his head. Arthur stopped it with his forearm before grabbing her leg and slamming her to the ground. She coughed blood and could no longer move.

Arthur was not someone who would be gentle with someone just because she was a woman. Anyone who came at him would be treated with the same amount of ruthlessness.

Although they had realized how ruthless and powerful Arthur was, the temptation of getting into the Golden Division was irresistible. It was not just about passing the second floor, but also about how many treasures and how much fame they would obtain. Those who were lustful enough could have anyone they wanted too.

Arthur watched them charging at him, each with a different goal in mind. There was one who wanted money and another who wanted glory. However, it was sad to see them unable to realize that their freedom was being taken away by this tower.

Freedom was the reason Arthur did not want to participate in the battle royale earlier. He did not like being told how to risk his life and when. However, the examiner knew how to make things interesting for him.

Three men looked at each other and nodded before charging towards him from different sides. In a single jump, Arthur turned in the air twice and landed behind one of the three. Then, he sent the man flying towards the other two with a punch.

The situation turned chaotic, and Arthur had to take everyone down. However, he remained undefeated, making it look effortless. As he took down another man, Arthur looked up and saw that the one standing in front of him was Joey.

The man had a threatening aura around him that Arthur had failed to notice earlier due to his overwhelming friendliness. Among all the participants, Joey seemed to be the most threatening. However, he stood motionless and did not attack.

"You can get into the Golden Division if you defeat me, but there are only twenty-six of us left," said Arthur with a smile. But Joey seemed to have other plans. "If any of you get defeated, the exam would be over, and you would lose your chance to enter the Golden Division."

As the two exchanged eye contact, no one moved in the entire arena. Everyone realized that if they messed up and lost, their golden chance would be gone. Joey was motionless as well, but it seemed that some did not have the patience.

A man ran from beside Joey, aiming to take down Arthur himself. Although he was covered with muscles, Arthur knew that this fight was over. However, what he did not expect was Joey launching an attack at the same time, but it was not directed towards him.

The impatient muscular man was struck in the neck by Joey and was sent flying, hurled towards the stone walls. As he slammed into it, the entire arena shook. Then, the exam was over.

"The exam is over! Only twenty-five people remain!" shouted the examiner as Joey lowered his foot with a smile, as if knowing that this would happen. "Those who passed should go to the second yard!"

The examiner seemed to be jotting down some things while looking at the badge number that Arthur wore. Then, he wrote it down and eyed him for a while before jumping down from the platform and leading them toward the next yard.

However, no one moved. Everyone was staring at the average-looking man in the middle, whose presence had shifted from annoying to terrifying. Arthur was looking at Joey with interest, who chose not to fight him and instead ruin their chances to enter the Golden Division.

"I don't need shortcuts," said Joey with a smile as he gestured for Arthur to take the lead. "Those who chose not to fight you... are the ones left. That says enough about how going against you is a wrong idea."

"I'm a little disappointed," said Arthur with a sigh as he placed his hands behind his neck. The ones who rushed forward were the weakest, failing to realize what a monster Arthur was. "In either case, I'm glad to see you still here."

"I feel the same," said Joey as he walked behind Arthur, his eyes studying the mysterious man with caution. Arthur could feel his gaze, but his mind was elsewhere.

The following exam was a basic test, where those applying needed to destroy a giant rock with a single attack. It was to test their destructive capabilities and ensure that no one would pass without deserving it. This process eliminated twelve applicants, leaving thirteen out of the original fifty.

"You all have passed the exam and will be the thirteenth platoon of the Newbie Division. You can divide yourselves into squads and move into the thirteenth barracks. Your first mission will be assigned this evening!"

After that, the examiner gave them military clothes to wear. They were dust-colored, probably designed to be less noticeable in the wilderness. Arthur and the rest changed before going to the barracks on the other side of the city with their badge, the only thing that proved their identities.

On the badge, Arthur realized, was his name and level. It worked as an identification number for the soldiers. Furthermore, once they reached the barracks, they entered using their badge.

The barracks were a large building with many bedrooms, training grounds, and classrooms. Arthur noticed that each room had four bunk beds, but since the rest of his platoon was apprehensive of him, his room only had two other soldiers.

Joey followed him for some reason, and the other person was the weakest among the others. He only managed to split the stone in half instead of shattering it. The man was thin and fragile-looking, reminding Arthur of his friend, Yuran.

"You don't need to be afraid," said Arthur as he walked into the room and felt the man shaking. "I will not harm those who don't harm me. Since we're a team now, we should work together and rise through the ranks."

"It has always been my intention to do so," said Joey with a smile as he jumped over the upper bed and slept on the ground. "Our missions usually involve exterminating threats. Those who kill the most are promoted through the ranks until they are recommended to join the Golden Division."

"How long does it take to be promoted?" asked Arthur with interest. This time, the one who answered him was the thin, scared man.

voice as he seemed to gather his courage. "The Golden Division members receive fifty gold coins every month. It's hard to join them "It takes about a month of hard work," said the man with a weak voice as he seemed to gather his courage. "The Golden Division members receive fifty gold coins every month. It's hard to join them given the competition."

"What about the other divisions?"

"There are the Defense Legion, Runes Assembly, Scouts Platoon, Archers Division, Golden Division, and Infantry, also called the Newbie Division. Each is led by a different Titled Knight, with the strongest being the Knight of the Silver Rose, Jonathan."

"Then, who leads us?" asked Arthur with interest. The man had to think for a while before shaking his head, not knowing the answer. "Is it a headless division?"

"I think it is, since this is considered a stepping stone before each soldier joins one of the different divisions. However, there are rumors that the knight is always wandering the different cities, but no one has actually seen him."𝒩𝑜𝒱𝖾𝓵𝓊𝗌𝗯.𝕔𝚘𝓂

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