Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1014  Surrounded

Chapter 1014  Surrounded

The four seemed shaken, except for Arthur. Even after fighting off a demonized creature, he remained calm and walked toward Nixie and Koby to check if they were alright. Then, he proceeded to deliver some unsettling news.

"That creature is just one of many that are watching us," said Arthur, his cautious eyes studying the surroundings. Joey and Fae returned to the group, listening to his words with pale faces. "It might have wandered off from the rest, but I suspect that this attack was intentional to see our reaction."

"…who is observing our reaction?" asked Nixie, hitting the nail on the head, but Arthur had no answer, so he shook his head. "Then, why are we sitting here and waiting?"

"Our mission dictates that we gather intel about anyone entering the cave, but we have yet to see anyone. The thing is… we are already surrounded by demonic creatures like that one."

"…surrounded?" hiccupped the terrified man, Koby, his entire body shaking. "Then, why did you let us camp here if you knew that? Are you trying to get us killed? Are you the dark mage?!"

"Calm down, idiot," said Joey as he pulled him down, making Koby sit on the carriage's ladder step. "If he was the dark mage, he wouldn't have rushed here to save you. Be grateful for the one man keeping you alive."

"…you are right," said Koby as he sat on the wooden step, and turned toward Arthur with gratitude. "I apologize for being irrational. But, if you did know that we are surrounded, why did you let us camp here?"

"I think the only reason that the demonic creatures have yet to attack is because we are here," said Arthur, explaining what he believed to be the case. "I might be mistaken, of course. But they avoided attacking us as we approached the cave. There are two explanations. A, we are being lured into a trap. And B, the demonic creatures fear us for some reason."

"I think Explanation A makes more sense," said Nixie with a frown. "But if that was the case, then we should go back to the city and report that the demonic creatures have returned."

"The moment we turn our backs and go back… we are also forfeiting our lives," said Joey before Arthur could explain the same thing. "When we were traveling through the forest, the demonic creatures had already surrounded us. We didn't even have the slightest chance to outmaneuver them."

"It's not like I allowed them to surround us, but they appeared out of nowhere," admitted Arthur with a frown. "These creatures didn't even move after they appeared. Their only goal was… to watch us."

The three shivered at the thought of countless demonic creatures watching and waiting to attack them. This made them look at Arthur in a different light because he had managed to stop their attack with a single hand.

"Then, what can we do?" muttered Fae in a low voice, as if fearing the enemy could hear them. In response, Arthur had nothing to say. If he stayed in the same position, he would be waiting for them to attack. If he goes back, they would attack.

"I don't mean to be hurtful," started Arthur as he stared at the three. "But if the monsters do attack, you three will not survive. This is not a psychological trick to make you follow my commands. However, in an all-out battle against this many creatures, I cannot protect you and fight at the same time."

The three were silent in response, gritting their teeth in frustration. Arthur knew that he struck them where it hurts the most, but it was the unvarnished truth. He could always run or fight, but he could not protect them at the same time.

"Therefore," continued Arthur. "I want us to either stay here until something changes, or we go into the Dark Cave and strike the mage where it hurts. If he summoned the creatures already, why is he still here?"

"Do you think he needs the altar to control the demonic creatures?" asked Nixie with realization. Arthur nodded, causing the group to sink into deep thought. "If we destroy the altar, his control over the creatures would disappear, and we can hide until they leave."

"A disorganized army is better, no matter how dangerous it would be for monsters to run amok," agreed Arthur. "I wanted to continue our mission until we gauge their strength, but if each creature was as strong as the goblin, we will be in trouble if we stay."

"That goblin was not a demonic creature, but a demonized creature," said Fae with a frown. Arthur was confused, as he thought the two were the same. Thus, she proceeded to explain. "Demonic creatures are summoned, while demonized creatures are created. The former are stronger and have the ability to create the latter."

"If that's the case, then we saw the tiniest tip of the iceberg, nothing more," admitted Arthur with a frown. "I know that whoever is behind this is trying to lure us into the cave or just force us to take shelter there. But at the moment… I prefer to fight than to flee and get surrounded."

"The Dark Cave is narrow, so the monsters cannot attack us all at the same time," assured Nixie to further solidify their plan. "My mind is set, but I cannot decide for the rest."

"…I agree with this plan," said Fae with a determined expression.

"I wanted to enter the cave to begin with," said Joey with a grin as he threw his arm around Koby. "What about you, strong man? Can we depend on you to lead us inside?"

"…no," said Koby while staring at the ground. "Since we are not under attack, we can always return to our rooms! You talk as if we cannot outwait these creatures and for the entire situation to fade!"

"You can try," said Arthur with a nod. "I will not stop you."

Koby looked at Arthur as if he was surprised to see him agreeing with his plan, making the scared man elated. As he took out his return scroll and tried to activate it, his expression quickly crumbled. No matter how much he tried or shouted, nothing happened.

"Why is it… not working….?" Koby muttered with a shaken expression as his eyes turned unfocused and desperate. Then, he turned toward Arthur with trembling lips. "You knew that it would not work, didn't you?"

"I did," nodded Arthur without a change in his expression. "It's not like I knew, but it would make sense for us to be surrounded while being able to leave the tower. This entire situation is absurd, and I wouldn't be surprised if we could no longer enter our rooms."

 "Then, what are we…"

"We rise and go forward," said Arthur as he turned toward the cave. "It might be dangerous, but we cannot wait for them to attack us. "How can you be this confident against a demonic creature?" asked Nixie with a nervous face. Arthur gave her a grin as his aura leaked Once we are inside the cave, I can protect the three of you."

"How can you be this confident against a demonic creature?" asked Nixie with a nervous face. Arthur gave her a grin as his aura leaked from his body, making their hearts tremble.

"Because I am… worse than demons."


 rest stared at him for a long time, but he seemed oblivious to their shaken hearts. His aura retracted into his body before he began to descend the hill, heading back to the Dark Cave. Joey was the first to follow, then the twins, and finally Koby.

No one said a word as they approached the cave. As soon as they set foot inside, their vision changed and expanded. A large tunnel revealed itself before them, leading downward. The walls were illuminated by crystals that didn't extend to the forest.

"Keep a straight line, and shout as soon as you notice something off," said Arthur to the rest, who nodded and formed a long line. "Can I entrust you with the back?" he asked Joey, who sighed and walked to the rear.

Nixie and Fae each took out arrows, while Koby took out a long stick. Arthur was surprised by the choice of weapon, but he didn't ask the cowardly man about his intentions. Instead, he turned and walked through the cave.

Although it was barely visible from outside, the cave had tunnels that extended miles into the ground. The group remained on edge for an entire half-hour before they reached the first clearing. There, darkness reigned supreme.

"Something is there," muttered Arthur as he stopped and glared at the darkness. "Never lower your guard in this place."

The group nodded as they began to walk cautiously through the darkness after taking out their torches. They could only see a few meters away, until they heard a pained groan coming from the side. Koby jumped backward while Arthur changed his direction toward the source.


Another groan came from the darkness, which Arthur dispelled with the torch. As he crouched on the ground, he found the source to be the severed head of a human.

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