Level Up Legacy

Chapter 966 Astraeus

Chapter 966 Astraeus

His screams of terror echoed inside the room, which used to be the only place Romeo could abandon his fear. However, now, it has been infiltrated by someone who wants him dead.

"How can you be here? No one can be here! No one!" roared the terrified man as loud as he could as he tried to escape the wrathful enemy. However, his body has yet to recover from being crushed by this same man.

The door creaked open as the man entered, walking into his room. Romeo shouted and threw whatever he could at him, but nothing stopped the advancing man from coming toward him.

"You thought I would not get you once you are here?" asked the man standing beside his bed, gazing down at him. "No one can protect you from me. Repeat what you said again."

"I apologize… please… I was just blathering… forgive me. I'm nothing but a dog that barks. You have no use for killing me and dirtying your hands. Please, this is beneath you, a great one. You are almighty, and lowering yourself to my level is just…."

[An anomaly has been detected inside the tower.]

[Activating the elimination system.]

A monotonic voice echoed in their eyes as the world turned bright red. Lines worked to divide the space around them, turning everything into equal small cubes the size of a basketball. Romeo had no idea what was happening, but he finally remembered that the tower was on his side.

"You are the anomaly, haha," said Romeo with a shaky voice as he pointed at the man. "The tower is now going to take you out. I knew no one could enter rooms other than their owner, and you fucked up! You will be k… GUH!"

The man caught his face with his hand, closing his mouth and almost crushing his jaw. His fingers dug into his flesh so much that Romeo suspected his head would be crushed. Then, the man raised him, not caring about the warning from the tower.

"Even if it means fighting against gods themselves, I will kill you," said the man as he gazed into his eyes, stressing the word 'will' until it was a certainty. Romeo did not doubt that he had managed to irk someone he should not have.

"Against gods themselves?" said a voice behind them, and Romeo turned his desperate eyes toward them. Through the fingers of the hand holding him, he could see another figure that appeared inside the room. "Have humans grown this arrogant to defy us?"

A tall man with nothing to cover his chest appeared inside the room with them, his eyes stern and determined. He was tall with a long braid of silver hair tied behind his back, and armaments covered his body. His azure eyes and long face made him look ancient, like a sculpture chiseled by the gods.

"And who are you?" asked the wrathful man holding him, not releasing his face even for a bit. His fingers still dug through his flesh, making Romeo squirm with pain. However, he could not move.

"I am Astraeus, the Order Keeper," said the man before he gazed at Romeo. Romeo could feel his soul being crushed by the celestial pressure the moment he looked into his eyes. "Release that man."

  "I refuse."

"You fail to understand who I am," said Astraeus as he waved his arm. The room suddenly grew bigger, turning into a giant yard. Then, he raised his other hand, making the ceiling disappear. Romeo and the man raised their eyes, looking at the infinite universe that had just appeared. "I am a god."

"And?" replied the man in golden robes, not seeming intimidated. His golden and black eyes turned back toward Astraeus, expecting him to make a better argument.

"You and this entire tower are ants compared to me," said Astraeus, not appearing offended but still marveling at the audacity. "Let that man go, now!"

Astraeus shouted, making the world shake. A ripple spread across space with him as the center, seeming to rearrange the world. The moment the ripple touched Romeo, his soul was crushed, turning into nothing. His body no longer had the power to struggle, making him as limp as a fish.

Gods were powerful, thought Romeo. If even a literal god could not save him, he might be better off dead. He was not the anomaly, even if he feared this newcomer. He was shocked and speechless as he turned toward the man holding him.

The man in black and golden robes remained unmoving, even when faced with the command of a god. Astraeus seemed shaken, his eyes wide. However, the surprise in his eyes turned into recognition as he squinted at him.

"You are that abnormal human, right?" asked Astraeus, appearing to be uncertain. The man did not reply and instead turned toward Romeo again. The rage in his eyes magnified before he raised his other fist. "Do not dare!" shouted the god, but Romeo saw the fist approaching him. That was the last thing he saw.


Once again, Arthur killed the man who enraged him. Yet, even now, and for the second time, it did not sate the wrath inside him. He thought that he had it under control inside the tower. However, Eragon might not be the only source of his anger.

"You dare disobey the words of a god," said the man who had just arrived, once again claiming to be a god. Arthur did not doubt those words. His eyes could see this man's power, even stronger than Osian or anyone he had ever met. However, his eyes gave away his identity. Arthur could see worlds within them.

"I did what I came here to do, but it is still not enough," said Arthur as he gazed at the scattering red lights, proving that this man would still be revived. "I must kill him."

"I am here to prevent that," said Astraeus as he stepped forward. Arthur could feel the world shake and tilt with his movements as if it could not hold him. "You have broken the natural order of things, and I am here to fix that."

"Does the natural order include the lives this scum sacrificed?" asked Arthur with a smile as he turned toward the god. "If you are truly a god, you should be fair."

"This is fairness."

"How is saving the man who deceived men into sacrificing themselves considered fair? How are you here to save him but not them?"

"Those men lost their lives fighting a demon," said Astraeus as he advanced toward Arthur. "Injustice is a part of the world, too. However, you are the anomaly here, and I am here to restore order."

"I am the anomaly, but not that trash?" said Arthur with a smile as the man approached him. "Whether you are a true god or not, I have two words for you: fuck off."

Astraeus frowned and raised his hand to the sky; countless lights shone from the universe. Arthur jumped back to dodge, but the lights still descended on him faster than he could see them.





Four pillars of light that contained myriads of colors pierced his limbs, pinning them to the ground. Arthur slammed to the ground as the four-pillar fused, forming something like a cage that held him down.

"Even if you are an anomaly, do not get arrogant," said Astraeus as he looked down on him. "Blame that you were born human, never amounting to anything that matters. My name is Astraeus, the Imperative God of Order. You have transgressed on the fairness of this astral dimension, and I hereby sentence you to oblivion to keep the harmony of the universe."

Astraeus raised his hand toward the sky, and a divine sword appeared in his hands. Arthur tried to break free from the pillars but found himself unable to do a thing. Then, he raised his hands to look at Astraeus.

"Is this the harmony of the universe?" muttered Arthur as he gnashed his teeth together. "Long before I knew there were gods, I promised this: if I ever meet one, I would beat him up."

"Begone from this world alongside your arrogance," said Astraeus as he held the sword with both hands and brought it down. Black lightning exploded from Arthur, destroying the pillars that pinned him down. Then, he leaned to the side, avoiding the sword.

The black armor formed around him, covering his hand with its gauntlets. Then, Arthur jumped toward Astraeus, throwing a punch toward his face. The god was surprised but still raised his hand to block the blow.

Arthur felt like he had struck a mountain, unable to push the hand blocking his attack. Thus, he landed on the ground and took out his dagger before bolting toward Astraeus again.

The god disappeared, teleporting away before Arthur could strike him. Astraeus appeared in his original spot, gazing at Arthur with confusion and surprise.

"A mere human… could break the chains of Devaheim?"


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