Level Up Legacy

Chapter 979  Devouring the Divine

Chapter 979  Devouring the Divine

Seraphine's voice echoed through the tower as she made her way to the spot where Watchman had met his demise. "To uncover the truth, you must ascend this tower," she proclaimed, her eyes fixed on the distant destination. "For now, let us absorb the residual energy to bolster our strength within these walls. While slaying a god may not reward you directly, once you consume its power, no restraints can hold you back."

Intrigued by her words, Arthur raised an eyebrow and posed a question, "But wouldn't divine energy be harmful to you, being a demon and all?" He admitted his limited knowledge of other realms, but his assumption wasn't entirely misplaced.

"Energy is energy, regardless of its origin," Seraphine replied, her tone confident. "Once it is severed from its owner, it becomes free for the taking. Just like how regular folks gain power by drinking our blood without undergoing demonic transformation. Come, join me here and claim your share."

Seraphine extended her hand, offering Arthur a radiant sphere of pure light. It hadn't existed moments ago, yet now it materialized, shimmering in her grasp as a testament to the energy she had harnessed. After a brief moment of hesitation, Arthur reached out to touch the divine energy.

As soon as his fingertips made contact, his body greedily absorbed the potent essence. It was as if a famished beast had found its feast. Arthur sensed a distant, primal cry resonating within his soul as the divine energy coursed through him. His entire being radiated a golden glow, and a familiar sense of existence surged within him.

To his surprise, Seraphine turned around, a mix of surprise and apprehension etched across her face. Though not a fallen being herself, demons were sensitive to the powers of creation, as they were closely intertwined with the essence of gods.

Perplexed, Seraphine muttered in a bewildered tone, her brows furrowing. "What is this sensation? How can the powers of Obsidianos reside within one who possesses... the powers of life? Have you deceived me, Arthur Silvera? Are you truly a descendant of gods?"

Gone was the trust that had shone in Seraphine's eyes, replaced by suspicion and a change in her entire demeanor. Her blood sword materialized once again, held firmly in her hand, as she fixed her gaze upon Arthur with apprehension. He could sense that even the slightest misstep could trigger her attack.

Arthur stared into his palm, marveling at the familiar surge of creation energy flowing within him. "Have I not trusted you, despite being a demon, an enemy often labeled as ruthless and cruel?" he questioned, his gaze fixed on the radiant energy. "Moreover, this power is not merely the essence of life, but the very essence of creation itself. It seems that the divine energy has stirred this dormant power within me since entering this tower."

Perplexed, Seraphine, the demon, sheathed her sword, momentarily disarmed by Arthur's reminder of the trust he had placed in her, despite her demonic nature. "You still haven't answered my question. Obsidianos is the dark god who concealed the demons from the gods, enabling them to transcend the Great Barrier. I thought you were its reincarnation, but it never possessed the power of creation."

"The power of creation and the entity you speak of are not truly mine," Arthur responded, sheathing his dagger and preparing to move. "I do not fully comprehend my own nature, but I have no need to explain myself. You may choose to trust me or not."

Curiosity brimming, Seraphine inquired, "Where are you going?" as she observed Arthur's back turned toward her. He paused momentarily before raising his hand, sending a pulse of energy rippling through the forest.

"I must find my friend," Arthur replied, his determination evident. "Watchman mentioned encountering a feline before he found us. Whisker, I believe. I need to ensure his well-being."

Seraphine fell silent, ceasing her questioning. Arthur fixed his gaze in a particular direction before darting through the forest. Seraphine sighed, her resolve firm, and trailed after him, also seeking the whereabouts of Whisker.

Arthur utilized his heightened perception of existence to locate the feline. Yet, upon finding him, he couldn't help but freeze in place. Hidden among a cluster of bushes, Whisker lay collapsed on the ground, blood staining his chest. His breathing was shallow, and his eyes carried a haze.

"What happened to you, Whisker?" Arthur inquired, regaining his composure. He crouched beside the feline, preparing to extend his hand. Before he could act, Whisker weakly grasped Arthur's hand and turned toward him.

"Seika, is that you?" Whisker rasped, his voice feeble. "You must... run. A god has descended, and I failed to deceive or stop them. You must make your way... to the upper floors..."

"That god is no more," Arthur declared, lowering Whisker's hand toward his chest, as his powers of creation overflowed. "How come you haven't revived yet?"

"Gods and demons alike have unique nature to their attacks, harming both body and soul," Seraphine interjected from behind Arthur. "Within this tower, without a soul, that feline cannot be revived. Moreover, he cannot survive, no matter how much you heal him."

"You both underestimate me," Arthur murmured, a smile forming as golden energy gathered in his hand. "I do not adhere to common sense. I defy whatever rules this universe imposes."

Confident, bordering on arrogance, Arthur infused the golden energy into Whisker. The feline began to radiate, his eyes snapping open as he arched his back. Wounds started to mend, cell by cell, and muscle by muscle. In a matter of moments, Whisker was unscathed.

"I... I am alive?" Whisker asked, bewildered, inspecting his once-injured chest, unable to comprehend what he witnessed. Arthur smiled at him before rising and turning toward Seraphine.

"You mentioned souls being injured," Arthur remarked with a grin. "Well, it just so happens that I possess an abundance of spiritual energy that refuses to be contained. This golden energy before you has the power to heal any wound."

Seraphine's eyes widened as she muttered in disbelief, "You expect me to believe that your spiritual energy materialized outside your body like that? It defies all reason, yet it appears that absurdity is your true nature."

"I have my limitations, but I manage to work around them," Arthur explained, extending his hand to Whisker, who looked dazed but accepted the gesture. "And luckily, I have great friends who always have my back."

A grin spread across Whisker's face. "So, does that mean you're not planning on leaving us behind anymore?" he asked playfully. Arthur shook his head, laughing, and Whisker joined in. "By the way, did you really manage to take down that god?"

"I acted as the decoy, while Seraphine dealt the finishing blow," Arthur clarified, gesturing towards the demon. "I know you may have reservations about her, but despite demons being seen as evil, she's different. For now, it seems like the gods are our enemies, not her."

Whisker took a moment to consider this information before nodding in agreement. It surprised both Arthur and Seraphine when Whisker walked over to the demon, extending his paw for a handshake. Seraphine looked at the furry paw with confusion, then glanced at Whisker.

"Seika trusts you, so I'll trust you too," Whisker said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions about you without even giving you a chance. I let my assumptions about your kind blind me."

"You don't have to shake hands," Seraphine responded, still wary but willing to bridge the gap. Arthur let out a sigh, rubbing his temples gently.

"But if we're going to work together in this tower, we need to show each other some respect. You can't keep your distance and expect us to trust you," reminded Arthur.

There was a brief silence before Seraphine finally reached out and shook Whisker's paw. Their eyes locked for a moment, and although Seraphine's scarlet gaze held a hint of suspicion, Whisker remained calm and offered her a warm smile. After their handshake, they released their grasp.

"I never said I would tag along with you," Seraphine stated, turning her attention to Arthur. "But I agree that we have a common enemy. Until I find out who you really are and why you possess the powers of Obsidianos, I won't leave your side."

"That works for me," Arthur replied, a smile spreading across his face. "Vesper may be dead, but he'll likely revive within the tower soon. We should expect him to reappear in about an hour. Where do people usually come back to life?"

"After death, they don't reappear in the exact spot where they died," Seraphine explained. "That way, if someone perishes in a dangerous environment like lava, they won't be trapped forever. Instead, they're sent to the nearest temple in a city."

"In that case, let's head back to the city and put an end to Vesper's reign," Arthur declared, turning to Seraphine. "I need you to make sure he's permanently dealt with since I'm unable to do it myself. If he remains in this tower, many innocent people will suffer under his tyranny."

"I would have done it anyway, especially after he attacked me," Seraphine agreed, nodding firmly. "By the way, I remember him targeting another individual—a whitish creature who was badly injured. We left him on the battlefield. Isn't he a friend of yours?"

"...He's not a friend, but I feel guilty for forgetting about him, especially after he tried to protect me," Arthur admitted, a tinge of remorse in his voice. "Let's go and find him first before we continue."


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