Level Up Legacy

Chapter 981 A New Sith Town

Chapter 981 A New Sith Town

With a sudden burst of energy, Vesper lunged forward, his massive form destroying the altar. The impact sent ripples of energy coursing through the air, shaking the very foundation of the temple.

The group swiftly sprang into action, each employing their unique skills and abilities. Arthur moved with unparalleled agility, his black dagger slicing through the air, leaving trails of darkness in its wake. Sarohan's strikes were precise and calculated, his long sword creating a whirlwind of steel. Whisker's agile movements allowed him to evade Vesper's attacks while retaliating with lethal precision. Seraphine weaved intricate patterns with her demonic magic, conjuring flames that danced and engulfed the warlord.

Despite their coordinated efforts, Vesper proved to be a formidable opponent. His sheer strength and resilience were a testament to his years of dominance. With each blow he received, his fury grew, fueling his determination to crush his adversaries.

The battle raged on, the clash of weapons echoing throughout the temple. Sparks flew as steel clashed against ethereal armor, and gusts of wind swirled around the combatants. The group fought with unwavering determination; their resolve unshaken even in the face of Vesper's overwhelming power.

As the fight reached its crescendo, a surge of energy coursed through Arthur's veins. He could feel the power of the creation resonating within him, amplifying his strength and sharpening his senses. A surge of clarity washed over him, revealing a weakness in Vesper's defense.

With a swift maneuver, Arthur dodged Vesper's incoming strike and plunged the black dagger deep into the warlord's side. A surge of dark energy pulsed through Vesper's body, and his ethereal armor flickered, weakened by the impact.

Sarohan seized the opportunity, unleashing a devastating onslaught of strikes upon Vesper. Each blow landed with precision, exploiting the warlord's vulnerability. The echoes of their clash reverberated through the temple, filling the air with the sound of impending victory.

Whisker and Seraphine joined forces, their attacks converging upon Vesper. Whisker's claws tore through the ethereal armor, leaving deep gashes, while Seraphine's flames licked at the warlord's wounds, intensifying his agony.

Vesper staggered, his movements slowing as the combined assault took its toll. His once formidable demeanor waned, and a flicker of desperation crossed his eyes. Despite his resistance, defeat seemed inevitable.

With one final surge of strength, the group unleashed a devastating onslaught, overwhelming Vesper's defenses. Their coordinated strikes landed with deadly precision, each blow delivering a decisive blow to the warlord's weakened form. The last one to land her strike into the giant's chest was Seraphine, using her blood spear.

As Vesper collapsed to the ground, defeated and gasping for breath, the temple fell silent. The only sound that remained was the ragged breathing of the group, victorious yet weary from the intense battle.

Arthur stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the fallen warlord. "Your reign of terror ends here, Vesper. May this be a lesson to those who seek to impose their will upon others."

The warlord's piercing gaze of hatred was etched in Arthur's mind as he watched Vesper vanish into ethereal red mist, dissipating into the air. Slowly, he turned around and left the temple, with Whisker following closely behind, his expression filled with confusion.

"You seem unsatisfied," Whisker remarked, struggling to comprehend Arthur's reaction.

"Those who pass judgment on others, like we did today, should be prepared to face judgment themselves," Arthur replied, his footsteps echoing through the familiar alley of Sith Town. The other two companions trailed behind as the four of them made their way toward the public square. "We have ended the life of the man who protected this town. We cannot abandon its citizens to face the next wave of monsters alone."

Seraphine caught up with them, her voice laced with dissent. "I agreed to eliminate Vesper, but becoming the town's saviors was not part of the plan. Let someone else take up that mantle, Seika. We have a greater purpose to fulfill."

"If we forsake the weak in pursuit of our goals, we would become no different from Vesper, exploiting them," Arthur replied, a faint smile playing on his lips. "To ascend to the second floor and confront the monsters guarding The Path, we must overcome the very creatures that would assault this city. Are you afraid of being outnumbered?"

Seraphine's eyes gleamed with a mischievous grin. "Are you trying to provoke me? How about a friendly competition? If I manage to slay more monsters than you, you'll answer one of my questions."

"I already know the question, and I suspect you won't like the answer. Nonetheless, I never back down from a challenge," Arthur replied with a confident smile. "The next wave of attacks is expected in half a week. We shall see who can claim the most kills."


A day after the epic battle, people began trickling back into Sith Town. The news of Vesper's demise spread like wildfire, and celebrations erupted in every bar. Some rushed to the farms, hoping to scavenge leftover crops, only to find that they had already been harvested.

However, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded as the townsfolk returned. The once formidable stronghold that Vesper had occupied now had a new occupant. Before it stood a stand piled high with food, where a familiar figure distributed meals to anyone in need.I think you should take a look at

The man distributing the food was none other than Sarohan, the Waiga from a nearby town. Many recognized him as the one who had attempted to take down Vesper in the past but had failed. As he handed out the food, he made sure to inform the people where it came from.

"Seika, the one who defeated Vesper, has declared that food shall be free from this day forward! Every resident of Sith Town has a rightful share in the farms, and it is their privilege to receive this nourishment!"

Word of the benevolent act quickly spread throughout the streets. Some tried to take more than their fair share, but Sarohan, with his impeccable memory, prevented any excess portions from being given.

The name Seika echoed through the town, though no one knew who he was or what he looked like. Many approached Sarohan, eager to learn more, but the Waiga remained tight-lipped, rambling on about Seika's heroism and the countless lives he had saved.

The people found solace in the fact that the one who had taken Vesper's place seemed compassionate and reasonable. However, doubts began to arise about the mysterious army that supported him since no one witnessed anyone entering or leaving the stronghold.

"As I've said, if he was strong enough to vanquish Vesper, then he must be capable

  of protecting us!" the inn owner exclaimed, defending Seika's reputation to a customer who seemed uninterested. "I've heard he single-handedly fought against an entire army and emerged victorious! Seika is the real deal!"

The customer muttered, chewing on his sandwich. The inn owner, dissatisfied with his lack of enthusiasm for the topic, continued his persuasive efforts. "You're new to this town, so you don't know what it was like under Vesper's rule. A meal like this would have cost you a whole gold coin! Seika now provides it at affordable prices, just enough to sustain the farms and ensure their continued productivity. Business is thriving!"

"Is that so?" the customer repeated absentmindedly, finishing his drink and pushing his plate forward. "Bring me another one, innkeeper."

"You're such a bother!" the inn owner grumbled good-naturedly as he snatched the plate and began preparing another sandwich. "Youngsters like you are carefree and fearless! If you were to meet Seika, you'd be stunned into silence!"

"Is he really that intimidating?" the young man with golden eyes asked, resting his chin on his hand. "Have you met him?"

"No, but he must exude an incredible aura, enough to leave shrimp like you quaking!" the owner exclaimed, presenting the freshly prepared sandwich. "I've never seen someone devour food as ravenously as you! You need to learn moderation, lad!"

"Your food is simply delicious, old man," the young man complimented as he wolfed down the sandwich. "It's been years since I've tasted something this well-made."

"Flattery won't cover your rent," the owner retorted with a grin, somewhat pleased with the praise. "You still haven't paid for your stay last night. You didn't expect to live here for free, did you?"

"I know, old man, relax," the young man replied, waving his sandwich playfully. Just then, another figure entered the inn, cloaked and concealing their face. The owner tensed, anticipating trouble. "I'll settle everything when the time comes."

The owner remained silent, wariness etched across his face as the newcomer approached the counter, standing beside the young man. Without uttering a word, the cloaked figure produced a golden coin and placed it on the table.

"This is for breakfast and to cover his outstanding fees," the person said in a raspy voice. The owner stared, momentarily stunned, before glancing at the young man, who continued to devour his food. With a nod, the owner collected the coin and set about preparing another meal.

"You'll frighten everyone if you keep behaving like this, Whisker," the young man remarked, laughing as he finished his sandwich. "How are the preparations coming along?"

"We've distributed recruitment flyers, but no one has shown up yet. We lack the funds to relocate people," Whisker replied as he took a seat. "Perhaps we should have seized the stronghold and recruited individuals that way."

"We aren't following in Vesper's footsteps," the young man responded, wiping his mouth. The inn owner glanced nervously between the two, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "The people will rise to protect themselves."


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