Level Up Legacy

Chapter 985 Freeing A Giant

Chapter 985 Freeing A Giant

Seraphine jumped down while Arthur stepped over the edge, staring down at the giant. The frost giant, with long blue hair covering his head, turned towards Arthur with vacant eyes. Disappointed by the lack of reaction, Arthur frowned.

"This is not the fight I anticipated," muttered Arthur as he watched the giant ignore him and turn towards the walls, proceeding with his work of tearing them down. "It looks like a lifeless machine, only tearing down this wall."

If the giant had any mind of its own, it would realize that an enemy had appeared and must be eliminated. However, even with Arthur standing close to it, it seemed unbothered. The rumbling continued, forcing Arthur to take out Nightmare.

"Even if this won't prove much of a fight, I must protect the city," said Arthur as he brandished his blade towards the dagger. As soon as Nightmare gave a roar, the giant sent a fist his way. It did not even look at him, looking like a puppet being manipulated.

The fist came crashing down towards him, applying celestial pressure to crush him. The air split apart as Arthur bent down and jumped over the fist. He landed on the giant's forearm before rushing atop it. Yet, the giant had yet to look at him.

Arthur sensed that something was amiss and turned towards the tamer, who stared at Seraphine butchering his monsters. He never expected to find someone from the seven families inside this tower, but life works in mysterious ways.

Lian was the tamer that Arthur fought against inside the First Holy Crown Trial. At that time, the tamer fought him without his monsters and still proved a powerful opponent. If not for Kira, he would have lost against the tamer.

His face had changed, as his features turned more mature. His eyes were circled with a blue tattoo that extended down his face. Whatever happened to Lian after the First Holy Crown Trial was something that changed him completely.


Arthur ran above the giant, dashing across its frozen body. Ice coalesced over his legs, but it broke the moment he leaped forward. It made running harder, but Arthur found it easy since the giant was so big. Even with Arthur on its body, the giant remained unmoving. This made Arthur turn towards the tamer, only to find him occupied with Seraphine.

Lian turned towards Arthur, spotting him atop the giant. It was at that moment that the giant moved, reaching its hand towards Arthur. Arthur jumped once more as he realized the truth about this giant: it was being controlled by the tamer.

Arthur was now midair, which made him vulnerable. Lian saw that and gave a grin before controlling the giant to snatch him midair. Arthur found himself held between the giant's icy fingers, which was like being inside an ice mountain.

His body began freezing as the giant raised him high before bringing him down to slam against the wall. Arthur could see his breath turn white, but it was dissipated by black lightning. Since he realized that this monster was being controlled, he had the perfect counter for this.

The lightning raged, imbuing itself into the blade. Arthur stabbed his blade into the arm, and it pierced through the icy skin easily. The giant let out a shriek before letting him go. Arthur fell through the air, watching the giant's hand being engulfed by lightning.

Arthur fell towards the walls before adjusting his body to land on his feet. Then, his golden eyes watched the giant's arm fall as he lost all strength within it. Lian looked at the scene with a frown as Seraphine made her way towards him. With a wave of his hand, the giant used his other arm to hammer Arthur.


screamed in his hand, ready to unleash another attack. Before he could defend himself, a bizarre scene unfolded. The lightning-covered arm stopped the other, which tried to attack Arthur. The giant let out a growl as its eyes seemed to change between vacancy and rage.

Arthur looked at the giant, and a smile formed on his face. If this monster was in full control of its body, Arthur would have lost miserably. Its strength was unlike any other, and the ice was the 'icing' on the cake. However, he now realized his weakness.

"Do you wish to be freed, frost giant?" shouted Arthur in the howling wind. The giant looked at him, its expression changing. "Fight for your freedom, and let me strike you with my lightning!"

Arthur then returned his blade to its sheath, as he no longer wished to harm this giant. Instead, his lightning gathered on his fist. However, it proved difficult to control something so unruly. The giant seemed to struggle to stop itself, but the black lightning was slowly fading from its body.I think you should take a look at

"Given your size, I need the black lightning to course through your entire body for you to be free. I must harness this unrestrained power to achieve that purpose."

The fist crackled with lightning once more as Arthur focused on it. The black lightning began to condense around his fingers, forming a sphere of colorless lightning that could break anything. However, Arthur knew that such control was momentary. He needed to hasten his attack for it to be successful.

Arthur watched as the giant lost control of its body again, unleashing another fist that split the air before it. The wind howled as Arthur jumped again, landing on the giant's arm before darting towards its face. Lian seemed to realize his aim and used the other hand to cover the giant's face. However, Arthur simply jumped over the head, arching his back as he fell to the ground.

With a twist of his body, Arthur threw his punch towards the back of the giant's head. His fist struck the blue head, exploding with a resounding impact. With a resounding cry, he unleashed his wrath, infusing his black lightning into the giant.

The giant gave a cry that shook the world as the black lightning coursed through its body. Arthur grabbed onto the giant's hair, falling together with it. However, the giant stumbled forward towards the walls before its entire body fell forward, destroying the walls Arthur tried to protect.

"I won, but... I might have lost," said Arthur with a laugh as the giant fell to the ground. As he saw several figures rush towards the walls, Arthur decided that he must warn them. Being the lumberjack that he never became, there was only one word suitable for bringing down such a giant. "TIMBER!"

The giant came crashing down towards the ground, shaking Sith Town to its core. Even though the walls had been breached, Arthur was not worried. After all, the giant was the biggest threat to the city, and it had been neutralized. Thus, he sat down on the giant's head before turning his attention towards the tamer.

Arthur could see the crumbling walls, which came down like a curtain. On the opposite side was the tamer, still using monsters to fight against Seraphine. Their eyes met as Lian stared with absolute shock at how his strongest soldier was taken down with a single fist.

The tamer did not seem to recognize him, which was fortunate for Arthur. Although it would not make a difference to be known, he still wished to remain unknown to the other challengers within the tower.

"Who is that?" someone asked behind him, prompting Arthur to look behind him and see Whisker and Sarohan with a group

of challengers. Seeing that some had remained to defend Sith Town, with Roderick in their lead, Arthur grinned.

"That is... our Seika," answered Whisker with a dazed expression. Arthur himself felt that his current state, where he sat atop a giant, was too awe-inspiring. Thus, he decided to play the role of a great leader.

"You came, brave warriors," said Arthur as he rose to his feet and turned towards the challengers. "It brings me so much joy to fight together with brave men like you. As you can see, I managed to take down the giant. However, the walls have been breached, and monsters are bound to destroy our town. I need your help to stop them in their tracks and take down the tamer controlling them."

The entire crowd was silent, staring at him with shock. The scene of him standing over a giant, with the sun shining through the crumbling walls behind him, made them shiver with excitement. His golden eyes seemed to be whirlpools of charisma, gravitating people towards him.

"Lend me your swords to take down the monsters attacking Sith Town and become its protectors!" said Arthur as he pounded his fist to his heart with a resounding thud that compelled all those listening to follow suit and shout at the top of their lungs.

"Yes, sir!" the crowd answered in unison before brandishing their swords and rushing from around the giant to meet the incoming monsters. Meanwhile, Sarohan and Whisker walked towards Arthur, who jumped down from the giant.

"You still surprise us, Seika," said Sarohan as he examined the giant. "If my people knew of this feat, they would worship you as a new god."

"I didn't defeat the giant, only the control that the tamer had over him," explained Arthur before glancing behind him. "I expect him to run when things turn south. Make your way around him and intercept him when that happens."


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