Level Up Legacy

Chapter 992  Sharing Stories

Chapter 992  Sharing Stories 

Once a night filled with terror, this night had been transformed into one of joy and celebration. Roderick, fueled by an infectious enthusiasm, cooked tirelessly, ensuring that everyone was well-fed. Challengers, old and new alike, danced together to unfamiliar songs, embracing the camaraderie that had flourished among them.

In the heart of the festivities sat Arthur, beside Roderick, receiving not only food and drinks but also the heartfelt gratitude of the crowd for his feat of slaying the Night Panther. Amidst the jubilation, a figure suddenly leaped into the center of the celebration.

"Listen up, one and all!" declared Sarohan, waving his hand with a flourish. "Prepare yourselves for the grand adventures of Sarohan, the man who never complains!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as Sarohan regaled them with his extravagant tales, each story more fantastical than the last. Soon, another challenger followed suit, narrating their own unbelievable adventures and achievements.

In a matter of moments, Arthur heard stories that stretched the bounds of belief. Sarohan spoke of riding a butterfly across the ocean, while another claimed to have spent a year frozen within a mountain. The anecdotes seemed almost too absurd to be true, yet the crowd delighted in the tales and the lively entertainment they provided.

As the stories continued, Arthur listened with keen interest while savoring Roderick's delectable dishes. Sarohan caught Arthur's eye, and with a knowing grin, he summoned the crowd's attention.

"Quiet down, everyone!" Sarohan proclaimed. "While all stories are grand, some shine brighter than others! Let Seika share a tale he cherishes!"

The crowd cheered, urging Arthur to share his own story. However, he was content to focus on his favorite food and seemed disinterested in participating. The crowd's enthusiasm waned, and some even booed playfully at his reluctance. In response, Arthur chuckled and set down his plate.

"I have no stories to share, or at least none that you would believe," Arthur admitted with a self-deprecating smile. The gravity of his own journey and experiences seemed too extraordinary for anyone to accept. "Perhaps the greatest story is yet to be written as I continue to conquer this tower."

Unsatisfied, Sarohan persisted, "Come on, Seika! Every person has a tale of love to tell! Share yours with us!"

The crowd's anticipation was palpable as Arthur considered the request. Finally, he relented, and a smile touched his lips. "Very well, I'll tell you," he conceded. "It all began in the most unexpected way, between a gardener and a crippled princess."

Silence descended upon the forest, with only the crackling fire providing background noise. Arthur began a story that captivated his audience, evoking amazement, confusion, thrills, and heartache. Although he omitted names and details, the emotions conveyed made it difficult for the listeners to remain unaffected.

"...and I have yet to find her," Arthur concluded, leaving the crowd in a stunned hush. His gaze shifted among their faces, some filled with tears, leaving him perplexed by their emotional response. "Perhaps I've dampened the mood."

Sarohan couldn't contain his frustration, shouting, "If I had such a father, I'd disown him! How could he treat his own son this way? How could he treat our princess like that?"

"She's not your princess," Arthur replied with a chuckle, picking up his plate and resuming his meal. "And the story isn't over. I won't let it end that way."

A child's voice chimed in, fervently declaring, "Seika is the strongest! He'll fight anyone for the princess!"

Arthur's smile widened, and he rose from his seat to approach the child. Patting the child's head, he nodded with gratitude before turning to leave. The crowd watched in silence as he made his way towards the path.

"This is why I must leave this tower," Arthur declared to them all. "This is farewell, Sith Town. Take good care of them, Roderick."

The crowd rose to their feet, showering him with gratitude and well-wishes. Arthur continued without stopping, his four companions following in his footsteps. Their cheers faded as they reached the beginning of a long road sealed by a gate, a red road ascending into the sky.

"I apologize for reopening old wounds, Seika," Sarohan offered sincerely, though Whisker gave him a stern look.

"No need for apologies," Arthur replied, placing his hand on the gate and pushing it open. "I needed to be reminded of what truly matters."

With the gate opened, a choice lay before them – to venture to the second floor or explore the other towns on the first floor. The group made their decision in unison, and their bodies began to fade away.

"I'll see you on the other side," Seraphine called out before vanishing. Arthur turned towards her, finding her eyes surprisingly human in that fleeting moment. "I still want to know more about the Princess of Ice and Fire."

"One last thing," said Lian suddenly. "If presented with the choice to join a city, we should all choose not to. Choose to become a vagabond and respawn in the forest closest to Xeloria."

Arthur nodded and smiled, his body disappearing along with the others. He found himself in a larger room than before, filled with more furnishings, including a bathroom and a kitchen – rewards for advancing to the second floor.

The tower's notification appeared, informing him that he could enter the second floor in an hour. During that time, Arthur reflected on the night's events and the stories shared. He couldn't help but ponder the tale he had just told, the story of his own journey, and the person he sought to find.

"After I leave the tower and kill Yuvan Perli… I will find out the truth about what happened to Diana," muttered Arthur with sadness. In truth, he feared what he might find about how Dia fought against his father. If something happened to her, Arthur would lose himself to the monster within him– wrath.

Arthur's heart weighed heavy with a mix of determination and apprehension. He knew that after he successfully left the tower and faced Yuvan Perli, his path would lead him to uncover the truth about Diana. However, the thought of what might have befallen her in her confrontation with his father filled him with both sorrow and dread.

Deep down, Arthur was afraid of what he might discover. If Diana happened to her. No matter how painful or devastating the truth might be, he needed closure. Diana had been a vital part of his life, had suffered or worse, he knew that his fury and rage, his inner monster of wrath, would consume him. The fear of losing control, of becoming a vengeful force beyond reason, haunted him.

But he also understood that he couldn't turn away from the truth. He owed it to Diana and to himself to find out what had truly happened to her. No matter how painful or devastating the truth might be, he needed closure. Diana had been a vital part of his life, and he couldn't leave her memory shrouded in uncertainty.

With a heavy heart, Arthur reaffirmed his resolve. "I must face the truth, no matter the cost. For Diana's sake and mine, I need to know what happened."

After the emotional revelation and decision, Arthur turned his attention to his progress within the tower. Walking toward his desk, he was eager to see how many reward points he had accumulated from his earlier battle. The numbers he saw left him shocked and speechless.


[Floor: 2]

[Reward Points: 3285]

[Strength: 14.1]

[Agility: 13.9]

[Stamina: 13.2]

[Perception: 12.9]

[Mana: 23/23]

"Three thousand, two hundred, eighty-five?" Arthur muttered in disbelief. He had expected a substantial reward, but this was beyond his imagination. With such a massive amount of reward points, he knew he could significantly boost his stats. His growth was becoming monstrous, and it seemed the Red Tower was unprepared for someone like him.

"I expected it to be generous, but this might be a bit too eye-catching," Arthur thought, a grin forming on his face. "Well, I can certainly enjoy the feeling of being overpowered."

Considering his options, Arthur decided to distribute his points equally among his stats. Each stat received an increase of 65.7 points, elevating them to astonishing levels.


[Level: 20]

[Floor: 2]

[Reward Points: 0]

[Strength: 79.8] 𝒩𝒪𝐯𝐄𝓵𝑢𝑆𝒷.𝓬𝑶𝑚

[Agility: 79.6]

[Stamina: 78.9]

[Perception: 78.7]

[Mana: 88.7/88.7]

His body tingled with newfound strength as he felt the power surging through him. Satisfied with his decision, Arthur allowed himself some time to rest and recuperate. An hour was sufficient for him to recover from the fatigue of battle. The skills and additional rewards he had gained from defeating the boss could wait; he wanted to be well-prepared before exploring them.

As the countdown ended, the tower notified him that he was now eligible to enter the second floor. He knew from Lian's previous explanation that there were ten cities in the second floor, each pitted against one another. Challengers could choose to join a city or become vagabonds, granting them the freedom to decide later but spawning them in the wilderness.

Arthur wasted no time and confidently chose to become a vagabond, spawning close to the city of Xeloria. His body started to fade and then vanished, transporting him to his new destination.

Upon arrival, Arthur found himself atop a mountain, and as he gazed around, he heard a distant, powerful cry. Looking up, he was astonished to behold a creature he never expected to encounter so soon – a dragon.

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