Lust Knight

Chapter 508: The Wave

Chapter 508: The Wave

For all those people on the Black Sea Raiders Island, it is hard to even breathe due to the Leviathan's overwhelming aura, so they are shocked when they see Lucien not only talking to the creature but also mocking her.

[That's it, we're done...] Everyone thinks. [The creature will kill this crazy guy and destroy our island with him.]

Those stronger among them try to run away, but their bodies don't move. Also, most ships have already left the island with children and women.

Meanwhile, Alonzo and Kamala wonder about Lucien's plan. [How does he plan on capturing the creature with that net???]

Kamala also thinks about running away from there before the creature attacks. She can just dive deep into the ocean and return home as the Leviathan seems to focus only on Lucien.

But she can't leave either. Not out of fear, but because every second, she becomes more interested in Lucien and wants to know what happens next.

Well, the Leviathan looks really angry. Waves grow bigger and stronger, hitting the island's coast and destroying everything in their path as the storm focuses Its fury around Lucien.

[World Devourer...] Kamala remembers the ancient legends about the Leviathan and now understands why such a creature is described as capable of carrying with it the fury of nature Itself.

But even though inside the eye of the storm, Lucien continues to act relaxed. He takes a sip of brandy and kisses Lust's lips, mixing both tastes for his delight.

Then while stroking her ass, he looks at the Leviathan with a fake upset expression. "You're ruining my fun with this damn storm! Can you take it away alongside your fat ass?"

The giant snake's eyes sparkle as she shows off her fangs. "I tried to give you a chance to do something different, but you don't appreciate it... I just regret wasting my time with you."

"Then get this shit over right now." He says.

"As you wish…" The Leviathan responds and then flies towards Lucien with her fangs aimed at him. But of course, she knows he can just teleport away.

Lucien waits for the Leviathan to reach about 200 meters from the castle, which happens in less than a second, then he teleports behind the creature.

*Blink* *Whoosh*

It all happens too quickly for people to understand how Lucien teleports to avoid the Leviathan's blow, but she notices his moves instantly and changes the direction of her attacks.

He doesn't have time to summon his golden naginata before having to teleport again to avoid being hit by the giant snake.

*Blink* *Whoosh* *Blink* *Whoosh* *Blink* *Whoosh*

As Lucien and the Leviathan become blurs above the castle, the storm continues to hurl bolts at them furiously, and the sea increasingly takes over the island's territory.

That battle will easily enter the most incredible legends of the Blue Star and even of all Seven Stars, but people can't even look at the sky out of fear.

The Leviathan looks really furious as she tries to attack Lucien in every way. Still, surprisingly, she doesn't try to use her water manipulation to contain his moves, which makes him start to think she's actually kidding him.

'There's something wrong...' Lucien talks to Lust mentally while his spatial mana is almost gone.

'Just stick to the plan; I think this might really work.' Lust doesn't understand the way Leviathan is acting either, but now they don't have many options.

Just as Lucien planned, his spatial mana runs out, and the Leviathan realizes that. He uses the last drop of energy to teleport to the front of the castle's upper floor while starting to open the purple world portal inside the room behind him.

He looks into Leviathan's eyes as he summons his golden naginata, but he also notices Alonzo taking Valencia off that balcony.

"You can't run away anymore..." The Leviathan speaks, and her voice echoes along with the thunder.

Lucien smiles teasingly. "Are you sure about that?"

As soon as he finishes speaking, he feels the rainwater trap his body as the Leviathan has done before. He can no longer teleport for lack of spatial mana, but just like before, Lust could push his body towards the purple world.

But nothing is that simple. The Leviathan's water manipulation goes far beyond what they understand, and as Lust warned Lucien, she could only move his body because the creature allowed it.

And now, something else is also happening. A bright blue aura appears around Lucien's body, and Lust quickly explains that it's pure electricity and will destroy her body before she can touch him again.

The Leviathan smiles, showing her fangs. "Why don't you try that trick again?"

Lucien makes an angry and concerned expression, but somehow he and the Leviathan can clearly see that nothing there is really real.

[SHIT!!] He curses as it's too late…

The giant snake attacks again, hitting Lucien with her tail, which continues moving forward, taking him inside of the castle.


As Lucien planned, the Leviathan's attack pushes him straight into the purple world portal, with precision so perfect to be real.

As his body disappears, the Leviathan's attack continues to destroy the upper floor of the castle, and she falls into his trap, tangling her body in the giant magic net between the walls.


As half of the great castle is destroyed, the Leviathan falls on that crowd of people with half of her body coiled in the magic net.

Those unlucky people who got under the creature are immediately crushed. Even those in the Sky Realm have their bodies destroyed because of the creature's weight and how hard her skin is.

The stronger people from the Sky Realm peak and Immortal Realm survive the impact, but their badly injured bodies are pushed into the ground, and they have to dig their way out before they die from lack of oxygen.

The Leviathan's overwhelming aura is quickly contained by the magic net, and the Black Sea Riders go crazy. Many of them start running away from the creature while others approach her body, shocked that they have actually captured such a monster.

Lucien quickly returns from the purple world portal and sees the Leviathan motionless on the ground and breathing heavily. Despite being very large, that magic net is still insufficient to cover the creature's entire body as it is very long, but it seems to have been enough to contain her power.

Well, that's what Alonzo and the Black Sea Riders think, but all Lucien's instincts tell him something is wrong.

"What is it? My power????" The Leviathan's voice sounds angry but also weak, making the pirates even happier.

"Looks like it worked..." Lust materializes her body next to Lucien and comments.

He looks up and sees that the storm is still as before. "Actually, it totally failed..."

While he speaks, a very brave guy tries to touch Leviathan's body.


But a lightning bolt comes from those black clouds and turns his body to ash instantly.

And so an Immortal Realm warrior died... He didn't even understand what happened, and the other Black Sea Riders take a few seconds to understand how screwed they are.

"Hahahahaha..." The sinister laugh of the Leviathan echoes throughout the island, bringing dread to everyone's hearts. "You humans are really bold creatures!"

"DAMN!!" As Lust curses, the Leviathan's aura reappears more powerful than before.

Hundreds of lightning bolts come from the sky and hit the giant magic net, completely destroying it.

Alonzo, who is emerging from the ruins of the castle with Valencia, sees that scene, and his heart bleeds as that is his greatest invention, and yet it is so easily destroyed along with his hopes of living to see the sun another day.

Yet, he tries to head towards his secret ship to escape with Valencia. The other Black Sea Riders also try to flee the island but realize that the sea has already taken over half of their town, and the sea waves are still advancing.

The Leviathan again rises in the air and brings her face closer to Lucien to speak. "You should look for better allies next time you plan against me."

Lucien can't help but agree with her. "I'll remember that next time."

"Hahaha..." She laughs, throwing her breath over his body. "Do you really think there will be a next time?"

He can't help but be frustrated that he can't do anything. His sisters are quickly being consumed by the aftereffects of the Blood Rose, his wives are suffering from being away from him, his mother still remains a mystery, and there are so many other things he needs to do, but he can't run away from being that damn giant snake's little toy right now.

Lucien's blood boils with rage, and he again summons the golden naginata. "If fighting is all I can do, I will keep fighting!"

His majestic dragon aura spreads across an area almost as large as the Leviathan's aura, and her eyes sparkle as she examines his body.

"Do your best, little dragon, but that still won't be enough..." The Leviathan comments as she flies around Lucien, surrounding him with her body.

*RUMBLE* *RUMBLE* *Tremble*

The Black Sea Riders island begins to shake as the storm, and the sea seem to grow even more furious.

Then the sea literally rises, creating the scariest scene those pirates have ever seen.

With thousands of meters high, the most brutal wave of those seas covers the sky over Black Sea Riders Island, destroying any hope they still had deep in their hearts.

Even those flying several miles from the island notice the giant wave above them. Within twenty miles of that island, no one can escape that wave, in or out of the sea.

Lucien and Lust can't help but be impressed by the power of the Leviathan, who smiles as she uses the sea to devour that island.

He could go back to the purple world to avoid that attack, but he doesn't go because he feels he needs to stay there because of his pride; he wants to be with those thousands of people who are dying because his plan failed.

Then he closes his eyes and faces that wave head-on.

Cold... that is the most prevalent sensation as the water covers everything below and above the ground.

The Leviathan stands by Lucien's side as their bodies are swallowed by the sea still in the air.

Then the wave crashes, bringing all the fury of the sea upon them.


Even being so strong now, Lucien can't stop the water from shaking his body madly as that wave carries all the power of the Leviathan, throwing everything, exactly everything in front of it down.

Everything over the island, be it people, buildings, stones, and even the ground, is crushed, destroyed, and thrown in pieces to the bottom of the sea.

Within that madness of bodies, blood, stones, and many other things, Lucien can't see anything clearly.

He tries to flap his wings to regain control of his body, and then from the middle of the trash, a familiar face appears.

Lucien does as Lust taught him to use his mana to make his voice sounds underwater. "You???"

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