Lust Knight

Chapter 509: Corrupted Girls

Chapter 509: Corrupted Girls

Two days later.

The Sea Devil navigates through the wreckage slowly while the girls look around with concerned expressions.

Within a radius of tens of miles, there are so much trash and bodies floating in the water. It is evident that what happened there was really horrible.

"This place... here should be a big island." Maya comments while she can't help but feel sorry for the Black Sea Riders. "Not even those pirates deserved such end..."

Lucien's sisters and wives, as well as the Sins, do not give a damn for the tragic end of that people as they are only concerned about their most loved person.

"Are you still feeling his aura, Sophia?" Eve asks her sister.

Sophia, who has a concentrated expression on her face, nods, and points forward. "I feel his energy in this area."

The Sins analyze everything in that area, but there are a lot of bodies and sea creatures like sharks devouring the flesh of those people. That also hinders Maggie from finding something different in the water with her vision ability.

"We'll look for him," Angela speaks before jumping into the sea with her daughters. Due to their water affinity, they can swim quickly and even extract oxygen from the water.

Aria, Ella, Astrid, and Genevieve use their wings to fly around while Daisy and the other mage girls also leave the ship to look for Lucien.

"I found something!" Following Lucien's aura, Marie quickly finds a dark-haired woman on top of a large wooden board.

Genevieve quickly takes that woman to the Sea Devil. So, the girls gather around her, and Sophia quickly begins to heal her.

"How bad is she?" Cassidy asks.

"She's wonderful, actually..." Sloth comments while making a curious expression.

"Isn't that weird?" Maya also has a curious expression. "I mean, she was floating amidst the wreckage at sea... She should be almost dead, and well, she doesn't look really good."

"Sloth is right; there are no injuries to her body, externally and internally," Sophia comments as she wipes the dirt off that woman's head, revealing her a charming face with a delighted expression.

Maya is surprised to realize that she knows that woman. "Her name is Valencia, and she is the leader of these damn pirates."

"But why is she in such a state?" Naomi asks. "She looks passed out but at the same time so happy?"

Lucien's wives blush, and Ghilanna comments in a shy tone. "Well, I think we've all had those expressions at some point..."

"Oh..." Donna also makes a shy expression. "So that's why she has Lucien's energy and scent..."

As Naomi smiles, Maya is more shocked. "Wait! Do you mean he did that... with her?? That woman is a degenerate, cruel, and awful person!"

It's not easy for Lucien's wives to explain how he acts as they don't always understand his actions, but the fact that Valencia has been left behind proves that she is being punished more than rewarded.

Olivia makes a regretful expression. "I tried to capture him because of my greed..."

"Me too..." Scarlett has the same expression. "We even tried to kill Cassidy before that..."

Dawn can't help but be sad too. "I encouraged thousands of people to kill him..."

"But he forgave us." Genevieve comments.

Maya becomes even more confused and curious about Lucien. "Try to wake her up; she may tell us what happened here."

"She's not waking up." Sophia comments while analyzing Valencia's body.

"Why? He was very hard on her and drove her crazy?" Naomi asks with a teasing smile on her face.

"Exactly." Envy smiles too.

Maya starts to have another opinion about Lucien, while Naomi is shocked. But Sloth shakes her head. "Not exactly. The truth is that his demonic energy is getting more powerful very quickly, and maybe it was too much for someone who doesn't have his tattoo."

Pride nods. "It seems so... She is also very proud of herself, probably due to having reached a new power level recently. Her mind is in some kind of enjoyment limbo, but after a while, she will come back to the real world, wanting so much more of that power."

While Maya is very curious to understand what happened to Valencia, the other girls are only concerned about Lucien.

"Anyway, Lucien doesn't seem to be here anymore, and the aura we felt was of his energy inside this woman's body." Sloth comments.

"But he was here before, right? So we have to find out where he went!" Amelia exclaims.

Eve agrees and looks at Sophia. "Can you still feel him, sister?"

She, like all of Lucien's other wives, can't really feel where he is despite knowing he's alive and fine.

But Sophia returns to her floating pillow and begins to meditate again, focusing her mind and body on the connection with Lucien. After half an hour, she points down forward.

"Inside the sea?" Lena asks.

"Yes..." Sophia nods. "I'm sure he's very, very away from the surface of the sea in that direction."

Maya has a stern expression on her face as she gazes in that direction. The girls notice her look, and Donna quickly asks. "What's there?"

"The Naga Kingdom," She replies. "The entire eastern part and half of the northern part of the Blue Star is ruled by the Naga race."

"The Naga race, of course." Pride comments.

"What are these Nagas guys?" Ghalenna asks.

"One of Blue Star's two great aquatic races." Sloth answers.

Maya's eyes look like living flames. "I wouldn't call them a great aquatic race but greedy damn degenerates and shitty bastards! These pirates were nasty people, but they can't even compare to the garbage the Nagas are!"

Wrath can't help but smile as she feels Maya's burning anger empower her and Donna. "You don't like them very much, right?"

"It wasn't like that before..." Maya explains. "The Naga have always fought against the other Blue Star aquatic races; that kind of thing is common, everyone is always so greedy and wants to dominate more territories than the others..."

"Since I came to this world, I tried to remain neutral towards everyone. I didn't get involved in their wars, and they left my people alone."

She sighs and continues. "But the Nagas are insatiable creatures... Nothing is enough for them, and as they dominate more and more parts of this world, the more they want."

"When they don't get what they want easily, they use dirty and vile tricks to get it. Their own King is the cruelest person in the world. That wicked man sucks everything from his people and family to get stronger."

Maya's look is sorry, and Naomi's look gets sad. "Two weeks ago, a group of Nagas ambushed a group of Mermaids in the north of my clan's territory. Everyone knew what would happen to those women..."

"I tried to keep my people away from them, but that was our territory, and I couldn't really stop them... My daughter, Layla, took pity on those women and went to help them..."

She sighs again. "And since that day, I don't know where she is. I thought she was dead, but a few days ago, I received a letter from the Mermaid Queen, saying that they were doing everything to save those women and my people who were with them."

"We were on our way to the Mermaid Kingdom when we found out Kayla had been kidnapped after going looking for information about her mother with the Black Sea Riders," Naomi explains.

Maya makes a guilty expression. "I failed to protect my family, and if it weren't for you, I would have lost my beloved granddaughter too... That's why I'm doing my best to help you find this Lucien guy, even if it's crazy to face a Leviathan."

The girls can't help but feel sorry for Maya, especially those who are mothers. Angela approaches her and puts her hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, after we find Lucien, he'll rescue your daughter."

"But..." Maya is again confused about Lucien. "He doesn't owe me anything; on the contrary, I'm debt to him for saving my granddaughter, so there's no reason for him to want to help me."

Cassidy, Aria, Ghalenna, Daisy, and Angela smile lovingly. "Lucien… he has a crush for moms in trouble. We were in situations like that, and he saved us; I'm sure he can help you too."

Maya feels more and more like meeting Lucien, so she smiles at Angela and the other girls. "I appreciate your goodwill, but things aren't that simple."

"The Nagas live thousands of miles below the surface of the sea, in an area beyond the dark waters." She explains. "I could even reach my daughter, but I would have already lost half my powers due to the water and cold. Only aquatic races can go this deep without suffering any serious side effects."

"But Lucien is that deep right now, doesn't he?" Donna asks as she looks at Sophia.

Sophia nods. "Yes, I'm sure that's the case."

Maya has no way of understanding the connection of Lucien and his wives, but she believes in them. "But how did he get there so quickly? That could mean he has the help of the Naga people..."

"Or that he was kidnapped by them." Amelia comments.

"What about the Leviathan?" Eve wonders. "Would the creature just let them take him?"

Pride makes a thoughtful expression. "Well, the creature isn't here, so it could be going after him right now..."

Maya's eyes glow red fire. "I can't feel sorry for those damn people... But we can't waste time; my daughter and Lucien are probably with the same people, and only the Mermaids can help us now."

"Where do we go now?" Scarlett asks.

"To the northeast, the Mermaid Kingdom," Maya responds. "The Mermaid Queen is known for her benevolence, so I'm sure she will help us."

"Sounds like our best plans right now..." Pride comments.

Sophia's eyes sparkle with expectation. "Lucien can hold out until we bring help to him... in fact, he seems to be getting stronger quickly... nothing can stop him!"

Naomi smiles too, eager to see her beloved brother again.

But Eve has a curious expression on her face. "How are these Mermaids?"

Maya smiles. "They are the opposite of the Naga people. Such creatures are extremely gentle, and there is no greed in their pure hearts..."


At thousands of miles to the northeast and thousands of miles below the sea surface.

Inside a large room filled with crystal clear water, many demi-human women look at a human woman with excited and motivated expressions.

Those women are similar to Nagas, having the upper body of humanoid creatures and a long, thick tail as the lower half of the body.

However, there are differences between them, such as the fact that their tail is more similar to a fish than a snake and their ears are not pointed but wide and similar to fish fins. They are the Mermaids, of course.

"Your people have suffered for thousands of years!" The human woman makes her voice sounds underwater easily. "You have had your child, resources, and hopes stolen by these vile creatures..."

All the Mermaids around that human woman are gorgeous, but the young brown-haired girl's charm is no less bright because of that. Also, she has gills on her neck, allowing her to extract oxygen from the water better than using her water affinity.

The Mermaids raise their weapons.

"That is wrong!!"

"We can't let things go on like that!!"

"We have to counterattack!!"

"Exactly, my sea sisters!" The human girl continues her speech. "Let's not take this shit anymore! Today we're going to start our revolution and take back everything they took from us!"

"Sister Claire is right; we can't let them take anything more from us!" A mermaid with white hair, fair skin, and a crystal blue tail exclaim.

"Yeah!! We'll take it all that is rightfully ours!!"

"And we'll screw with the damn Nagas!!"

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