MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 569 The Riddles

Chapter 569 The Riddles

Ren was at least glad that it was just a simple game of riddles and nothing too complicated. But still . . . a riddle was a quick and swift way to eliminate them, and one wrong answer was one way closer to their captivity.

"Are you ready?" The White Queen asked.

Ren nodded, and Elena swallowed hard.

"For the first riddle . . . A king sits, a diamond held high, a heart to his left, a club to deny. The ace holds his heart where it should be, and the queen speaks so bluntly. What are the three cards placed in a row?

"Egh . . ." Elena tried hard to think, but Ren already had an answer.

"Ace of Heart; King of Diamonds; and Queen of Clubs."


"Whoa." Elena's eyes shone brightly. "How did you guess it so easily?"

"I play cards sometimes," Ren only said.

The first riddle was easy, but he had a feeling that it was intended to be that way.

"For the second riddle . . ." the corner of the White Queen's lips ever rose so slightly. "I am broken without fault and may fall but not break. What am I?"

Silence hangs in the air, thick and heavy.

Ren had to admit that he didn't know about this one.

"You have an hour to answer and two tries. Think carefully."

"R-Ren?" Elena looked at Ren worriedly when he didn't say anything.

Instead of answering, Ren asked the White Queen, "Can we roam around in this one hour?"

The White Queen nodded.

There wasn't really anything to view in this area. They were trapped in a place that was all white, like inside a cube or box.

Within the domain of the White Queen, a strange and surreal sight unfolds. The entire expanse was cloaked in an endless expanse of pure, pristine white. It was as if they had stepped into a realm devoid of color, where every surface, every angle, every corner was a seamless continuation of the same ethereal whiteness.

The environment felt almost dreamlike, with no discernible landmarks or reference points to anchor their perception. The space stretched out infinitely in all directions, creating a disorienting sense of boundlessness. The air itself seemed to shimmer with a soft, diffused light, casting a gentle glow upon the surroundings but providing no clear source of illumination.

As they explored further, Ren realized that there were no distinct objects or structures to be found. The domain of the White Queen was void of form, where space itself seemed to be the primary element. It was a realm that defied conventional notions of physicality, existing as a self-contained existence separate from the world outside.

Time seemed to lose its hold within this enigmatic domain. There were no distinguishable day or night cycles, and the passage of time became a nebulous concept. It felt as though they were suspended in an eternal present, detached from the temporal constraints of the mortal realm.

Amidst the overwhelming whiteness, the presence of the White Queen became even more pronounced. Her figure, draped in a flowing white gown, seemed to blend seamlessly with the surroundings as if she herself was an extension of this colorless realm. Her alabaster skin and diamond-like eyes provide the only contrast against the stark backdrop, radiating an otherworldly beauty and power.

In this realm of infinite white, Ren found himself confronted with a sense of both awe and unease. It was a space that challenged perception and invited introspection, a blank canvas upon which the enigmatic White Queen wove her tapestry of riddles and challenges.

"This place is depressing," said Elena. "No wonder that the White Queen entertained herself with games. If I was here, I would lose my mind in this place."

Ren gave her the side eyes. "This is just an alternate domain she created. I think her lair isn't here."

Elena chuckled. "I know. I'm just pulling your leg."

Ren stood there, his brow furrowed, and his gaze fixed on a point in the distance, lost in thought. The weight of the riddle hung heavy in the air, like an invisible barrier that resisted his every attempt to breach it. He could sense the answer lingering on the periphery of his consciousness, teasing him with its elusiveness.

As he stood amidst the ethereal whiteness of the White Queen's domain, a subtle tension filled the space around him. It was as if the very atmosphere held its breath, awaiting the revelation that lingered just beyond Ren's grasp. The silence was palpable, broken only by the faint echoes of his own contemplation.

His eyes flickered with a mix of determination and frustration, reflecting the inner struggle that consumed him. Every line etched on his face spoke of his relentless pursuit to unlock the riddle's secrets. His mind raced through countless possibilities, searching for that one elusive connection that would bring clarity to the enigma before him.

The surroundings seemed to mirror Ren's state of mind, the expanse of white stretching endlessly, offering no distraction or solace. It was a stark backdrop against which his thoughts played out, amplifying the intensity of his mental quest. The absence of visual cues only served to heighten the urgency within him, compelling him to unravel the mystery.

Time seemed to lose its grip in this timeless realm as moments stretched into eternity. Ren was locked in a battle of wits, fighting against the intangible barrier that separated him from the answer. The riddle echoed in his mind, its words reverberating with each passing second, urging him to dig deeper, to unearth the hidden truth that lay just beyond his reach.

In this suspended state, Ren's determination grew stronger. He refused to succumb to the frustration that threatened to engulf him. With each passing moment, he delved deeper into the recesses of his mind, determined to conquer the riddle that taunted him. The answers may have eluded him for now, but he knew that within his tenacity and perseverance lay the key to unlocking the puzzle's enigmatic secrets.

"You okay?"

Elena's light tap on his shoulder jolted Ren out of his contemplation.

"Don't beat yourself too hard, or your vessel might pop." She smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

Ren was in no festive mood, though. "What time is it?"

"Five minutes before your time is up," the White Queen said.

Did the White Queen cheat them?

Ren shook the idea away as fast as it came.

Only five minutes?!

Was he thinking so hard that time slipped his mind?


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