MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 587  The Queen of Air and Darkness

Chapter 587  The Queen of Air and Darkness  

      "I can't let you kill her just yet."

The Queen of Air and Darkness emerged from the shadows, her presence commanding attention and instilling a sense of foreboding.

"The Queen of Air and Darkness . . . ," Elena whispered, aghast.

[The Queen of Air and Darkness embodies the dark aspects of existence, such as death and darkness. She is both captivating and repulsive, exuding beauty and terror simultaneously. Winter, with its abundance of death and darkness, reflects her role in the world.

Like other fey beings, the Queen possesses a sublime and terrifying presence that evokes strong emotions in those who encounter her. She takes pleasure in both captivating mortals and ending their lives.

In her view, if someone is weak enough to perish at her hands, they are deserving of their fate. The strong, however, find a way to survive, just as spring follows winter. According to the Queen, her role in culling the weak allows the world to thrive rather than languish in mediocrity.

Furthermore, the Queen revels in being the center of attention. It matters little whether she becomes the talk of the town due to her beauty of freshly fallen snow or due to accusations of committing heinous acts. As long as all eyes are on her, she finds contentment in the attention she receives.]

After the prompt, Ren observed the Queen.

Clad in a flowing gown of deep ebony, the Queen of Air and Darkness seemed to embody the very essence of darkness itself. The fabric draped gracefully around her figure, accentuating her regal stature and ethereal beauty.

Her white hair cascaded in loose waves, falling around her shoulders and down her back like a veil of snow. Strands of silver and amethyst were intricately woven into her locks, shimmering with an otherworldly glow. A crown adorned her head, crafted from gleaming obsidian and adorned with intricate filigree, symbolizing her sovereignty over the realm of shadows.

The Queen's features were striking, a captivating blend of elegance and an enigmatic allure. Her eyes, deep pools of obsidian, held a mesmerizing intensity, filled with ancient wisdom and unfathomable darkness. They seemed to pierce through the very souls of those who dared to meet her gaze.


Her skin possessed an unearthly pale complexion, contrasting starkly against the darkness of her attire. It seemed as though she had never been touched by the warmth of the sun, forever dwelling in the shadows. Yet, her beauty was undeniable, radiating a magnetic allure that drew others towards her, despite the chilling aura that surrounded her.

As she moved, a sense of fluidity and grace accompanied her every step, as if she were gliding effortlessly through the air. Her movements were both captivating and haunting.

The Queen of Air and Darkness was a vision of dark majesty, an embodiment of power and mystery. Her appearance commanded respect and instilled fear, for she was the ruler of a realm where shadows danced, and secrets whispered, a realm veiled in eternal night and winter.

"Y-you . . ." Prince Zeroth took a step back.

"The Queen of Air and Darkness . . . ," uttered Isolde, a little confused.

Isolde used [Monocle] and gasped. "R-Ren . . . I think this one is a world boss. Its stat is even greater than Jibblinplip and that Kraken."

Ren's heart was pounding like crazy for the Queen's stat . . . was beyond his imagination that he wasn't even sure if the combined effort of the Prince and Elena would be enough to defeat her.

Pii was also in cooldown. And Ren wasn't sure if the Queen would attack right now, adding to his worry.

"I should have known that you're behind this." Prince Zeroth sneered. "What have you done to Elaine?"

The Queen merely blinked, and Russet clamored to the Queen's feet.

"My Queen! What are you doing here? How did you get here?" Russet asked. The fierceness on her face was replaced by undying affection for the being before her. "Wait . . . does that mean that the portal is a success?"

The Queen shook her head and said with a cold voice, "Queen Aurora and the other high Fey's power isn't enough to open the dimension long enough to transfer my domain here . . ."

Her cold eyes looked down at Russet. "That's why Russet . . . I need you alive to reinforce the portal."

Russet's smile fell. "W-what?"

Before anyone could react, the Queen swept Russet off her feet, and they disappeared with another gust of cold wind.

"Wait!" Prince Zeroth and Elena yelled.

Not long after the Queen of Air and Darkness and Russet vanished, the once serene atmosphere was abruptly shattered by a tumultuous gust of wind. It howled through the air, causing trees to sway and leaves to dance in its chaotic rhythm. Dark clouds swiftly gathered overhead, casting an ominous shadow across the land.

A thunderous boom echoed through the skies, followed by an onslaught of hailstones pelting the earth below. The icy projectiles crashed against the ground, leaving a trail of shattered ice in their wake. The relentless storm approached, its fury unmatched and its presence looming with an unsettling aura.

In the midst of this tempest, a magnificent snow-covered castle emerged in the distance. Its towering spires reached towards the heavens, glistening with an ethereal beauty amidst the raging elements. Its grandeur contrasts with the harshness of the surrounding storm.

Within the confines of the castle, the unleashed forces of nature ran amok. Beasts of ice and snow roamed freely, their forms as wild and untamed as the storm itself. Their icy breath created an ephemeral mist that hung in the air, adding to the eerie atmosphere that permeated the scene.

The landscape, once lush and vibrant, was now transformed into a wintry spectacle. Snow blanketed the ground, forming a pristine white carpet that shimmered under the occasional flash of lightning. Trees stood frozen, their branches weighed down by the burden of ice, casting long, distorted shadows on the frozen landscape.

The scene was a striking contrast of beauty and danger, with the wintry landscape and ferocious storm serving as a formidable backdrop to the impending challenges and unknown perils that lay ahead.

[The domain of Queen of Air and Darkness has escaped its captivity and entered the realm of the Feys!]

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