MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 608 Resuming The Final Quest

Chapter 608 Resuming The Final Quest


Ren felt a jolt of surprise as Princess Elena launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her worry for his safety was evident in her embrace.

"Thank the three elven gods that you're safe!"

Feeling Isolde's scrutinizing gaze, Ren quickly disentangled himself from Elena's hold. He cleared his throat, his tone composed as he addressed them. "I'm fine. But are you two alright?"

Prince Zeroth nodded in confirmation. "Yes, we're fine. They caught us off guard, and we apologize for the trouble. You had to rescue us in there."

"Don't worry about it," Ren reassured them, his attention shifting away from Elena's lingering proximity.

However, Elena wasn't so easily appeased. She cracked her knuckles, her anger was palpable as she growled, "Where are they? I'll make sure they pay dearly for trapping us in another dimension."

"They're gone," Ren replied, relieved that Joker and Angelica had already made their escape before Elena and Prince Zeroth broke free from their confinement.

Pii made its way to his shoulder, back to its little form. He rubbed its little chin before he decided to have him rest in the [Pet Menu].

Changing the subject, Ren steered the conversation toward their next course of action. "I've obtained the [Scepter of Seasons], so let's return to the Queen of Air and Darkness's lair."

Both Princess Elena and Prince Zeroth's expressions turned serious as they acknowledged the next step that they must take.

"It appears that the time has come," Prince Zeroth stated, his voice filled with determination. The war between the Summer and Winter Courts could no longer wait.

"Let's hurry and save both realms," Elena muttered.

Just as the discussion grew intense, Roz's voice interjected, breaking the tension. He directed his question towards Isolde, his gaze fixed on her. He was intrigued by Isolde's presence alongside Ren, the host, but he understood that it wasn't his place to pry.

"May we cross, now?" Roz asked, seeking permission.

Roz's mind briefly entertained the idea that the Host was Ren of World Conqueror, given their similar physique, aura, and voice. However, he quickly dismissed the thought, rationalizing that Ren had his own personal matters to attend to.

Ren was busy dealing with his problems with his girlfriend right now. Roz thought. That guy didn't have time to waste around sightseeing in the Fey Realm.

"Thanks for your help, Roz." Isolde expressed her gratitude, to which Roz responded with a nonchalant gesture. He had a history with the group, after all, so assisting them felt natural to him.

"Don't mention it. I have a past with them anyway, so . . ." Roz looked over at Ren. "You don't mind if we pass this road, right?"

"Passed here is the Queen of Air and Darkness's territory. There are a bunch of corrupted Feys in that forest, probably stronger than you have encountered so far," Ren warned.

"That's why we're going there," Lira was undeterred, and responded with confidence. She was back in her original form and added, "We sought stronger opponents for the sake of gaining more experience points and obtaining rare drops."

"You sure?" Isolde's worry was evident as she expressed concern for Lira and Roz going on their own. With only the two of them, the task seemed daunting.

"We'll be fine." Lira dismissed. "Roz and I are strong. Did you see how we fought earlier? Our teamwork is top notch and we're like a . . . power couple!" she exclaimed boldly.

"No we're not," Roz denied with an unbothered face.

Lira ignored the rejection, and went ahead and waved at Roz to hurry up.

Roz paused before saying to Ren and Isolde, "We will retreat if the situation becomes too dangerous."

"Wait." Ren stopped him when he was about to join Lira. He then offered ten Great HP and MP potions to Roz.

"This is thanks for your help." Even if he didn't need it in the first place.

Roz was still a member of World Conqueror, so Ren didn't want to see him die out there.

Roz didn't shy away and accepted Ren's gifts. "Thank you."

When Roz and Lira left, Elena went to Ren's side and asked, "Do you know them?"

"Roz is our friend," Isolde told her.

"He seems a great guy," Elena commented.

"We should go." Prince Zeroth changed the topic and led the way back to the Queen of Air and Darkness's lair.

On the way, Ren noticed the increasingly corrupted creatures in the area gathering toward the castle. The Queen must be summoning her army to fight with her against Titania.

He couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the once ethereal beauty of the creatures and the unsettling transformation that corruption had inflicted upon them.

Where once there were graceful and majestic unicorns, their pure white coats were now marred by sickly patches of decaying flesh. Their once luminous horns twisted and blackened, emitting a foul odor instead of the enchanting glow they once possessed.

The fairies, known for their delicate and radiant wings, now had tattered and torn appendages. Their once vibrant and shimmering colors had faded into a murky hue, and their once melodious voices now carried a haunting, discordant tone.

The graceful elves, with their slender and elegant forms, were now hunched and distorted. Their once radiant skin now appeared sickly and pale, covered in blemishes and markings that resembled festering wounds. Their eyes, once filled with wisdom and kindness, now held a vacant and hollow gaze.

Even the ancient trees of the Fey Realm, known for their majestic beauty and lush foliage, were now twisted and gnarled. Their once vibrant leaves turned a sickly shade of brown. The air that was once filled with the sweet scent of flowers now carried a putrid stench, a stark reminder of the corruption that had taken hold.

Looked like the Queen of Air and Darkness and really loved death and darkness. Ren thought before a prompt appeared on his face.

[In search of more powerful help, the Queen corrupts ancient fey beasts to bring them under her sway. Few in numbers, these primordial creatures are masterful hunters. Trapping one isn't easy, but the Queen has the resources at her command to make it happen.]

Ren wondered if this was enough to defeat Titania, said to be the most powerful Fairy in the Fey Realm.

Only one way to find out. Ren mused and proceeded to the Queen of Air and Darkness's castle, which, surprisingly, welcomed them with open gates this time, unlike their previous attempt at forcefully entering.

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