MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 635  Meeting Again

Chapter 635  Meeting Again       

"Perfect timing, everyone," Ren's voice resonated as he entered the hideout.

Beside him, Leonel and the rest of the group stood attentively, their curiosity and glee evident in their expressions.

Ren's mind was a whirlwind of strategies, leaving him largely indifferent to their strange actions.

"Allow me to lay out our plan for propelling World Conqueror up the leaderboard," Ren announced, his tone hard. "While I embark on the task of opening the Demon Realm, the rest of you will focus on dungeon clearing and securing firstblood.

"You'll form groups, ensuring no one ventures alone into Arcadia, especially considering the current hostility from other guilds and players."

He met their gazes, his face a mask, cold and calculating. "To assist you, I'll be upgrading your equipment and providing you with the necessary items. The Guild inventory will be at your disposal, making it easier for you to acquire what you need in your quest."

Ren's eyes settled on the group, their silence prompting him to continue.

"Additionally, we need to reach a membership of fifty by the end of the month to ensure that our guild will remain and not get erased. Though many are hesitant to join due to the ongoing threats, once we ascend the ranks and break into the top ten, recruitment will become far smoother."

Ren paused, absorbing their reactions. Sensing that something wasn't right with their silence, Ren met their eyes with a growing sense of concern. "What's going on?"

An exchanged glance traveled through the group, and it was Alice who finally broke the silence.

"Are you going to tell him or what?!" she exclaimed, her excitement barely contained. Her eyes were popping from their sockets, and her grin seemed to stretch her dilating face.

Ren's confusion deepened. "Tell me what? What are you all talking about?"

Leonel's smile widened. "Don't be too shocked," he teased.

Curiosity gnawed at Ren as Sumeri's laughter joined the conversation. Their actions were cryptic, almost mischievous.

As they moved, he found himself at the center of a widening circle, a space that now held an unexpected presence.

Suddenly, the mystery unraveled.

Standing within the circle was a figure that Ren had longed to see, a face etched into his memory and heart.

"E-Evie?" The name tumbled from Ren's lips, disbelief mingling with a profound sense of joy. His voice quivered, a reflection of the fragile hope he had barely dared to entertain.

His words held a tender reverence as though he feared speaking too loudly might shatter the moment.

The woman before him was real and tangible, and the intensity of their connection surged through him. It was as if his heart had ceased its rhythm, mesmerized by the presence of the one person he had sought throughout his journey.

Time seemed to slow, every heartbeat echoing like a distant drumroll in Ren's chest. His gaze was fixed on the figure before him, a figure that had haunted his thoughts and dreams for so long.

It was as if the world had faded to a muted background, and there was only her standing there with that familiar smile.


The rush of emotions that flooded him was almost overwhelming. It felt like an eternity since he had last seen her, an eternity of longing, searching, and yearning.

And now, here she was, as radiant as he remembered, her presence filling the room with a warmth that dispelled any lingering shadows.

A mixture of disbelief and sheer happiness danced across Ren's features. His lips parted as if to speak, but words caught in his throat rendered insignificant by the magnitude of his feelings.

His eyes, though, spoke volumes, an unspoken narrative of all the moments he had missed, all the dreams he had held close.

And then she smiled — that same smile that had captured his heart from the very beginning. It was a smile that held a universe of shared memories and a promise of many more to come.

Her eyes sparkled with a joy that mirrored his own, a recognition of the depths of their connection.

Without a second thought, Ren moved, his steps guided by an irresistible pull, the magnetic force that drew him to her.

The distance closed between them, and then there they were, standing face to face, the reality of her presence overwhelming his senses.

A trembling hand reached out, fingers brushing against her cheek as if to reassure himself that she was truly here.

And then, unable to hold back any longer, Ren enveloped her in his arms, his embrace tight and possessive.

It was as if the entire weight of his yearning had been poured into this singular act, a confirmation that she was real and not a figment of his imagination.

Their bodies pressed against each other, a tangible reminder of their shared history, of every moment they had spent together.

Then his lips found hers in a kiss that was both gentle and fervent, a testament to all the words left unspoken during their separation.

The world around them ceased to exist as their connection deepened, the rest of the room fading into insignificance. It was just the two of them, lost in a moment that felt suspended in time.

Alice whistled in excitement for the drama.

Leonel covered his eyes with red cheeks. "Get a room you two."

The others only shook their head slightly with a smile on their face.

When Ren and Evie finally broke the kiss, their foreheads rested against each other, breaths mingling in the space between them.

And then, Ren's voice, soft yet steady, filled the silence.

"I've missed you so much. It felt like an eternity."

Evie's laughter, a sound as melodic as a songbird's, danced in the air. "I've missed you too."

Ren's heart swelled, emotions coursing through him like a river in full flow. He held her gaze, a thousand words exchanged in the depths of their eyes.

At that moment, there was nothing else that mattered, no challenges or threats that could cast a shadow on this reunion.

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