MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 639  Shared Affection

Chapter 639  Shared Affection        

"Yes, indeed. Ren and I have been quite occupied this past few days. We embarked on adventures in the Fey Realm, tackled intricate puzzles and quests, and faced overwhelming odds together. We've stood against powerful foes and queens, all to restore harmony within the realms. We've been through so much together, and he has accomplished so much."

. . . I'm dead. Ren lamented.

Evie's eyes narrowed, her attention shifting back to Ren. "Is that right? You've been very busy, I see?"

Ren's anxiety had escalated to a fever pitch. He felt like he was standing on a precipice, about to plunge into unknown depths.

Elena's smile remained radiant as she continued, "Absolutely. Ren had been very busy. All of this was because of you, Evie."

Silence hung heavy in the air as Evie absorbed Elena's words. Her emotions seemed to undergo a transformation, her fiery anger giving way to a more nuanced understanding. She turned to Ren, her gaze softened a little.

"Because of me?" Evie repeated, her tone softer now.

She had always known that Ren was giving his all to pay off their debt, and a sense of guilt gnawed at her for being angry with him earlier.

It was typical of him to go to great lengths for her sake, and she understood that he had likely maxed out his relationship level with Elena entirely by accident.

Yet, despite her understanding, a twinge of jealousy continued to linger. The thought of Elena being with Ren constantly, sharing moments like dancing and singing that were meant to be special between them, made her heart ache with envy.

It was only natural for her to feel this way; after all, she loved him deeply, and her love for him was only growing stronger with each passing day.

Elena's affirmation seemed to break through Evie's defenses. She looked back at Ren, gentler this time.

Despite the confusing situation, the fact remained that Ren had undertaken these journeys because of her. He had gone to such lengths just to be with her again.

Ren's sweat-soaked brow and nervous demeanor were evidence of his apprehension.

Elena nodded, and her smile remained the same. "Indeed. He wanted to be with you, to reunite with you. That's what drove him to face all these challenges and risks. So you should be thankful to me for helping him out."

Evie's initial turmoil slowly subsided, replaced by a deep sense of warmth. Her anger dissolved as she remembered the depth of Ren's feelings for her.

Still . . . It was normal for her to feel threatened, especially with a beautiful NPC like Elena.

Evie reasoned with herself. Ren wouldn't be pushing himself so hard and undertaking all these challenges if he didn't deeply care for her. Her earlier anger and jealousy were simply her own insecurities getting the best of her.

She shouldn't have reacted that way, especially when Elena had shown nothing but kindness. If Elena could accept her, then why couldn't she reciprocate that acceptance?

Besides, she reminded herself Elena was just an NPC. There was no real harm done, and Evie certainly didn't want to be outdone by a computer program.

Evie looked at Ren with new understanding, realizing that he had been striving to make their reunion possible, even if the methods were unconventional.

Ren met her gaze, his eyes reflecting his vulnerability and sincerity. He didn't need words to convey his emotions; it was all there, laid bare between them.

Ren went to Evie when he sensed that she had calmed down a little. He took her hands into his and placed his head over hers. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But you have nothing to worry about," he explained and patiently told Evie about what happened to him that accidentally led to him maxing his relationship level with Elena.

Evie's emotions totally calmed down as she understood the situation. She then faced Elena with a serious face. "Thank you for taking Ren in my absence, and I'm sorry for my earlier reaction."

Elena waved a hand. "It's fine."

"However, if we want to work this out, we must set boundaries here. You should know that whatever your relationship with Ren, I'm still the legal wife here," Evie stated with a seriousness that left Elena and the others momentarily stunned.

Leonel couldn't resist a quip, breaking the tension. "Leave it to Ren to have two hot and understanding women by his side."

Isolde, unamused, responded with a sharp pinch on Leonel's side, causing him to wince.

"Evie is too lenient with him," Ragnar opined, shaking his head disapprovingly. "She should punish him severely so he wouldn't do it again."

Sumeri joined in the light-hearted banter, chuckling. "Wanna bet that another NPC would fall in love with Ren by accident?"

Ragnar nodded with conviction. "There's no need for a bet. It's practically guaranteed to happen."

The only one who seemed dissatisfied with the outcome was Alice, who was clearly hoping for more drama. "Tsk. Evie shouldn't have relented. If I were her, I would make sure that Ren would get punished for days or even months."

Ren shot Alice a stern glare. "Want me to exorcise you?"

Alice immediately changed her tune, clapping her hands in delight. "I knew it! Evie is such a nice girl! It's very kind of you to forgive Ren. That's right, if you want your relationship to last, understanding, forgiveness, and compromise are the way to go!"

Elena's laughter echoed. "As long as I can be with Ren, I have no problem sharing his affection."

Evie grumbled under her breath while Ren sighed in relief at the outcome. This was even better than he had hopes.

However, Evie's foot that constantly stepped on his made him feel that this wasn't over.

Despite the understanding that had settled between them, a subtle undercurrent of tension lingered in the air.

Evie couldn't help but feel threatened by Elena's presence, the beauty of the NPC a stark contrast to her own vulnerability as a human.

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