MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 653 The Unwanted Proposition

Chapter 653 The Unwanted Proposition

As the Drakoptera unleashed its attacks, it exuded an aura of malevolence that seemed to sap the strength and vitality of anyone unfortunate enough to be in its proximity.

Players who dared to approach too closely found themselves afflicted by a bizarre status effect –– a sinister ethereal glow enveloped their bodies, sapping away their agility and leaving them vulnerable to the Drakoptera's relentless strikes. Their movements became sluggish, and their attacks lacked their usual precision.

The Drakuto, on the other hand, was a hulking monstrosity, a nightmarish fusion of scales and sinew. Its massive claws struck the ground with bone-shaking force, creating shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield. Every swipe of its enormous tail sent trees crashing to the ground, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

The Drakuto's strikes were devastatingly powerful, capable of felling even the hardiest players in a single blow. 

Its fiery breath erupted in torrents of searing flame, forcing players to scatter and regroup constantly. The heat was unbearable, and the air grew thick with acrid smoke.

As the battle unfolded, it became painfully clear that the players were outmatched. Their numbers dwindled steadily as they struggled to contend with the combined might of the Drakoptera and Drakuto. 

The eerie status effect from the Drakoptera's attacks left them disoriented and vulnerable, while the Drakuto's earth-shaking blows and fiery breath wreaked havoc on their ranks.

Desperation hung in the air as players fought valiantly, but their efforts proved futile against the relentless onslaught of the monstrous duo. 

The once-confident adventurers now found themselves in a grim predicament, desperately searching for a way to turn the tide of the battle.

In the midst of the chaos, Ren and Evie watched, their expressions couldn't be bothered. It was abundantly clear that a direct confrontation with these two formidable creatures would be a suicidal endeavor. 

Their best chance lay in finding a strategic opening amidst the chaos and exploiting it to achieve their quest's objectives while the players' attention remained fixated on the overwhelming threat before them.

The battleground was a chaotic symphony of clashing blades, fiery spells, and the unearthly roars of the Drakoptera and Drakuto. 

Initially, the players had charged into the fray with determination, their ranks swelling with confidence. 

However, that optimism soon gave way to harsh reality as they grappled with the relentless onslaught of the monstrous duo.

The Drakoptera's status effect proved to be a daunting challenge. Its wings sliced through the air, sending gusts of wind that disoriented the players. 

As they closed in to strike, their movements grew sluggish, and their attacks became imprecise. The status effect it inflicted had turned them into shadows of their former selves, their once-mighty abilities dulled.

Players attempted to coordinate their attacks, but the Drakoptera's agility was baffling. Its serpentine body slithered through the forested battlefield, making it nearly impossible to predict its next strike. 

Razor-sharp talons tore through armor and flesh alike, and the haunting hum that accompanied its every move sent shivers down their spines.

In the midst of the chaos, the status effect intensified. Players found themselves gripped by lethargy, their stamina drained, and their once-keen reflexes dulled. 

Panic set in as they struggled to break free from the curse, but their efforts proved futile.

The Drakuto, a nightmarish behemoth, added to their torment. Its massive claws cleaved through the ground, creating shockwaves that threw players off balance. 

Trees fell like matchsticks with every swipe of its colossal tail, turning the battlefield into a treacherous maze of debris. Its fiery breath engulfed clusters of players, forcing them to retreat in a frenzy of flames and smoke.

The players fought valiantly, but the odds were overwhelmingly against them. They dropped one by one, succumbing to the ferocity of the monsters. 

Desperation filled the air as their numbers thinned rapidly. Once-confident adventurers now found themselves facing a nightmarish nightmare that refused to relent.

The cries of wounded players and the anguished shouts of those witnessing their comrades fall mingled with the thunderous roars of the Drakoptera and Drakuto. 

Fear and despair clawed at their hearts as they realized that their combined might was no match for these otherworldly terrors.

In the midst of this dire situation, the remaining players struggled to regroup and devise a new strategy. Their once-numerous ranks had dwindled to a mere handful, and the path to victory seemed increasingly elusive. 

With each passing moment, the monsters tightened their grip on the battlefield, and the players' resolve wavered in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

As the battle raged on, the beleaguered players found themselves pushed to the brink of despair. Their numbers had dwindled to a mere handful, and it was becoming increasingly evident that their attempts to conquer the Drakoptera and Drakuto were in vain. 

The relentless onslaught of the monstrous duo had taken a heavy toll on their morale and strength.

Gasping for breath and clutching their wounds, the remaining players finally reached a breaking point. Their desperation forced them to swallow their pride and seek help from Ren, Evie, and their companions. 

They realized that their survival depended on it.

One of the players, his voice strained from exhaustion and fear, stepped forward and spoke in a quivering tone, "Please, we can't hold out any longer. We're willing to split the loot fifty-fifty if you help us defeat these monsters. We need your strength."

The request hung heavily in the air, and the players waited anxiously for a response from Ren and Evie.

Ren and Evie exchanged a knowing glance, fully aware of the dire situation the players found themselves in. 

"We're giving you this spot along with its monsters just like you wanted," Ren said coolly. "We'll just stay right here."

Anger boiled over in the beleaguered players. Frustration and exhaustion fueled their emotions.

Shouts and accusations filled the air as they vented their fury. 

"You're just standing there doing nothing!" one player accused, his voice trembling with anger. "Are you really not going to help us?!"

Ren and Evie nodded with a straight face. "That's right."

The player's mouth dropped in disbelief. 

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