MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 661 Battlefield Symphony

Chapter 661 Battlefield Symphony

[Side Story]

[Isolde and Leonel] 

Leonel clenched the shield tightly in his gauntleted hand as the fiery breath seemed to explode inside the room. 

Time seemed to slow as they became invulnerable to the impending disaster that the Rose Sand Wyrm unleased.

The Hidden Boss's attack erupted with cataclysmic force. The fiery breath smoldered like a lethal tornado, and tore through the battlefield, engulfing everything in its path. 

Spells, weapons, and players from both Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty were caught in the devastating maelstrom, their avatars thrown about like ragdolls and melted like butter.

They haven't expected that attack from the Rose Sand Wyrm at all and they were caught off guard. There was nowhere to escape as the fiery breath engulfed every edges of the room. 

Amidst the chaos, Isolde and Leonel remained untouched, cocooned within his protective shield. They watched in grim silence as the onslaught of the Hidden Boss's attack played out before them.

When the tempest of destruction finally subsided, the once-numerous members of Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty had been reduced to a mere dozen, battered and disoriented. 

The battlefield was strewn with the remnants of the battle, an evidence to the overwhelming power of the Berserk Rose Sand Wyrm's assault.

Leonel and Isolde emerged from their temporary stasis, the power of the shield dissipating. They knew they had been granted a miraculous respite from the Hidden Boss's ultimate attack thanks to Ren's quick warning. 

"We've bought ourselves a chance. Let's finish this," Leonel said.

Isolde nodded.

They steeled themselves for the final, decisive clash against the Hidden Boss and the remaining members of Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty.

With their enemies' numbers dwindling, Isolde and Leonel picked off the players from Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty one by one while avoiding direct confrontation with the Rose Sand Wyrm.

As they weaved through the shifting sands, their equipment gleaming in the desert's gentle light, Isolde whispered to Leonel, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of battle.

"Leo, we need to thin their ranks before we can take on the berserk boss. Keep them distracted while I finish them off."

Leonel nodded. With a defiant roar of his hammer against his shield, he charged forward, shield raised, deflecting spells and attacks as he charged. The energy-absorbing crystals on the shields absorbed magical assaults, converting them into bursts of retaliatory energy that struck his assailants.

Isolde, on the other hand, had already found her first target. She had spotted a Fate Alliance player, who was separated from the group. With her sniper rifle poised and ready, she lined up her shot, her breath steady.

A single gunshot rang out, and the bullet found its mark. 

The player staggered and collapsed, his health bar depleting rapidly. Isolde moved swiftly, her submachine gun at the ready, and finished the job with a burst of deadly precision.

The players from Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty turned to face Leonel, thinking he was easier pray because of his tank class. 

However, they soon found that Leonel wasn't easy to deal with, with his shield, armor and stat, he was almost like a fortress. 

While Isolde continued her relentless assault, her speed unmatched and the players were having a hard time catching up to her. 

She spotted another player and unleashed a hail of bullets from her submachine gun. The player was caught off guard, and his health rapidly dwindled before he could react.

Leonel was holding the guild members' attention with his defensive maneuvers and counterattacks, and saw an opportunity. He bellowed, "Isolde, their formation is breaking! Keep it up!"

Isolde nodded and switched to her bazooka, targeting a group of clustered players. With a pull of the trigger, a rocket erupted from the weapon, its explosive impact sending players flying. 

The blast created chaos and confusion among the guild members, scattering them and disrupting their coordinated efforts.

As Isolde and Leonel continued to whittle down the guild members one by one, the battlefield began to shift in their favor. 

The Hidden Boss, the Rose Sand Wyrm, could do little to stop the focused and coordinated onslaught of the duo.

Leonel called out, "Isolde, let's regroup and take on the boss together once their numbers are thin enough!"

Isolde nodded in agreement as they executed a tactical retreat, leaving the surviving guild members in disarray. 

With their teamwork they were one step closer to turning the tide of the battle in their favor and ultimately confronting the Berserk Rose Sand Wyrm.

As Isolde and Leonel pressed on, systematically eliminating the remaining players from Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty, their path to the Rose Sand Wyrm, drew ever nearer. 

The desert battlefield was strewn with the fallen avatars of their adversaries, particles flew everywhere.

Leonel dispatched one player after another with precise blows. He raised his shield high, blocking incoming spells and attacks, then retaliated with devastating counterattacks. With each fallen player, his motivation grew to finish the hidden boss and claim the rewards.

Isolde picked off players with lethal precision. Her sniper rifle cracked with each shot, each bullet finding its mark. 

She moved quick, reloading her weapons with the ease of a seasoned marksman. Her gaze remained fixed on the Hidden Boss in the distance, its colossal form still after them.

One by one, the guild members fell, their health bars depleted by the relentless assault of the duo and the Berserk boss. 

Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty had been reduced to a handful of survivors. 

Isolde and Leonel had whittled down their numbers, creating an opening for their final confrontation with the Hidden Boss.

Leonel called out to Isolde as they stood amidst the fallen players, "Isolde, let's kill the Hidden Boss!"

Isolde nodded, and adjusted the scope of her sniper rifle. 

Fate Alliance and Great Dynasty only have small numbers left and they were in disarray. They were too occupied to save themselves to even think about them and the Berserk Rose Sand Wyrm. 

Isolde and Leonel advanced towards the Rose Sand Wyrm. The Hidden Boss, sensing their approach, let out a deafening roar that echoed through the desert, its emerald eyes ablaze with fury.

It was time to kill it and claim the rewards.

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