Monster Integration

Chapter 3601 Killing I

Chapter 3601 Killing I


I was fighting against the two Grimms when suddenly a dead body of Sky Sovereign crashed not far away from me.

He is native and the one; I had helped make a breakthrough.

In this hour and a half, many Sky Sovereigns have died, but he is the first one I have helped.

The battle is so difficult that not even Sky Sovereigns can guarantee their safety. In this hour and thirty-five minutes since the battle begins. Seven Sky Sovereigns died, more Grimms than ours.

Two were ours, while five were Grimms. the difference may sound big, but it is not. The Grimms have twice the number of Sky Sovereigns than us.

So, it means their deaths had brought about the same effects as their our deaths to the battle.

Those below are doing about the same; from what I could see. We are in the equilibrium with the Grimms. Which is better, considering the Grimms have more than thrice numbers than us.

They are doing everything they could, but we are, not letting them suppress us.

The ones who are doing great are people that organizations have sent after the Grimms captured the gate. They are very good; it is the reason why; they have sent them for our rescue.


I have been doing good as well. killed thirty-one Grimms, with nineteen of them with a bloodline. I would have killed more with the bloodline, but the battle is unpredictable; like these three Werewolves I have been fighting.

Not a single one of them had a bloodline.

I didn't want to fight them, but they stopped me when I was moving toward my target, and now for the twelve and half minutes; I have been a toy for their desires.

They are kicking me around among themselves while I am trying to survive and search for the opportunity.


I had just thought that, when it presented itself; the Werewolf appeared behind me, a moment later, than I had thought.

He had been busy making fun of me with the other two Werewolves.

Now, the distance between the two Grimms and us was quite far and they wouldn't be able to rescue it on time, even if they wanted to.

I have been waiting for this opportunity for more than ten minutes, but they have seen my battles and never gave me the opportunity. They always remained close, but it seemed like, after over ten minutes, they had loosened their guards.

Well, it is the biggest mistake they have made.

"I thought the bastard is strong, but is it flying between us like a bloody animal," said the first Werewolf with a grin.

"We had overestimated too much and had been overcautio" said the second Werewolf, before suddenly pausing when it saw me spinning and moving toward the third Werewolf behind me at incredible speed.

The third Werewolf slowed down a little and watched me in horror.


"You bastard, stop!" they roared and came at me with the power blazing, but it was already too late. 

My sword broke through all its defenses and pierced its chest before pouring a large dose of energy to crush all its defenses and pulling it inside me.

Since the battle started; I didn't spend over ten minutes on any Grimms, but against these I did.

They had kept me occupied, but they also gave me the opportunity to absorb the strengthening essence flowing through my body. It had never happened since the essence of the first bloodline Grimm had entered me.

There would always be at least one strengthening essence in me.

Speaking of essence; my strength has increased tremendously in the past one and a half hours. The essence of nineteen Grimms is no small matter; it helped me accomplish one goal and I am steadily moving toward another.

I had not thought I would have a chance to achieve it, but now, there is a chance.

I was able to achieve my goal of taking all the plants in my core to Earth Sovereign. Now, not only all the plants on Earth Sovereign; are High-Stage of Earth Sovereign.

The next target is reaching the limit. It would be hard, but if I did, I would be able to finish one big condition of my breakthrough and would only need to focus on the forbidden limit and the inheritance.

"You will pay for what you did, filthy native!" said the second Werewolf. It is quite beefy compared to the first, who is thinner.

It had a powerful physique, compared to the first one, who had powerful energy. It is the reason for my injuries. 

"Now, the one of you is dead. I won't have a problem in dealing with you two," I said with a smile and a faint spark of hesitation appeared on its face.

They have come at me in anger but didn't attack me immediately. They have seen my battle, and they shouldn't have discarded their caution.

At three, they would be able to keep me occupied for a long time. With only two of them, I won't have much problem with dealing with them; as unlike three, I could bind two of them with my strings.

I won't have to look for the perfect opportunity to kill them like I did before. 

"Use everything; don't hold back even an ounce of strength," said the first Werewolf, and they came at me.


I defended against their attack, moving several steps back in the air and defending against another attack again.

They keep coming at me; always remaining close, not even giving me a second.

The bastards are Peak Earth-Sovereigns. They are not strongest, even among inheritance Sovereigns, but aren't weak either.

Still, they were going to die.

One minute and fifty-one seconds later; the first beefy werewolf appeared in front of me with a ferocious grin and attacked.

Its claw held dense white energy moving like a wake and it came at me, but suddenly, its claws slowed down. 

Immediately alarm appeared in its eyes.


The alarm is valid. A second later, my sword pierced into its chest. 

The first Werewolf wanted to help, but it wasn't able to. It had also slowed down that it wasn't able to rescue its friend on time.

I quickly pulled the second Grimm to my storage and turned to the first with Grin and it retreated.

It's too late.

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