Monster Integration

Chapter 3619 Attack

Chapter 3619 Attack


The formations activated and released the attack at all of us, and it is powerful. 

At the same time, many buildings exploded, and Sky Sovereigns and Earth Sovereigns have shot through the sky; in a bid to escape.


I moved, not caring about the two attacks of formations coming toward me. They were fast and powerful, but they didn't hit me; they stopped with three meters away from me.

It was a powerful attack alright but my shield death with it, while I moved toward the escaping Earth Sovereigns, without stopping.

I didn't have to be so hasty in catching against them; despite their numbers being three times than us. 

They will not escape.

I had just thought that when a bright violet dome covered the whole city at the same time. A violet layer covered the city, aside from the island, everything is protected. 

These protections aren't weak; even Sky Sovereign would need a few seconds of direct attack to break through them; not that they would stop them. It is only to stop the Earth Sovereigns; the Sky Sovereigns could simply pass through them.

I had just thought that when the first Sky Sovereign passed through it.

Whether they would escape or not is the responsibility of our Sky Sovereigns and usually, they were able to stop and kill most of them, despite the numbers.

Tor isn't an elite silver prime organization for nothing.

"Stop!" I said, two and a half seconds later. As I stopped in front of the human and purple-skinned man with four arms.

Both of them High-Earth Sovereigns like me.

They didn't stop. Instead, they grinned, and a powerful aura blasted out of their body. There is no doubt, they plan to use their pull power to finish me off and move forward.

"Die!" they roared in unison, as they launched their mighty lightning and fire attack.

A smile appeared on my face; a sliver rapier appeared in my hand, and I moved forward, not caring about the attack coming at me.

Rip Rip!

A moment later, I was face to face with their attack and slashed my rapier twice, in quick succession, ripping through their attacks.

Though it isn't the only thing about my attack.

No, it also tore off their limbs; their hands, and feel, cut cleanly from their bodies, while they watched in shock. 

Their shock was so great that it took them a moment, to realize what happened and try to do what every cultist would do, after facing such a predicament.


"Sorry, it won't be possible," I said, and they realized that too, as the horror appeared on their faces. 

To be selected for a mission like this; one needs to have a few qualities. First, a body morphing method, sufficient acting skills, a good defense, and a powerful sealing method.

This might be the mission of destroying the cultists, but the organization wants us to capture them. 

There are a lot of merit points behind each capture.

"Fall," I said, and they fell toward the lake, like a boulder in the sky, while I shot toward a different group of Earth Sovereigns.

The two have disappointed me. I want to fight someone that would keep me engaged for a few minutes at least. These two didn't even keep me engaged for even a second; forget that, they didn't even force me to harness the burst.

Soon, I appeared beside the three people; two humans and a tall metal-horned man, who were attacking the dome.

These three, all of them, are Peak-Earth Sovereigns; the blond middle-aged man in the middle was one of seven founders of the organization.

One of the people, who is on the list of capture alive.


They turned to me, mid-cursing the Sky Sovereigns who escaped, didn't even care about these Earth Sovereigns.

While the dome didn't stop them Sky Sovereigns; they would have attacked the dome to make it easy for these Earth-Sovereigns to escape, but not a single one of them; all of them were focused on their survival.

"The bastard had dealt with Vince and Krin with a single attack. So, don't hold back," said Hal, the blond man in the middle.

Immediately, all three came at me from three sides, attacking me with their strongest attack. 

Burst 25%.

The power filled, and I harnessed it all before slashing down my sword toward the coming attacks.

Rip Rip Rip

Three slashes ripped through their attacks and, like two before, they also found their limbs cut off and falling like stone toward the lake.


While I sighed in disappointment. I shouldn't be, seeing the methods these cultists use, they are not strong; most have average strengths.

I really wanted to have a good challenge, but it seemed like, I had expected too much. 


I had just thought that when suddenly, a surprise flashed in my eyes and I flew down fast.


I crashed through the lake and shot down, tearing through the water.

The lake might not seem like it, but it is pretty big and deep, and someone seemed to have made preparations to escape through it.

The formation is very good, suitable with the method they are practicing, that I wasn't able to discover them at all.

Seven seconds later, I stopped, and a smile appeared on my face.

"Why so hurry? We have so graciously come to invite you to Tor, and you are leaving," I said. 

There seemed nothing in front of me, even if one scanned it. They might not discover the person.

Seconds passed, and I stayed in my spot, watching ahead with a smile, when suddenly, I turned and swung my rapier.


The rapier clashed against something hard and powerful. Despite 90% power of the shockwave being absorbed by the balls; the remaining power threw the water around us hundreds of meters away.

I didn't care about any of that; I only cared about the woman in front of me.

She is a beautiful woman with shining blue scales covering her body. The woman is tall with aqua blue hair and looking at with deep anger and hate.

Of course, she would be angry. I had foiled her escape plan. 

While she may be angry, I am happy. I have a feeling that she would be an opponent I have chosen this mission for.

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