Monster Integration

Chapter 3654 Imprinting

Chapter 3654 Imprinting


It had been a minute since they had started fighting and all I could hear and see were crescendos of sound and colorful sky.

'It seemed like, Moraz isn't an ordinary powerhouse,' I thought with surprise. I don't know why I am surprised. I had read his information and some of the feats he had achieved were simply incredible.

Unfortunately, the power had poisoned his mind.

He is willing to sacrifice the people he protected for over a century. It is surprising, but not shocking.

This is quite common, especially with crashers. People who have been top of the world found themselves at the bottom and nothing they are doing seems to be helping them, take that next step forward.

These people are easy to manipulate, and enemies like Asear Vajaras are expert in that.

Billions of people die at the hands of these power-mad people. I am glad that I chose Tor, which directly goes against enemies like this. It makes a lot of enemies and many members of Tor get assassinated, but it is still worth joining it.

I looked above again, wanting to gleam something, but coming out blank.

Common sense said Moraz should have lost by now. He might have the power of the Prime, but he had zero experience with that power, while Prime Sanadis had been at her stage for decades.

She had complete control over it, she should have killed him in a single second, but it didn't happen.

The enemy hadn't just provided the power, but also the knowledge. They did it in less than a second. Something like this could only be achieved by Asear Vajaras.

It is hard for abominations to achieve it or even the titans. As cleanly and efficiently as this. I might be wrong as I am saying this based on the knowledge I have.

I watched the other cultists, who are looking above like, we are doing, and I fear they might kill us if the strings get testy enough.

We are defenseless. They could kill us easily. Even if we were not bound, we wouldn't have been their match. All of them are Sky Sovereigns, aside from two vice-governors, nobody here had a chance to survive.

I don't like being bound and wish, a hidden being would help me with that, but it is clear, that they don't have any intentions.

If they were to take action, they would have done it already, like they did last time.

'Organization should have sent more than one Prime,' I thought, feeling the constant shockwaves. One Prime would have fought, mad governor, while the other would have rescued us.

If they couldn't send another Prime. Then they should at least send the Sky Sovereigns. A group of them would have been more than enough to deal with the danger in front of us.

I shook my head at those thoughts as there was no use in thinking about them and instead; I focused on my core.

Due to sealing, I couldn't project myself to my core, but I could see everything through my clones and control them.

Currently, all of them are busy studying the symbols projected inside me. Trying to find ways to remove them, but everything they are trying is turning out to be futile.

They are not even shaking those symbols. The power that had projected them is so powerful, that even Prime Sanadis might face difficulties in removing them off us safely.

I am worried about it, but not as worried as worried about the fate of the battle, which is directly connected to our fate. If Prime Sanadis were to lose the battle, then there is no other way than death.

I have not touched the formation. If what I am dreading did happen, I will activate it.

I had even added more things to it, making it powerful enough, that even Prime wouldn't be able to leave unscathed.

It is such a regret that I do not have something that could kill the Prime. I have one thing and I have done quite research on it, but never experimented with using it in scenarios like this.

If I had survived, it would be one of the first things I would try.

Two minutes passed, then three, four and five. The time kept passing, and soon it was over ten minutes since they were fighting and there seemed to be no end to it.

I am not sensing any weakness in their auras. This means they are still in their peak conditions.

Even if they had been injured. They have not been injured enough to affect their power. The bastard is doing better than I had imagined, or Prime Sanadis isn't strong enough.

I had heard about her, and it is said, that she is quite strong Prime for her level.

I calmed myself.

I shouldn't be judging her; she is risking her life there. Who knows, what she is experiencing and here, I am complaining that she is not hurrying to kill the bastard. It is hard to wait while being unable to see what is happening in the battle. Each second felt like an hour.

Especially when I see the cultists who might kill us. If they think, their pal might lose the battle. It is not an irrational fear. The cultists tend to do that when things like that happen.


I was just thinking when suddenly I saw all of them moving and a powerful aura shot out of their bodies and thousands of spears appeared above them in an instant, clouding the whole sky.

It is easy to imagine what they want to do.

Sup Sup Sup

At that exact moment, what I had thought turned into reality. Those bastards released the lances, one of them coming at me.

It won't even be a second to reach me and once it did, nobody would be able to save me.

My thought hadn't finished, when I saw a spear made of white energy directly in front of my eyes.


It touched me, right in the center of my forehead, and the faces of my loved ones flashed in front of me when suddenly, I saw the spear turning into smoke.


"It didn't work," said the voice, which was powerful enough to kill the Prime. It rang through the dark cavern, where only a single mountainous being, sitting with a bad expression on its face.

"Maybe there is no threat. Broenosiv had been unlucky to be caught by the native," said the second voice, just as powerful.

"It might be or not, but I think we should all leave as quickly as possible. If we stayed enough, and they detected us, we won't be able to get away without paying a high price," said the third voice.

For a few seconds, there was a silence.

"I think it is wise," said the voice, different from the three. Hearing it, the huge being couldn't help but feel raging anger, but just as intense fear.

The fear is not for the being, but its whole race to which they have become subordinate. Once upon a time, they were equal, but now, they are nothing more than their errand boys.

It is also true, that without them, its race would have been hunted to death. They are alive and could stay alive due to their aegis.

"Krinitibir, wipe out all the traces of yourself and change your location. Don't leave anything that might be traceable to you," it said.

Its presence faded and also the presence of the other three, who were leaving at the greatest speed. It looked till they had disappeared from its senses and turned into millions of strings.

The abomination had it to snap it snapped, but it is unwilling.

To act as bait, four had provided it with resources, some of which it had used on this. It couldn't harvest the souls, since the ants didn't finish the ritual, but it could use them to leave the imprint on them.

An imprint on millions that it could use to sway them, and turn them into its followers. It could do what iteamenalis had done, which had helped to reach, till it became one of the strongest of Asear Vajaris.

It is extremely risky, but it is willing to do it for a great future.

I looked around and saw all the spears turning to smoke, while the cultist who launched them fell on the ground, with empty eyes.

They are dead and looking at the expressions on the Prime Sadanis's face; it is clear; that she had not done this.

It is likely done by the Asear Vajaras to cut any links to them. They might be powerful, but they are not invisible. They can be killed and are being hunted by super powerhouses.

They are the ones capable of killing them; Primes are nothing but ants.

I looked at Prime Sanadis, and she didn't look good. Her aura wasn't stable, and she looked quite pale; it seemed like the battle had been far tougher than I had thought.

I didn't see Moraz; he is likely dead. Hun!

I was looking at her when suddenly I felt something from the symbol and when I saw what they were doing, my eyes couldn't help but widen.

"Prime Sanadis, those symbols doing something to us," said one of two vice-governors. She immediately appeared beside him and touched his hand. Immediately, I saw her eyes widening and her face turning paler.

A fear begins to appear in her eyes.

It is a fearful thing, that is happening. Those symbols are trying to imprint themselves in our souls.

It horrified me because I realized the dangers of it.

'It is time,'

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