Monster Integration

Chapter 3665 Karnis Forge II

Chapter 3665 Karnis Forge II

?3665 Karnis Forge II

I walked through the hole, avoiding hundreds of broken formations, before reaching the huge hallway.

It is so huge that it looked like, it was made for the Grimms.

I could see massive stone doors on both sides of them. Most of them are broken with stuff inside them taken; there is not a single useful thing that has remained in them as I scanned them with my soul sense.

Even though it is very much expected. A slight disappointment couldn't help, but appear in my heart.

These places have been picked clean thousands of years ago. There is no way I would find anything of value here, nor I am interested in ordinary things.

If I had been after them, I wouldn't have even come here, would have gone to the other place, which could increase my strength.

I do not want normal resources; I have plenty of them. More than I need. No, I want those extremely rare ones; the ones that could be used on the important projects like my abode.

Those kinds of resources are extremely rare. There is a small chance I might find it here, but I am willing to give it one.

Half an hour passed when I had sensed something and immediately, I walked into one of the broken rooms and stayed there without moving.

Half a minute later, a pair of Sky Sovereigns came with their soul sense moving around them, but they didn't discover me, even when their soul sense passed over me.

I waited for a few minutes, till they had stepped out of the hole before I got out of the room and resumed my journey.

Soon, I had stopped again, and this time, not because I had sensed the people or the monster.

No, there are stairs in front of me; they lead up and down.

I looked at them for a moment, before choosing the stairs that lead down. It is more dangerous down there, but more precious things are present there as well.

I climbed down floor after floor. Each one is so thoroughly cleaned. I didn't find a single useful thing.

It is to be expected. These are known floors; they have been open for thousands of years; I would have been surprised. If I had found anything in there.


I had just thought when suddenly I stopped and walked toward the left room in front of me.

I may have called the room, but it is a huge hall. A forging hall.

There used to be forged here, made of formation, but powerful enough to melt anything of Sky Sovereign and below. It is completely ransacked, and broken formations fly around it.

My strings have avoided them, before picking up, a stone near the densely gathered broken formation.

It brought it back carefully, till a palm-sized stone appeared in my hand.

I looked at it clearly. It used to be part of the wall, but had melted and solidified, in some incident and it is likely why, it was able to hide that little thing inside.

The rock is made of anti-sensory, and a thing inside couldn't easily be recognized, even if one's soul sense had breached inside.

Mine did and found an amazingly rare thing. It is one I need and present in enough quantity that I would be able to use it in my reforging of breakthrough formation.

Earlier, I was planning to use on danmis metal, but this grised metal piece is far better than it.

However, using it would be a challenge. I hate to admit it, but currently, I don't have the skill to use it and if I don't gain enough skill, by reforging, I will not use it.

This is very precious and hard to find. I would rather not use it unless I am confident in my skills.

'This is a good start,' I thought and sent the stone to my core, where my clone immediately began to open the stone. It didn't take over ten minutes before it opened the stone and brought out a purple-blue metal of fingernail size.

I would need to purify it before I could use it, which I couldn't do with my current skills. I didn't even have the materials needed to be used in the process.

As for purifying it without other materials, it is a task much harder than forging it. I would need a power of Prime or close to Prime to do that, not to mention the skills.

My clone put it into the box and sent it to the repository, while I focused on my journey.

Now, I begin to look at stones and other things more deeply. Though, I would be unlikely to do something like it, hidden in the stone.

It happened due to an accident. While there are thousands of melted stones, less than 1% of them were holding anything precious and even if they were, they had already been found by the others.

The only reason I had found it was because of the properties of metal, which made it hard to detect with the soul sense.

Once again, I reached the giant stairs and climbed down the floor.

I climbed down seven more floors before I found anything precious. I had checked thousands of rocks and every nook and cranny but didn't find a single precious thing.


Another hour passed, and I was climbing down when suddenly I sensed something.

'Some people are attacking,' I thought, reading energies. It is not happening on my floor or on the floor below me; likely on the five or six floors below me.

It had excited me, but I had controlled my emotions and walked down carefully, to not get discovered.

They are damn Sky Sovereigns that doing that and getting discovered by them is the last thing I want to happen. I didn't forget those powerful people below them, like gunnie pigs.

I have no interest in becoming that.

So, when I reached the floor above, where they were attacking. I sent my sneaky ruby down.

It took a few minutes to reach the floor and sneakily and show me what they were doing. When I saw it, my eyes couldn't help but become big as saucers with excitement.

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