Monster Integration

Chapter 4033: Blood Burn

Chapter 4033: Blood Burn

The middle of her chest begins to glow.

There was no aura, just a feeling so terrifying. That it had made me take a step back in fear.

A second passed and another. The feeling got more and more terrifying when suddenly it peaked. So much that it froze me on my spot.

I may have frozen in fear, but I am still looking at a thing that came out of her chest.

A hexagonal silver-grey gem.

The aura released from her body, and it was a silvery-grey color instead of normal grey like before, and it was so terrifying that it melted the ground beneath my feet.

It is temperature melted it, but the power.

So much, had fused into the ground that it had melted and it so a simple thing. Considering it was no normal soil, but the one that had refined in the powerful energies of the realm.

Her power had melted it.

'What is it?' I thought as I looked at the gem.

There could be tens of things. Like the power center, the energy core, the elemental point, and even the monster core.

Yes, those things could also be used.

Her power reached beyond what I could handle. Even she couldn't handle it.

"Your body can't handle such power," I said, controlling the fear I am feeling.

The shining grey lines appeared across her body. Which, the power is leaking, it's not a good sign, which gave me a breather.

"Yes, but it is capable of handling it long enough to finish you off," she said, and attacked.

Her attack was so fast, that I was barely able to see it and moved my sword forward in instinct. CLANNNNG!

I felt her saber clashing against my sword before I saw it and my bones cracked as my body shook before it flew back like a ragged doll.

I vomited the blood as I moved back while moving my sword forward to defend against her another attack.

It's faster than the last and more powerful. It scared me, but I calmed myself forcefully and moved my sword forward, using my instincts and experience.


I felt her attacks against me before seeing it.

As it clashed, more bones of my body broke. Even the sword had nearly left my hand. She became really powerful.

She is not at the level of shaman, but she is really close to it. At the edge of Sky Sovereigns. Crossing it, she will gain the power of Prime, becoming a shaman. If she absorbed me; she would become the strongest of shamans.

The potential I could give her will take her there and it will be quite easier.

Every cell and speck of my soul is filled with forbidden power.

Absorbing such things is tremendously useful. It's why, whenever the news of such things spreads, the whole world moves to find it.

The benefits she will gain consuming me will be beyond anything, any resource could provide her.

I do not want to die, much less give my body to someone like her, who is using a dark path. I rather let it rot than let her have it.

I am going to do everything to survive, but in case I fail. I don't want to let her absorb me.

Thus, making preparations to not let that happen.

The formations are moving inside me. Turning into something terrifying.

This way, I will explode at the command. If she killed me before I had released the command.

The formation will trigger and kill her with me.

Despite all her power, she won't be able to survive.


Another of her attacks hit, sending me back, even at greater speed, while the changes began to happen in her.

The grey lines begin to spread and widen, with more energy leaking out of them.

I could see the hurry in her eyes. She needs to kill me fast or it will be her, that will get it, and

it won't be pretty, given the amount of energy she is using.

Even my body couldn't handle such power, that her body is containing, but I will be able to handle it longer.

I shook my head as the thought crossed my mind.

I do not want to use such a method. Whatever it is; it won't be without a cost.


She attacked once again and moved back at even greater speed. Reaching trees and begin to crash through them.

These trees felt like paper; they had no resistance to me.

She once again appeared in front of me, less than a second later. Her expression is frustrated, and her eyes are angry.

All the calmness and smile had vanished. Now, she wants to kill me as fast as she can before the power inside her kills her.

"Die!" she screamed and attacked.

This attack is faster and stronger than all her attacks till now and I have to defend against it.

This time, no shield will come to save me.

I have taken a gamble, and in that, I have to defend against her attack, or I will die.

She will kill me, and nothing will be able to save me.

The attack was heavy, but she appeared in front of me, like a phantom, and attacked me again. 'There is no choice,' I said, seeing the attack which I couldn't defend with the power I have.

Blood Burst!

After years, I had burned my blood. There is no choice. If I didn't defend myself, I would die.

As burned it, a crimson aura came out of my body, and I moved my sword forward to defend

against it.

A surprise flashed before it turned to deep anger.

Burning my blood is the last thing she wants me to do. It will make me weak and give her fewer benefits as she absorbs me.

"Bastard!" she cursed and increased the power of her attack while I moved my sword forward.

Even after burning the blood. I am still weaker than her, but it is still giving me enough strength to move my sword forward to defend against her colossally powerful attack.

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