Monster Integration

Chapter 4068: Sensing

Chapter 4068: Sensing

I stopped and looked at the thing below me.

Not the thing, but the shoes and with purple crystalline foot within.

It seemed like, someone had torn it apart.

Not someone, but something. Very likely a monster, seeing how it had been cut off.

My expression turned bad seeing it, but I controlled my emotions and pierced my strings inside it.

A few seconds later, my expressions turned even worse. It is the foot of Sky Sovereign. Habir Monos is the name of the man it belongs to.

He had died and was quite horrible at that.

Before getting killed by the monster. He had been in extreme pain as these purple energies infiltrated his body, trying to turn him to change his very cells.

Monsters might survive it, but it is hard for the practitioners. Near impossible.

If they did. They lose one's mind and become nothing more than beats.

A minute and a half passed, and a smile appeared on my face. The crystal had finally left the dome.

They will be able to discover it immediately, and information will soon reach the Prime Volsnorth.

I sent it as a caution. If I can't return from it; then a Prime should come and burn this whole thing to ashes before it could do any damage.

It might be strong, but it is not Prime strong. Though it could get that strong.

I had seen the chart and knew how powerful it had become in a short time. Who says it won't be able to reach the Prime stage in time?

It is better to deal with the problem before it could and I am going to try, but in case I had failed.

The prime should vaporize the shit out of it.

I put the foot in my core for my clones to look and I moved ahead. I need whatever it is releasing the energy and dealing with it as soon as possible.

As for rescue, after seeing the monsters. I will say that the chance of anyone being alive is pretty slim.

However, I had not lost hope. Someone might, there are methods and tools out there, that are helping them hide from monsters and keeping them alive.

I wouldn't lose hope until I saw the body or sign of every one of them being dead.


A few minutes passed when I noticed something.

The twelve marbles came out of me, while I waited, and soon it had come.


The lion monster roared. It's not as big as a monster on its level. Here, the power of the monster might have changed, but not their sizes.

"It had been a long while since someone had found me sensing forbidden power," I said to the monster.

It's getting harder to detect my forbidden power as I merge more and more with it. Once I become Prime, it will become nearly impossible for these monsters to find.

It will be very difficult, right after, I break the absolute limit. More difficult than right now. Roar!

The lion monster roared and came in a purple blur.

It's the most powerful monster I have seen here. It is near the limit.

Which makes it terrifyingly powerful.

My heart, which had become somber because of the danger, had now started to beat once again in excitement, while the spear appeared in my hand, and the aura from the burst flared

across me.

It took it a fraction of a second to cross the massive distance before it appeared in front of me and swiped its sharp energy-dense claws at me.


I defended with my spear, sending it flying.

"You should try better little lion," I said with a grin.


It roared angrily and came at me, while I watched and only moving my spear when it appeared in front of me.

The past seven months have given me a lot of time to gain control over my limited strength.

The azure cycle also helped in its way. My strength might not have increased directly, but I am becoming more powerful.

If I were to fight that snake right now. It wouldn't take me much longer to fight it despite its massive strength.


Once again, the claws clashed against my spear, and I was throwing it away. When it opened its mouth, the dense yellow fire with purple streaks came at me.

The fire is powerful and so dense that it feels like it is a liquid.

It is dangerous. I could not let it touch my body or I would melt like a candle, and I didn't want

it to happen.


It was about to envelop me when it crashed against something invisible that had become visible.

I watched as it tried to burn my shield. I am not looking at my shield but at the fire itself.

It is yellow and purple, with purple parts of it much stronger than the yellow parts, which were its original fire.

If I am not wrong, its fire should have turned completely purple by the time it reaches the limit. Unfortunately, it's not going to happen.


I sent the lion back like before and it roared once again.

Like before, I moved my spear when it appeared next to me, but unlike the last two times.

My spear moved faster, and it was not going for its claws. It is for its head. The monster seemed to understand that and tried to retreat, but it was already too late.

The only reason I had played around it was because I wanted to see, how it sensed me.

I already knew which part of look at my seed went there. Giving me the data, which my clone finished reading and they have already started making changes.

So, that I wouldn't be discovered this way too.


My spear pierced through the head of the monster, but unlike the other monster. It didn't die immediately as I turned its brain to ashes.


I had to take out the second blade and pierce it into its core to truly kill it.

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