Monster Integration

Chapter 4077: Prime Crystals

Chapter 4077: Prime Crystals

"What is going on?" I asked, looking at the barrel in front of me.

I had been asking this question for the past few months, as the changes were going past the last nectar.

It had been twenty-eight months since the process of nectar transformation had begun, but it is still continuing, with barrel constantly absorbing the large amount of energies.

I could see everything that was happening to every drop inside the barrel, and it is a kind of shocking.

Also, amazing.

It made me excited, because these changes are positive and today, I am going to add a few more things that will make even more amazing.

Or destroy it.

I wish I could have placed it in many small barrels instead of one big.

Now, I can not remove a single drop.

"I hope, it works," I said and waved my hand. Immediately, a small change occurred in the formation. At the same time, twenty-four more crystals appeared.

The crystals that cost me a massive amount of money.

For some, I had exchanged rare resources like stainless lotuses and prime resources, along with other things.

A few were so rare, that I had to ask for Prime Volsnorth's help to get them and now, I have put them here for the nectar to absorb.

I don't know whether it will absorb it or not.

I have done months of research on them, but still don't have a complete confidence in absorption or hundreds of things that could go wrong with it.

I was thinking about it, when I saw energies from the prime energy crystals coming out and entering the barrel.

It will only happen, if the transforming nectar inside wants it.

A smile appeared on my face when I saw the barrel taking the energy from all twenty-four crystals and within a second, they had stopped taking energy from Sky Sovereign grade crystal.

The energy inside the crystal is pure, and each one offers different benefits.

I have run many models on which they will do and currently. The transformation inside begins

to follow the data on a few models, but there is also divergence.

I don't like, but there is nothing I could do other than remove the crystals.

Till now, there is no reason, but I will do it as soon as I found one.

I sat down comfortably and watched as the change begin to appear in the nectar fast.

Before I know it, five hours have passed and changes one massive in the nectar. There are also massive energies coming out of it.

So, much, that they had covered the whole barrel densely.

It couldn't help, but surprise me. My models had predicted the massive expulsion of energies, but it is still nearly three times than what expulsion model had showed.

Prime energies had expedited the reaction inside. Bringing the change, I had never seen happening in it so far.

I am looking at everything, not missing anything, even for a second. This is really important, with tens of thousands of bottles of nectar.

It is massive for even silver prime organization, like tor. For them, getting a hundred bottles is like a haul of centuries.

I wonder, how long it will take. Hours, days, weeks, months, years.

My models were inconclusive in that.

So, it would end days, or even years, nothing could be said. I hope, it won't take too long, but I am not going to take any action to expedite it.

I stayed for another hour, before I got out.

I wanted to stay for longer, but I need to practice. So, I got out of the core.

A minute later, I begin to practice fifth time today, and once I finished. I fell asleep on the floor.

Too tired to get up and leave.

When I woke up. I feel refreshed and ate, before practicing Garsonath, and then started with an azure cycle after half a minute of rest.

Seeing, I don't have to leave my suite today. I laid comfortably on my bed and entered my


I didn't go to the library immediately and instead checked the bee hives.

I kept their number at six, but the number of bees had increased. As the plants have grown as well, in these thirty-five months, since I had started practice to break the limit.

A lot of being produced everyday with these, which I am storing it.

I want to give to most to organization as I do not need this. I rather get what they have in exchange for this, but I need to find a suitable excuse.

With each generation of bees, the honey is better, but I am barely using it.

I am only using it in the cooking and research, since I am not making a wine anymore and also practicing. Since I am at the limit, I cannot use it solution and other things.

Racks and racks of it are filled with honey and royal jelly. In enough amount, to shock the


An excuse had already formed in my mind, but I need to break the limit first. It is only then, I will be able to pass this honey to the organization, without arousing suspicion.

There is also the nectar, but I will think about it. After I have it in my hand.

Currently, it is in the process.

Whether it is to succeed or not, I don't know, and I will think about what to do about it, before

I have it in my hands.

I checked each hive, collected the delicious honey. Some of which I had fed to the bears before

storing it.

Once that was done, I walked toward the library. Watching the surrounding plants. Some of which are getting harvested by the formations.

It had been nearly fifteen years inside the core since I had started practicing breaking the


Many plants have grown up and produced the resources, which are getting harvested.

There is harvest every week, as there are hundreds of resources planted in here and many would mature and would need to harvest as they do.

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