Monster Integration

Chapter 470 Unexplanable Feeling

Time passed by and soon twenty minuits had passed since we started receiving the Eonic Blessing. From the intel, I know that that this process will last for half an hour and the last five minuits will be the hardest.

No one had fainted yet, everyone is screaming their lungs out but they kept holding on. Everyone clearly knew that as long as they could hold on for half an hour, they will get a big increse in strenth will help them survive in this ruin.

Five minuits passed and then suddenly the altars which were shining brightly have become resplendent that they downed the people that are sitting on them.


As the Altars became respondents, the intense pain shot through my body, this pain was ten times stronger than the one I had been feeling before.

I had been silent experiencing the pain earlier but this time I screamed, I screamed as loud as I can. The pain was really immense and bearing it I felt like my consciousness is loosening as the pain reached my limit.

I tightly gripped my mind tightly, not letting it loose even for a moment, becoming unconscious means stopping from receiving the blessing and I dont want that to happen, didnt want to lose even fraction of the blessing.

Seconds passed by excruciatingly but I can feel myself getting stronger every second, the blessing I received earlier was just the trickle compare to what I am receiving right now.

Time passed by as I kept experiencing the excruciating pain, every second had become long and unbearable that I thought it will never end when I found the resplendent of the altars are lessening and with it, the pain and the transmission of the energy had also started to lessen till it completly stopped.

I look at other's, only to find they are wretched state, the blood could be seen coming from their eyes, nose, ears, and Carter who was in the corner Altar sprayed is seemed unconscious.

Except for carter, everyone here had received the blessing fully as for the little bit blood that comes out their body parts, it was nothing as the injuries they have received through receiving the blessing was already healed by the Blessing.


Suddenly tower started to shake slightly and that exact moment, the altars started to glow again, I did not get worried seeing that as I know I will be soon transported out.

The light became bright and everything in front of me turned dark when everything cleared I found myself back in the forest.

"Look the tower is disappearing!" I heard, when I looked I found the tower is disappearing inside the earth.

I am not surprised seeing, when the palaces of fortune completed their trials, they either despair into the earth or crumble apart. It is disappearing means it will again appear out of earth one day to transmit another eonic Blessing.

As we were watching the tower disappear into the earth, I heard the footsteps, only to see six Grimm race monsters are coming toward us.

"Well, these human friends of ours had entered the tower before us, looked like we missed this great chance!" Said the leading Grimm monster.

A Foxman! I exclaimed the foxmen are simply too rare, I have only encountered once but it had run away before we could engage in the battle.

This Foxman is different than the last one, it had snow-white fur instead of dirty yellow as the previous one and this one is female. Like all the foxmen, this Foxman is very very charming.

Mostly all the Grimm monsters are quite ugly but there is always exception like this lady foxmen. This group of Grimm monsters also has different tribes of Grimm monsters in them.

" Wretched humans give me whatever you have in the tower and I will give you clean death!" said the bulky werewolf behind the Foxman.

I have no care for these Grimm monsters behind the foxmen, my eyes are focused on the Foxman, not only this Foxman is a lot stronger than the Tigerman from before but it also gives me unexplainable feeling.

"You dirty Werewolf, come at me see who give who a swift death, I will kill you and your whole group including this charming fox leader of yours" Sam said loudly as he motioned his sword at the werewolf, not only he but others also seem excited to fight the group of Grimm race monster.


Ashlyn chirp scornfully at sam and others, even if they could not understand what Ashlyn had said, they could clearly understand the tone in which Ashlyn had chirp.

Carter who had just woke up a minute ago wanted to say something but when he looked at me, she closed his mouth wisely. "Sam, you are Foxman's match! It wouldn't take a minuit for it to kill all of you." I said just as my Swirling Armor completly formed on my body.

That is when Foxman's gaze fell on me and it's expression turned serious. From the beginning, it had not taken me seriously, seeing I am the only one at the Master stage while all the others at the Captain stage.

"You other go deal this trash, I will handle the friend with fire Armor," Foxman ordered its minions to fight Sam and team while it slowly came toward me.

It came at me slowly but with each step, the feeling of danger kept rising in my heart. I could see its activating its Totem Spirit and Occult method on the way.

When there was just a distance of five meters between us, its increse its speed and came at me very swiftly while hacking its thin delicate sword at me.

'What an amazing speed!' I thought as I went toward it the same time it came at me.


Our clashed and I felt the intense force and Occult energy crashing into me, seeing that I immediately took action and confined both of the energies.

Though I was able to confine most of the energies, some of them still were able to seep inside my body injuring my internal's, the blood had come to my throat if not for me forcefully swallowing it, I would have definitely vomited it.

"Friend you are quite strong!" said the Foxman as it took back its sword, I just smile at it while feeling quite shocked internally.

I had thought even with it being strong, I would be able to endure its attack without injuring myself but I was so wrong, this Grimm race monster is definitely very strong.

I have to be careful of it, this attack of it is definitely not its strongest one and another thing is, this Foxman feel odd. The unexplainable feeling I got from it was very faint earlier but now I had exchanged the blows with it, th unexplainable feeling it gave became even stronger.

I have fought more than a thousand Grimm race monsters but no Grimm race monster gave me such unexplainable feeling as this one is giving me right now.

This unexplainable feeling is making me not to make any assumption about this Foxman, wanting me to fight it with my all.

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