Monster Integration

Chapter 498 Automaton Maintainance Hall

The Repository mainly used to store the herbs and each repository used to store specific types of plants or plants that have specific elemental alignment.

But not all repository store the herbs, some used as a storeroom to store the equipment that tends to Garden while others used for something else but they are the minority.

I hope I will be able to find something good before leaving. Here my first goal is to find the exit and if I found somethings on the then its also good.

I stood up from my spot and carefully look around, two ways beside me one leads to right while other to left, I walk toward the left one as the right had too many damaged runic formations that make one shudder just looking at.

This place may look safe but is extremly dangerous, I may step on something that may activate the dormant formation that could kill me the next moment.

I cautiously walk into the hallway, carefully not to touch or step on the wrong formation. Avoiding small and big rubble I have finally arrived near the door.

There seemed to a total of three doors on the left side of the hallway before the stairs reached the next floor.

I wore the glove artifact before I tried to gently pushed the door, this door had the runes floating around the door and I want my hand to cut apart if some formation got activated.


The door made the creaking sound before it started opening, seeing it is opening I added even more force against the door and soon the view of the whole room appeared in front of me.

This space can not be said to be room but the big hall and this big hall is littered with machines be it big and small and looking at robots that are lying around in complete incomplete form, I could guess that this Automaton maintenance hall.


I said as I looked at robots and machines that were lying around ecstatically, these robots do not any value to me but they are very very valuable to others. Guild, Adventurers Paradice, and Central continent all of them want these robots and machines. The price they offer more than top-ranked precious plants.

I cautiously walk into the hall, careful to not step onto anything I shouldn't.

There are to be ten to fifteen robots but only three to four of them seemed to be good conditions.

I walked toward the closest machine on which Robot is sprawled up, it looked like it's is middle of the repairs. I cautiously approached and pull the robot out of the machine and to my surprise I felt no resistance except for using little more force as the robot is a little heavy.

These black color Robots are a similar size of the human and their physic also similar to humans, if one would put the thick cloak on them then nobody would be able to identify them as robots.

After putting the first Robot in my storage, I moved toward another which is sprawled on the ground and put them in my storage and about to move toward third when I heard some sound from the corner.


I saw the runes on the complete Robot which was sprawling on the ground started to lighten up one till finally, its eyes light like two glowing gems.

I did not waste any time activating my swirling armor while taking a step back, if this Robot is way beyond my limit then I wouldn't hesitate to run away from it.

After some failed attempt it finally got up and the runes which were glowing dimly started to glow brighter, I could see it is powering up.

From what I have read, it is simply impossible to damage these Robots much less cut into two. Even the most powerful being in this ruin could not make the scratch on these Robots but that does not mean they are undefeatable.

The maker of this ruin had left the small incentive that if one fought against these robots for enough time, these robots will automatically shut off but one can't count on that incentive anymore as there have been thousands of years since this ruin was established and these Robots, especially those found in Ruined places have lost most of their commands.

There is another scenario that I have read about those Robots in the ruined placed got activated on their reserved power, so also long as I continue to fight it, I will able to dry its reserve and will be able to take this robot.

My Swirling Armor is completly ready with its Compactness of 1.24 inches, earlier I did not have the time to test ist power now I can test against this Robot.

"#@%&%$#@##$#$#%&*%$@*%%##*%@@#$!$%$!...." A sound came out of it. I wasn't able to understand what it said but the homing band I was wearing translated it perfectly.


Just as I finished hearing the translated version, I found the robot is coming at with very fast speed and this there is no stumble in its movement, each part of it seemed to be working very properly.

As it came at me, it launched a punched just hearing the sound of it as it tears through the air, I know its not a simple move and that is why I attacked with my full power, holding back nothing.

CLANK! Thud Thud Thud…

As my sword clashed against its fist, I sensed the immense force traveling inside my body, the force was so great that I had to take the three steps back to dissolve it and I was just midst of stabilizing myself when I heard another punch coming at me.


I hastily swung my sword to defend against the attack while taking the steps back but like before it had launched the next attack after it finished the previous.

It fucking kept launching attack after attack without giving me a chance to rest and the worst thing is, its always seem to know my weaknesses and attacked exactly that spot if not for the intuition my killing rule gave me, I would have my bones shattered by one of its punches.

Its attacks are really powerful but they did not reach the power of Three Star Elite, if it had the power of three-star elite then I would be lying in corner of hall dead with every bone in my body broken despite my small advancement earlier.


Attack after attack kept coming at me but now I have got used to its attack that I didnt have to continuously take a step back and despite it continuously attacking my weaknesses, I was still able to defend myself against it.

I am having no problem defending against but the problem is how much till will I fight as this robot may have full energy and program malfunctioned then it would be able to fight for days even weeks, what will I do then?


I was just mulling over that question when suddenly robot stopped mid punch and fell on the ground with a thud as I kept looking at it with my mouth agape.

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